Database tables and API classes

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The Polls module uses the following database tables:


Polls_Poll - polls
Polls_PollAnswer - answers for polls (1:N)
Polls_PollRoles - roles authorized to vote (M:N)
Polls_PollSite - sites where the poll can be used (M:N)


The polls API is provided by the CMS.Polls namespace classes:


PollAnswerInfo, PollAnswerInfoProvider - these classes provide functionality for managing answers
PollInfo, PollInfoProvider - these classes provide functionality for managing polls


The following topics show examples of how these classes can be used:


Creating a new poll
Updating an existing poll
Add a new answer
Change the number of votes
Add authorised roles
Deleting a poll
Deleting a poll answer


The API programming and Kentico CMS internals section of this guide contains more API related information, so please refer to it if required.


For detailed API documentation, such as a list of all methods from the classes above, please refer to Kentico CMS API Reference that is a part of your Kentico CMS installation and can be accessed through the programs folder in Windows Start menu.


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