If you cannot use the management console for full-text search configuration, you can use the following SQL script:
-- Allow IFilter library loading exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0 exec sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1
-- Create Full-Text catalog exec sp_fulltext_catalog 'MyKenticoCMSCatalog','create'
-- Add Full-Text catalog to table exec sp_fulltext_table 'CMS_Attachment','create','MyKenticoCMSCatalog','PK_CMS_Attachment'
-- Add Index to table column exec sp_fulltext_column 'CMS_Attachment','AttachmentBinary','add',NULL,'AttachmentExtension'
-- Populate the catalog exec sp_fulltext_table 'CMS_Attachment','start_full' |
Please note: Similarly to Configuration on MSSLQ 2005 and 2008, you need to go to Site Manager -> Development -> Document types -> Root -> Queries, edit the searchattachments query and uncomment the following query to be able to run full-text search.
SELECT view_cms_tree_joined.*, view_cms_tree_joined.NodeName AS SearchResultName FROM cms_attachment INNER JOIN view_cms_tree_joined on view_cms_tree_joined.DocumentID = cms_attachment.AttachmentDocumentID WHERE NodeAliasPath LIKE @NodeAliasPath AND ([AttachmentName] Like N'%'+ @Expression + N'%' OR FREETEXT(attachmentbinary, @expression)) AND @SiteName = SiteName AND (@DocumentCulture = DocumentCulture OR @DefaultCulture = DocumentCulture ) |
Note: It is not necessary to uncomment the query if a Smart search web part is used for search. In that case the Search in attachments option in Smart search dialog with results has to be checked.