Re-using the page template

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In the previous chapter, you have learned how to create a new page with its own, page-specific page template. This type of page template is called an ad-hoc page template.


Now, you will learn how to convert the page-specific page template into a re-usable page template that can be used for several pages with the same layout, but different content.


Go to CMS Desk -> Content. Click the new About Us page and switch to the Properties tab. Click Template. Now you can see a dialog like this:




Click Save as new template and enter the following values:


Template display name: Left image with text on the right
Template code name: LeftImageWithRightText
Template category: Templates with editable regions
Template description: Two columns with image on the left and text on the right.




Click OK and click Save on the Template dialog. The dialog now looks like this:




You have just created a new re-usable page template. If you try to create a new page now, the page template will be offered and you can create another page with the same structure as the About Us page.




Modifying shared page templates


Please note that when you modify the re-usable page template, the changes will affect all pages that use this page template!