Customizing the purchase process

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The purchase process can be enhanced with your custom steps or you can remove some steps. This can be done at CMS Desk -> Tools -> E-commerce  -> Configuration -> Store settings -> Checkout process.


For each step, you can specify the following values:



The step caption in the checkout process.

Code name

The name of the site used in the code.

Image file name

Name of the file used in the checkout process header. The image must be stored in folder

~\App_Themes\<stylesheet name>\Images\ShoppingCart.

Control path

Virtual path to the ASCX control representing the dialog in the given step. Example:



Show on the live site

Indicates if this step should be used in the checkout process on the live site. (see below)

Show in Customer section

Indicates if this step should be used in the checkout process when creating a new order for the given customer. (see below)

Show in Order section

Indicates if this step should be used in the checkout process for a new order created from the administration interface. (see below)

Show in Order items section

Indicates if this step should be used in the checkout process when editing items of an existing order. (see below)


See chapter Developing custom dialogs for the checkout process for more details on development of custom steps.



Types of the checkout process


There are four different types of checkout process:

Checkout process 1 - New order on the live site
Checkout process 2 - New order from section CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Customers/(some customer) -> Orders.
Checkout process 3 - New order from section CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Orders.
Checkout process 4 – Editing existing order from section CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Orders -> (some order) -> Items.


Below, you can find the screenshots of these types:


Checkout process 1 – New order on the live site




Checkout process 2 - New order from section CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Customers -> (some customer) -> Orders




Checkout process 3 - New order from section CMSDesk -> Orders




Checkout process 4 - Editing existing order from section CMSDesk -> Tools -> E-commerce -> Orders -> (some order) -> Items.




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