Publishing a pre-defined forum on the website

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When you want to publish a forum on your website, you can use the built-in web parts in your page templates. You can find more details on each web part in Kentico CMS Web Parts reference.




Web parts and ASPX page templates


If you're using ASPX page templates, you simply drag and drop the Forum web parts located in the CMSWebParts/Forums folder to your page and use them in a similar way.



Publishing a forum group on the website


You can publish the whole forum group on the website using the Forum group (ForumGroup.ascx) web part. All you need to do is to select the appropriate Group name value in the web part properties. The default forum looks like this:




The forum threads in the selected forum can be displayed in two ways:


1. As a list of threads

- set the Forum layout property to Flat




2. As a tree of threads and posts

- set the Forum layout property to Tree




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