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This class provides methods for the shopping cart calculations. The methods internally work with ShoppingCartInfo object that stores and works with complete order information.


void EvaluateShoppingCartContent(object shoppingCart) – evaluates the content in the given ShoppingCartInfo object. This method is required to fill at least both ShoppingCartContentTable and ShoppingCartTaxTable objects with proper data for shopping cart to work properly.
void EvaluateShoppingCartContent(object shoppingCart, bool evaluateForInvoice) – evaluates the content in the given ShoppingCartInfo object. This method is required to fill at least both ShoppingCartContentTable and ShoppingCartTaxTable objects with proper data for generating an order invoice from them.


object GetShoppingCartInfo(int shoppingCartId) – returns ShoppingCartInfo object with given ID.
object GetShoppingCartInfo(Guid shoppingCartGUID) - returns ShoppingCartInfo object with given GUID.
object GetShoppingCartInfo(int userId, string siteName) - returns ShoppingCartInfo object for the specified user and site.
object GetShoppingCartInfoFromOrder(int orderId)returns ShoppingCartInfo object created from the specified order.
void SetShoppingCartInfo(object shoppingCart) - updates/inserts the shopping cart with data from given ShoppingCartInfo object.
void DeleteShoppingCartInfo(int shoppingCartId) - deletes the shopping cart with given ID.
void DeleteShoppingCartInfo(Guid shoppingCartGuid) - deletes the shopping cart with given GUID.
void DeleteShoppingCartInfo(int userId, string siteName) - deletes the shopping cart of the specified user and site.
void DeleteShoppingCartItems(int cartId)deletes all the shopping cart items.
DataSet GetExpiredShoppingCarts()returns shopping carts that are older than specified time interval from now.
object CreateShoppingCartInfo(int siteId) - returns new empty ShoppingCartInfo object.
object CreateShoppingCartInfo(DataRow dr) - returns new ShoppingCartInfo object created from the given data row.
object CreateShoppingCartInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) - returns new ShoppingCartInfo object created from deserialized data.
void ClearShoppingCartPrivateData(object shoppingCart)- clears customer's private data from shopping cart.
void ActualizeSKUAvailableItems(object shoppingCart) - actualizes products' available items according to the products' units of the specified shopping cart.
public static void SetOrder(ShoppingCartInfo shoppingCart) - inserts or updates order according to the shopping cart data.


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