When inserting flash, its properties can be specified on the following two tabs:
• | Width, Height: width and height of the flash player; 300x200px is used by default |
• | aspect ratio can be locked (![]() |
• | if it is unlocked (![]() |
• | you can also reload the default dimensions using the Reset size (![]() |
• | Autoplay: indicates if the video will play automatically when the player loads |
• | Loop: indicates if the player plays the video repeatedly in a loop |
• | Enables menu: indicates if flash options are available in flash context menu; flash context menu is displayed on right click of the flash player |
• | Scale: defines how the flash player stretches, shrinks or resizes when the browser window is resized |
• | ID: identifier of the flash HTML object |
• | Advisory title: text displayed when mouse cursor is placed over the flash player |
• | Class: flash element CSS class |
• | Style: flash element additional styles |
Flash is inserted into the output code as the Media inline control. The following code sample shows what the output code looks like:
{^Media|(type)swf|(url)|(width)300|(height)200^} |
In the WYSIWYG editor, the flash is displayed only in the form of a box with the Flash logo, giving information about the size of the player:
And this is the result on the live site:
Page url: http://devnet.kentico.com/docs/devguide/index.html?wysiwyg_inserting_flash.htm