UI element - General

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On the General tab, you can set the following properties of the selected UI element.


Display name: name of the element displayed in the administration interface (i.e. in the settings, not in the final UI); can be entered either as plain text or as a localizable string in the {$mystringname$} format
Code name: name of the element used by developers in website code, it must be unique within a module
Parent element: using this drop-down list, you can change the hierarchical position of the element in the UI elements tree for this module; you can select either the name of the module (which places the element under the root) or some of the other UI elements (which places the element under the selected element)
Element is custom: if false, the element is a native part of Kentico CMS; set this value to true for your custom UI elements


Caption: caption of the UI element displayed in the final UI; can be entered either as plain text or as a localizable string in the {$mystringname$} format
Target URL: URL of the page which is the content of the UI element; you can enter both absolute (e.g. http://www.google.com) and relative (e.g. ~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Default.aspx) URLs
Icon path: icon displayed next to element caption - applicable only for menu items; you can enter either a full relative path begining with ~ (e.g. ~/App_Themes/Default/Images/CMSModules/list.png) or a short path begining under the Images folder of the current skin (e.g. CMSModules/list.png)

Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/5_5r2/contexthelp/index.html?resource_ui_general.htm