Kentico CMS 6.0 Developer's Guide



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Kentico CMS comes with built-in page validation features. The main advantage of these built-in validators over standard web based validation services is that your pages needn't be live to get validated. All that is required is to have an Internet connection. This way, you can validate pages before you publish them and ensure that they are valid before making them available to the general public.


Validation can be performed on the Validate tab in CMS Desk -> Content, which is only available in Live site and Preview modes. The validators always validate the version of the document that  is displayed in the currently selected view mode. Three types of validators are currently available on the tab:


HTML validator - checks page output code validity against the (X)HTML standard version declared in page code.

CSS validator - checks validity of CSS styles used by the page against the CSS 2.1 standard.

Link checker - checks availability of links on a page.


There are situations when the validators may not be available: the Validate tab is not accessible in Live site mode if the document is not published and in Preview mode on multilingual websites if the document does not have its version in the currently selected language.


The Validate tab and its sub‑tabs can also be hidden to members of certain roles by means of UI personalization. The Content module has the Validation, HTML, CSS and Link checker UI elements. These elements represent the respective tabs, while access to the tabs can be restricted by allowing access to the UI elements only to members of specified roles. See Development -> Membership -> UI personalization -> UI profile configuration for more details.