Version history

August 17, 2009 - Version 4.1




New concepts of document attachments
Multiple files can be attached to any document
Groups of attachments with attachment list fields
Improved usability of the WYSIWYG editor
Easier insertion of images, links, video and flash.
New dialogs
New smart search engine
Full-text search based on Lucene .NET
Improved support for translation to other languages.
Architecture: Related object can now be attached to CMS objects, shipped with them and provide them with values (in case that the object is IDataContainer).
Avatars: GIF support (without conversion to JPEG).
CMS Desk: Automatic document extensions (the "Use custom URL extensions" setting)
Forums: Forum breadcrumbs web part.
General: Google site map converted to a server control.
General: Possibility of disabling administration UI using a key in web.config.
General: Possibility of customizing alias path and language parameters using keys in web.config.
General: Preserving postback data when login dialog is shown (after the login timeout).
General: Support for web page compression (GZip) using a key in web.config.
General: New OnBeforeExecuteQuery and OnAfterExecuteQuery handlers.
General: Web slices and Search accelerator.
Import/Export: Possibility to disable export/import of tasks on a global level.
Import/Export: Excluding of specified folders and files (using web.config keys).
Media Library: Images in a media library can be edited using a built-in Image Editor.
Media Library: User can define custom root folder of the media library.
Performance: New partial caching options.
Performance: Improved full page caching.
Performance: Further performance optimizations.
URL Rewriting: Support for product URLs in the ~/getproduct/<skuguid>/<safe skuname>.<extension> format.



Bug fixes:


ASPX Templates: First load of the page could cause issues with loading of the transformations.
Banned IPs: The LogonMiniForm web part allowed banned users to login.
BizForms: Images could not be inserted in Custom Form Layout using the WYSIWYG editor and other minor issues fixed.
BizForms: When a BizForm was inserted as inline control in editable text, some controls on that form might have lost their view state after postback in specific cases.
Categories: The Multiple Category Selector form control did not work properly in Form Engine when paging was displayed.
Content staging: Number of existing items in a BizForm was set to zero after synchronization.
Content staging: Changes of transformations or queries were not logged.
Content staging: Fixed synchronization of object counts.
Content staging: Complete synchronization caused assigning of all cultures to a site.
Controls: Localized controls displayed text in default culture (en-us).
Controls: Word wrap option wasn’t applied; Expand sub-tree wasn’t applied if root node was hidden.
Controls: Tree view - root text property was not applied
Controls: Tree view - Expand and Collapse tooltip didn’t encode HTML.
Cultures: When there was no translation for the current culture, resource string name was displayed instead of translation in the default culture.
CMS Desk: Minor issues with RTL languages and design in various browsers.
CMS Desk: User in CMS Editor role (without global admin permissions) could not delete documents using the List mode, the action caused an exception.
CMS Site Manager: Site manager trimmed "www" from domain names, which could cause problems with the scheduler in case that IIS was not configured for the domain without "www".
General: GetFile.aspx page didn’t work properly with the document cache, which was causing slower file processing.
General: GetFile pages could cause 100% CPU usage when file downloading was paused and resumed.
General: Parameters for custom macros (for example {#mymacro|(encode)false#}) weren’t applied automatically.
General: When location path parameter in web.config was used, saving editable text content might not have worked.
General: Problem with creating and editing document types when DB owner was not "dbo".
General: "Save virtual files to disk" action saved also xslt transformations, which were then not used.
General: OutputFilter didn’t ignore tags in comments.
General: AdHoc templates were not deleted with their documents.
General: When context macro like {%DocumentName|(tolower)%} was used in the web part container title property, all text within the container title was converted to lower case.
General: Image selectors - missing Upload file link for non-global administrator users.
General: Incorrect SQL queries behind GetObjectHitsInfo(…) and GetObjectHitCount(…) methods under HitsInfoProvider class.
General: Editable image web part used a live site dialog for image selection instead of the CMS Desk dialog.
General: Redirect URL – it was unable to redirect to a site starting with “www” and different port instead of the default 80.
General: Use update panel option in web part zone didn’t work correctly and always raised regular postback instead of partial postback.
General: Documents – New cultural version of a document could overwrite other cultural versions in specific cases.
Groups: Users were able to join a group with the "Only approved members can join except for invited members" setting even without approval.
Groups: Other minor issues with group controls.
Documentation: Minor fixes in the documentation.
Ecommerce: Product filter did not filter properly by Public status.
Ecommerce: Payment notifications were sent only in default culture when PayPal gateway was used.
Ecommerce: Function used in transformations to display Total price applied the exchange rate twice.
Ecommerce: Manufactures and some other tabs always used default CMS Providers to load the data.
Ecommerce: Macro resource strings Macros in names of statuses were not resolved in CMSDesk --> Extra --> Ecommerce --> Configuration (e.g. Public status, Order status). It displays only resource strings instead of correct names.
Ecommerce: Shopping cart item custom data was not stored into the database (CartItemCustomData column in COM_ShoppingCartSKU table).
File import: UNC paths were not supported.
Form engine: Macros in fields which were not displayed in the editing form were not resolved.
Forums: Editing a post on live site (by administrator or moderator) did not work properly when the forum was locked.
Forums: Forum link disappeared if role based security was enabled for the “Access to forum” permission.
Forums: View tab in CMSDesk UI caused an exception when a forum was closed.
Friends: User was unable to reject friendship through the user context menu.
Import/Export: Error in import process when importing existing users into the database.
Import/Export: License key list caused an exception.
Import/Export: Resources and licenses export error query - Ambiguous column name 'StringKey' or 'LicenseDomain'.
Linked document: Issue with permissions and linked documents was fixed.
Newsletters: Data from newsletter subscriber’s additional columns (added via System tables) were not resolved in newsletter issues.
Newsletters: Only authenticated users could view Archived issues even if "Everyone" or "Not authenticated users" role setting was set.
Newsletters: Links with special protocols (meeting protocols, etc.) were modified to start with "http://<domain>/CMSPages/" in newsletter issues.
Newsletters: Wrong permissions for pages from CMSPages in CMSModules/web.config
Notifications: The {%documentlink%} macro was not resolved properly.
Notifications: Content subscriptions did not work properly for documents under workflow (more than one notification was sent).
Media Library: Insert media dialog in WYSIWYG - when dimensions of the inserted image were set to be greater than original, an exception was thrown on the live site.
Media Library: Unable to delete site when media library was bound to some role.
Media Library: Editing UI and web parts did not behave correctly when files contained special characters (@, #, $, etc.)
Media Library: More than one _thumbnail directory was generated in specific cases.
Messaging: When user wanted to send a private message on a live site, she was unable to type the letter ‘t’ in the message body and subject in Firefox browser.
Messaging: Minor issues in contact list fixed.
Message boards: Minor issues in UI fixed.
Object staging: Task list was not reloaded correctly when changing staging server in dropdown list.
Object staging: System queries were deleted on target server on system table synchronization.
On-line users: If “Store online users in database” setting is enabled and some users are kicked, only these kicked users are shown in the list (Site Manager -> Administration -> Users -> Online users tab).
Portal engine: Page title did not resolve document data macros correctly
Portal engine: When Windows authentication is used only for CMSDesk, Design mode does not work properly in IE7.
Portal engine: Use of update panel option for zone did not work properly is specific cases.
Security: Using CustomSecurityHandler for custom user authorization thrown an exception is specific cases.
Security: Passwords were stored in plain text instead of SHA1.
Security: ViewStateUserKey was used with full page caching, which caused error on postback from another session.
Security: "Restore inheritance to parent document permissions" caused exception when NodeACLID column was set to NULL for current document.
Security: Document type permissions – settings: Administration -> Permissions -> Permission type: Document Types was not applied.
Time zones: Exception were thrown when editing some time zone if UI culture was other than English.
Trackbacks: Disabling trackbacks might not work in specific cases.
Trackbacks: Minor fixes in trackbacking of versioned documents.
URL Wildcards: Wildcard rule in document URL path was applied to all available sites.
URL Wildcards: Suffix "-1" was added when existing URL path was created but it was not added to DocumentWildcardRule.
User contributions: Dropdown fields are retaining their values when switched from one document to another.
Web parts: Content slider - minor fixes.
Web parts: Current User web part did not reflect ShowUserName and ShowUserFullName.
Web parts: Paging in some Viewer web parts was not implemented.
Web parts: Group registration did not apply its "Hide form after registration" setting.
Web parts: Tag Cloud web part threw an exception when TOP N property was used.
Web parts: Several minor issues in other web parts fixed.
Web parts: Custom Registration web part leaved FullName field blank when FirstName and LastName fields were not used.
Web parts: Single forum web part did not apply custom layouts.
Web Analytics: Exception might have been thrown when many hits came from the same IP at a time.
Web Analytics: Other minor issues fixed.
Web farms: If web farm support was enabled, deletion of user invoked endless creation of web farm tasks.
Workflow: When CMS.Blog and CMS.BlogPost document types were removed from the system, publishing documents caused an exception.
Workflow: If document was rejected in a workflow step, user who approved the document to this step didn’t receive a notification email with information that the document had been rejected.
Workflow: Editing image attachment of the document under workflow using Image Editor did not cause check in of the file and did create new version of the file.
Workflow: Copying document under workflow with attachment without any existing version caused an exception.
Workflow: Minor issues with multilingual sites under workflow in specific cases.
Workflow: If a user tried to create a new culture version of a document without any document version under workflow, an error occurred if document contained any attachment field.


January 16, 2009 - Version 4.0




New module: Categories
enables additional categorization/taxonomy of documents
New module: Tags
enables tagging any documents (not only blog posts) with tags and displays a tag cloud
New module: Alternative forms
enables creating multiple versions of editing form in BizForms, document types and custom tables
allows you to define custom forms, such as user registration form
New module: Custom tables
enables creating custom tables in case you need to store some data or web content outside of the CMS content repository
it’s useful if you need to work with large number of records in a single table
New module: Banned IPs
allows administrators to limit access from chosen IP addresses
New module: Bad words
allows administrators to forbid nasty words and replace them, report them or disable given user action, such as forum post or blog comment
New module: Avatar gallery
allows administrators to create pre-defined avatars (user images) and let users choose their avatar or upload a new one
New module: Time zones
allows you to display time and date calculated for the given web site or user
it’s useful for global communities so that users can see e.g. forum post time based on their time zone
New module: On-line users
allows you to display users who are currently on-line and kick them if they do not follow the site rules
New module: Message boards
allows you to create message boards and comments for documents
the module supports moderation, subscriptions, rating and other features
New module: Notifications
enables subscribing to content changes
provides a general notification framework that can be used not only for e-mail, but also for any custom notification gateway, such as instant messengers
New module: Friends
allows site members to maintain relationships with other site members and share personal information with them
New module: Report abuse
allows site visitors to report offending content, such as forum posts, blog comments and others
New module: Groups
allows you to create social networking sites with user communities (groups)
allows inviting users to join the group
allows users to create group-specific content and applications, such as wiki-like pages, forums, message boards, media libraries and polls
New module: Media library
enables easy management of media files, such as images, videos or music
the files can be accessed directly without any script and they are not stored in the database, so you can work also with large files
Reviewed module: Forums
many new features including:
mark as answer
BB-style editor
BBCode support
customizable forum layouts
locked forums/threads
sticky threads
and many others
Reviewed module: URL rewriting and aliases
you can now specify default alias path or URL redirection for every domain alias of the web site, which means that you can display different home page to visitors based on the domain name they use to access the site
many new features including:
support for unlimited URL Aliases for every document
tracking of marketing campaigns when some page is visited using some particular URL
custom extensions of pages and uploaded files
support for macros in URLs
Reviewed module: Membership
improved member management
the user registration form can be easily customized with your own fields without programming
user registration may optionally require e-mail confirmation
administrator can optionally choose that all new user registrations must be approved first
you can now send mass e-mails to multiple users, roles or groups
improved user interface for management of large number of users with filtering and alphabetical sorter
support for mixed mode authentication
you can now use both Forms and Active Directory authentication together
Administration UI: Extended functionality of MyDesk -> My profile.
Administration UI: Asynchronous document deletion and moving.
Administration UI: New information splash screen on logon dialog.
Administration UI: New version of the WYSIWYG editor.
Administration UI: Extended functionality in the web part zone properties.
Administration UI: Extended functionality of System tables.
Administration UI: Overviews where the document type, page template, product and category are used.
Blogs: Bulk Approve/Reject comments functionality in MyDesk and improved comments management in Tools.
Blogs: Support for blog moderators.
Blogs: Support for blog post subscriptions.
Blogs: Added support for tagging, categories and content rating
Blogs: On-site editing is now supported for site members without access to CMS Desk
Blogs: You can now ping other blogs and get trackbacks to your posts
Controls: New format of inline controls macro now supports named parameters.
Controls: New controls - context menu, error messages, datasources, filter, BBEditor, ...
Controls: Minor improvements in localization controls from ExtendedControls.
ECommerce: New web parts - N newest products, product filter
ECommerce: Multiple default tax classes for department.
ECommerce: Document types can be configured as product types which have enhanced functionality.
E-mail engine: Support for custom subject, plain text, from, Cc and Bcc e-mail addresses in e-mail templates.
E-mail engine: Enables more robust sending of e-mails. All e-mails from the system are sent through the e-mail queue and if sending fails, they are kept in the queue and can be sent later.  It also allows to archive sent e-mails so that you can easily find out if some e-mail was sent or not.
Event Log: The object changes can now be now logged.
Event log: Easier browsing of events using Previous and Next buttons.
General: New contexts for easier access to the data of current objects.
General: Logon page now checks the CapsLock status.
General: Minor improvements in file import module.
General: All the obsolete methods from previous versions have been removed.
General: Performance optimizations regarding memory consumption, amount of data selected from the database and ViewState.
General: Google site map support
Import/Export: Minor improvements in import/export.
Messaging: Minor improvements in messaging.
Content: New image editor for the attachments.
Content: Content rating support. Allows site visitors to rate news, articles and any other content.
Content: Image editor for the attachments. Allows content editors to resize uploaded images, convert them to another format, trim to chosen size and convert to grayscale.
Newsletters: Performance improvements for large number of subscribers.
Newsletters: Customizable subject in (un)subscribe templates.
Output filter: Minor improvements in output filtering.
Portal engine: On-click AJAX configuration of the web parts. Most web parts now support AJAX on one click. You only need to check the box Use update panel in the web part properties and the web part uses AJAX rather than classic postbacks.
Reporting: Minor improvements in reporting.
Security: New default (generic) roles.
Security: Windows Live ID support.
Settings: Improved management of settings.
Staging: Minor improvements in staging.
System: Administrators can now receive e-mail notification when some error is added to the event log.
User contributions: Minor improvements in user contributions.
Web analytics: Statistics from specific period of time can now be deleted.
Web analytics: User registration statistics can now be logged.
Web farms: Support for restarting of all the servers.
Web parts: Improvement of many existing web parts.
Web parts: News datasource and viewer webparts.




Administration UI: All pages are now based on master pages.
Administration UI: Administration UI now uses CSS classes instead of the SkinIDs.
General: Changes in filesystem and architecture to support separable modules in future versions.


Bug fixes:


Administration: Fixes in RTL languages layout.
Administration: Minor fixes in administration UI.
BizForms: Image button wasn't set as default button of the form when custom layout was used.
Bizforms: CSS stylesheet didn't work when bizform's layout was edited.
BizForms: CAPTCHA control didn't work when the BizForm is used as a inline control.
BizForms: Notification e-mail wasn't sent if recipients e-mail adresses ended with ';'.
BizForms: 'UseColonBehindLabel' didn't worked on ASPX templates after postback.
BizForms: Incorect links of uploaded files when a bizform from one site was used on another site.
Blogs: URLs in blog comments were incorrect when inserted without 'http://'.
Blogs: Minor fixes in blog comments.
CMSDesk: Context menu wasn't displayed well if content tree was large and scrolled down.
Content: Editable texts in PagePlaceholder with default page template didn't work at Page tab.
Content: Images didn't appear occasionally during heavy load when output cache was on.
Content: Content of PageTemplates properties -> Webparts couldn't be saved.
Content: Moving document to another site caused an error when document name and alias had been changed before.
Content: Document could be archived by user without required permissions.
Content: Some links and image URLs weren't resolved on ASPX sample web sites site when output filter was switched off.
Content: URLs of images from another site were incorrenct when using multiple web sites on a single domain (subfolders).
Content: ID of the document custom data couldn't be used as an alias.
Content: Documents restored after deletion had different NodeGUIDs than the deleted version.
Content: CMSMenu tooltip didn't display special characters properly.
Content: Template 'Text with side column' caused problems to editable regions in IE7.
Controls: Images in submenu items didn't have the "alt" atribute.
Controls: BasicTabControl caused index out of bounds exception with specific configurations.
Documentation: Minor fixes in the documentation.
ECommerce: Order status history wasn't up-to-date when the status was changed by custom payment provider.
ECommerce: Minor fixes in permission checking in administration UI.
E-mails: Minor fixes in resolving template based e-mails.
File import: Minor fixes in the file import.
Form controls: ECommerce form controls didn't work properly with property UseCodeNameForSelection set to true.
Forums: Minor fixes in posts approval.
Forums: 'Subscribe to post' link wasn't displayed when Maximum nesting level was set to 1.
General: Title tag wasn't as a first tag in the head section of the page.
General: Minor fixes in working with the flash files.
General: Field category created in FieldEditor couldn't contain apostrophes.
General: Custom security handler didn't work correctly with windows authentication.
General: 'Exclude documents from search' setting didn't work if the value ended with ';'.
General: Decimal numbers weren't displayed correctly for different cultures.
General: Data from custom fields weren't updated in the application cache.
General: Custom modules didn't appear in CMSDesk -> Tools if 'Display' permission for the module didn't exist.
General: Custom data handler caused issues when working with document types and when retrieving files via GetFile.aspx.
General: Some controls didn't generate valid html code.
General: Alias paths weren't unique if documents had names starting with the same long prefix.
General: Some controls were missing in VisualStudio toolbox after adding a reference to Kentico CMS API libraries.
General: URL rewriting didn't worked properly if extensionless and SSL were used together.
General: Pages inherited templates only from published pages which was causing inconsistency in design.
General: Default connection string was always used when using GeneralConnection.
General: ValidationHelper.GetDouble method didn't reflect current culture settings.
General: SignOut button didn't work with cookieless settings.
General: User role couldn't change permissions even if the role had the permission to do so.
General: PageInfo didn't contain proper DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID.
Import/Export: Only documents of default culture version were imported to the site which had been imported before.
Import/Export: Importing data with attachment might cause errors.
Import/Export: Too long queries were generated during export, causing errors.
Import/Export: Imported/exported site's cultures weren't preselected correctly.
Newsletters: CSS stylesheet wasn't applied after uploading an attachment when editing newsletter template.
Newsletters: 'Send now to all subscribers' option didn't work when editing dynamic newsletter.
Polls: Two different polls couldn't coexist on the same page when the caching was on.
Scheduler: SqlDateTime overflow error appeared when date wasn't in allowed interval.
Scheduler: Scheduled tasks didn't run when using multiple web sites on a single domain (under subfolders).
Staging: Staging could work even if 'Staging service authentication' settings didn't match on source and target servers.
Staging: Root element was missing when synchronizing object's subtree.
Staging: Automatically created blog months didn't appear in the staging task list.
Staging: Synchronization tasks weren't logged correctly when the workflow was on.
Web parts: Grid webpart didn't display data of two document types which had fields of the same names.
Web parts: Minor fixes in Content slider webpart.
Web parts: Minor fixes in Flash webpart.
Web parts: Minor fixes in Tree view menu webpart.
Web parts: Site map redirected to '#' when javascript action of the menu item was used.
Web parts: Document pager webpart didn't have the 'Check permission' property.
Web parts: Minor fixes in QueryDataList webpart.
Web parts: Minor fixes in Lightbox webpart.
Web parts: Minor fixes in Google maps webpart.
Workflow: There was an incorrect message when document was submitted to approval.
Workflow: Form fields weren't validated when a document was checked-in.
Unigrid: Wrong item was deleted when someone else changed item order at the same moment (order status, workflow step, ...).



August 6, 2008 - Version 3.1a




Administration UI: HTML editors are used for editing invoice and e-mail templates.
Administration UI: Link to an existing document can be created from the context menu.
Administration UI: New macro selector control is used to insert all possible macros to the text.
Administration UI: Color picker control now includes preview of the selected color.
Administration UI: Section summary for the pages of administration UI.
Administration UI: Minor improvements in all UI.
General: Improved output filter functionality.
General: All regular expressions for validation and macro resolving were optimized.
General: Performance optimizations for amount of data and memory consumption.
General: Configurable selection between standard and session authentication cookies.
Ecommerce: Product price can be optionally displayed with or without tax.
Ecommerce: Product option list can be now paged.
Ecommerce: User account can be created at the same time as customer account from CMSDesk.
Ecommerce: All currency related values can be now recalculated when changing main currency.
Ecommerce: Tax class details can be edited when selecting tax classes for specified product.
Ecommerce: Shopping cart process step indexes can be now optionally hidden or visible.
Ecommerce: My Account web part tabs can be now displayed either in horizontal or vertical layout.
Ecommerce: Shipping options are now displayed with their charge in the checkout process.
Ecommerce: All errors while loading payment provider, payment form or checkout process step are now logged.
Event log: Event details can be exported to the file.
Event log: Events can be optionally logged to the file now.
Modules: Module description field was added.
Modules: Module permission description field was added.
Modules: New Display permission for all modules. Module is now hidden in tools menu when user is not granted with module display permission.
Newsletter: Imported users can be optionally subscribed / unsubscribed to the selected newsletters.
Newsletter: Email queue can be now deleted at once.
Scheduler: User can see how many times each task was executed.
Settings: Settings can be exported to the file.
Staging: Reject task is now generated for synchronization with target server when document is rejected.
Staging: Update doc task is now generated for synchronization with target server when document is moved up or down in the content tree.
System: Testing e-mails can be sent with attachments.
Web farms: Web farm synchronization tasks can be now filtered by server.
Web farms: Servers can be now disabled to avoid tasks logging for them.
Web farms: MachineName field was added to the web farm tasks.
Web parts: Improved scrolling text web part.
Web parts: Improved current user web part.




General: XHTML output filter is now turned off by default on all sample web sites.
Web parts: Properties NestedRepeaterID and NestedDataListID were replaced by NestedControlsID property.


Bug fixes:


Administration UI: RTL languages layout was completely reviewed and fixed.
Administration UI: Some pages weren't properly handled for cross-site scripting.
Administration UI: Minor fixes for IE7 and FF3.
Administration UI: Security fixes for some UI pages
BizForms: Incorrect security check was applied in permission dialog.
BizForms: Administration of BizForm layout used too strict permissions.
Booking module: Event allowed negative capacity.
CMSDesk: Select file dialog couldn't upload file on Windows Vista.
CMSDesk: Document links with workflow could cause inconsistency in document tree if the document was moved.
CMSDesk: Notify when leaving page wasn't applied in some cases.
CMSDesk: Spell checker didn't work for words with some culture-specific characters.
CMSDesk: Published information in document properties wasn't evaluated properly.
CMSDesk: The document wasn't inserted on the correct position when the default order was changed from alphabetical to first.
Content: Metadata content wasn't properly encoded to the output HTML.
Content: When the image caching was on, original image could be returned instead of the resized image.
Content: Cached attachment wasn't removed from the cache if the attachment was updated from API.
Content: ASPX editable controls were losing the content with specific workflow operations.
Content: Copying of published document didn't include the published attachments.
Content: Rollback to the oldest version in version history could lose the version attachments.
Content: File field could lose the attachment when copying the culture version from specific language.
Content: When the attachment field of the document type was removed, attachments weren't deleted.
Content: Allowed extensions for upload fields didn't have the same format in all settings.
Content: Uploaded files allowed "+" sign in the filename, which couldn't be correctly processed by IIS7.
Content: GetFile script didn't handle the permissions correctly.
Controls: Editable image could cause null reference exception in specific scenarios.
Controls: Radiobutton list form control didn't apply some settings correctly.
Controls: Form control text area didn't validate the field length properly.
Controls: Property UseImagePath for editable image control didn't work properly.
Controls: Radiobutton list form control couldn't have empty default value.
Controls: Change password control didn't handle the Visible property correctly.
Documentation: Minor fixes in the documentation.
ECommerce: Payment methods and Shipping options weren't displayed properly in their selection.
ECommerce: Available amount validation could not work correctly in specific scenarios.
E-mails: Some e-mails contained multiple Content-Type headers.
E-mails: GetEmailTemplates method threw an exception.
File import: Files couldn't be imported to the location covered by workflow process.
General: Automatic import of Windows authenticated users wasn't working correctly for non-existing users.
General: Changing the code name of the web site could cause problems with live site if the application wasn't restarted.
General: Application couldn't properly start in Integrated mode of IIS7.
General: Culture of the live site wasn't changed correctly in some cases with full page caching configuration.
General: Uzbek cultures weren't defined properly.
General: Changing the order of items didn't clear the cached objects properly.
General: Localized transformations weren't cached.
General: Float number validation and conversion couldn't handle small numbers with exponent.
General: Param tag of the object element could cause incorrect HTML code when processed by output filter.
Import/Export: Forum posts weren't properly imported from old version package.
Import/Export: Custom web part categories couldn't be handled by import process in some specific cases.
Import/Export: Some delete tasks couldn't be processed correctly on import.
Import/Export: Existing site was deleted if import fails because of the existing site with the same name.
Import/Export: Process log couldn't work in specific scenarios.
Import/Export: Preselection of objects wasn't working properly when repeated.
Import/Export: Next button wasn't disabled in FF3.
Import/Export: Document fields with only field length changed weren't updated on import.
Newsletter: Some e-mails could use different culture for unsubscription link and for other newsletter content.
Newsletter: Newsletter module couldn't handle large amount of e-mails in specific scenarios.
Newsletter: Some e-mails were duplicated in specific scenarios.
Newsletter: Resend functionality wasn't working properly.
Newsletter: Scheduled task for the newsletter wasn't rescheduled if configuration changed.
Newsletter: New issue couldn't be placed to the Newsletter archive
Newsletter: Generation of the e-mail queue was using too many database queries.
Newsletter: Some newsletter pages didn't check all required permissions.
Newsletter: Newsletter archive didn't resolve the macros properly.
Output filter: Button text containing tag characters could damage the output HTML code.
Polls: Multiple polls couldn't work properly on the same page.
Polls: Incorrect security check was applied in permission dialog.
Portal engine: Some pages could be displayed with wrong page template in heavy load.
Portal engine: If the CSS stylesheet of the site wasn't set, the page generated an empty stylesheet tag.
Sample web sites: Minor fixes in design and HTML code of the page templates and stylesheets.
Scheduler: Some tasks could run two times under specific conditions.
SiteManager: Some Administration pages could be accessed from CMSDesk in SiteManager context.
SiteManager: User couldn't be deleted when he was allowed to be forum moderator.
SiteManager: Site culture couldn't be changed in license editions without multilingual support.
SiteManager: Localized transformation name couldn't be entered in transformation properties.
SiteManager: Document type editing pages didn't have the same length.
Staging: Document task didn't contain product information when the product was created from the new document dialog.
URL Rewriting: Some URLs weren't resolved correctly for cookieless configuration.
URL Rewriting: Messaging pages weren't properly excluded from URL rewriting and were logged as not existing content pages.
URL Rewriting: Page wasn't properly redirected in specific cases with FF browser.
Web analytics: Log processing couldn't handle large amount of data at once.
Web analytics: Returning visitors were logged only on the second visit.
Web farms: Too many web farm tasks or too much web farm task data could kill the application on it's start.
Web parts: Clone web part couldn't work with some specific web part settings.
Web parts: Content slider wasn't working properly if the delay time was 0.
Web parts: Google maps web part couldn't handle API key for both domains with and without www.
Web parts: Query repeater web part didn't use the Item separator property correctly.
Web parts: User contribution web part couldn't resolve the path properties.
Web parts: Language selector didn't display culture names in ASPX page templates.
Web parts: Date and time web part couldn't handle some format expressions.
Web parts: Contact and ignore list didn't use the Zero rows text property properly.
Web parts: Video web part wasn't working properly in FF3.



May 29, 2008 - Version 3.1




New module: The new Messaging module allows users to send private messages.
CMSDesk: BizForms can now be exported as single objects.
Content staging: Content staging supports staging of metadata objects.
Web parts: New web part ForumUnsubscription.
Web parts: New messaging web parts (Inbox, Outbox, Send message, Contact list, Ignore list).
Web parts: New web part Send to friend.
Web parts: New web part Random products.
Web parts: New web part Top N products by sales.
Sample websites: New E-commerce site template presenting the E-commerce module capabilities.
Sample websites: Corporate site now contains an example of a printing page.
E-commerce: Newly added support for product options.
E-commerce: Products can now be filtered by site.
E-commerce: Order item price and name can be edited in existing orders.
E-commerce: The Organization ID/Tax registration ID can be optionally required.
E-commerce: User can now create document product when creating a new document.
Import/export: Import/export now supports incremental deployment.
Import/export: New, more user friendly user interface.
General: Culture CSS class is now included in page body class.
General: Kentico CMS now supports shortcut icons for web sites.
Web analytics: Web analytics module now supports repeated visits using IP address filtering. Users with disabled cookies can also be logged.




CMSDesk: Both Menu items and standard documents now share the view mode in CMSDesk.
Administration interface: More listings with many data records now support data filtering.
Import/Export: Export of single object is now asynchronous.
Content staging: Document page template is now synchronized together with the document.
Web parts: General code review and minor improvements of all existing web parts.
Documentation: New E-commerce guide.
Documentation: New Users guide.
Documentation: New web parts overview.
E-commerce: Printer style for invoices now includes header and footer information for all pages.
Forums: Improved usability of macros.
Setup: Setup process is now asynchronous.
Newsletters: Improved usability of macros.
Workflow: Improved usability of macros for workflow emails.
General: Full page caching now reflects the browser type.
General: Kentico CMS can now handle upload and download of large files (up to 2GB) saved in file system.
Performance: Major improvements in GetFile script performance and minor optimizations in system processing.
Performance: Memory optimizations.


Bug fixes:


BizForms: Export of larger amount of BizForm data to MS Excel 2007 didn't work correctly.
BizForms: E-mail attachments weren't handled correctly.
CMSDesk: File import tool didn't import files with names containing some special characters.
CMSDesk: File import tool didn't save mime types correctly.
CMSDesk: List view didn't allow deletion of all documents after filtering.
CMSDesk: Sorting in the List view didn't work correctly.
CMSDesk: My Documents didn't display linked documents correctly.
CMSDesk: Settings 'Content Management New document order' didn't work correctly.
CMSDesk: Permissions weren't checked correctly when creating a new page.
CMSDesk: Update of a linked document damaged the document's name path.
CMSDesk: User couldn't create link to an uploaded file with apostroph in it's name.
CMSSiteManager: Email templates didn't reflect the site settings.
Content staging: Deletion of the linked documents wasn't logged.
Content staging: Deletion of document didn't delete Publish task for this document.
Controls: CMSTabControl generated wrong where conditions for database queries.
Controls: CMSTreeview didn't reflect the Expand/Collapse images property.
E-commerce: PayPal and Authorize.NET didn't work for cultures using comma as decimal separator.
E-commerce: Currency couldn't handle wrong format strings.
E-commerce: ECommerce module didn't synchronize correctly on Web farms.
E-commerce: Discount level wasn't applied correctly when displaying price details.
E-commerce: Deletion of some objects didn't handle the dependent objects correctly.
Booking system: Editing event attendee didn't allow email address change.
Booking system: Exported iCalendar file couldn't be opened in MS Outlook 2003.
Form user controls: Clear button in Select user form control didn't work correctly.
Form user controls: International number and Query selector didn't reflect the Allow empty value property of field.
Form user cotnrols: Country selector didn't work correctly.
Form engine: If validation upon regular expression failed error message was displayed for all fields using regular expression validation.
Form engine: Validation upon regular expression was missing for some form controls.
Form engine: Fields of type boolean didn't work correctly with values true/false and 0/1.
Form engine: DateTime fields weren't validated properly.
Forums: Ad-hoc forum wasn't created when user subscribed before the first thread was inserted.
Forums: Forum search displayed previously deleted posts.
Forums: Forum base URL wasn't saved when creating a new forum.
Forums: Forum breadcrumbs displayed differently in different view modes.
Forums: Deletion of forum posts didn't work correctly.
Newsletters: Newsletter issues were always shown in archive.
Newsletters: Newsletters with large amount of subscribers weren't sent correctly when application restarted or application had multiple instances.
Newsletters: Scheduled task wasn't deleted when dynamic newsletter was deleted.
Newsletters: Newsletters weren't always sent in site default culture.
Newsletters: Anchor links in newsletters weren't resolved correctly.
Portal engine: DOCTYPE page definition wasn't applied properly.
Portal engine: PageInfo didn't handle the IsPublished property correctly.
Web analytics: Campaign logging didn't work for redirected documents.
web analytics: Logging file downloads didn't work for files redirected to disk.
web analytics: Log processing wasn't thread-safe for multiple application instances.
Web analytics: Pie charts displayed only items with value over 5%.
Web analytics: The order of days might be wrong at the turn of the months.
Web farms: Web farm synchronization tasks weren't deleted properly.
Workflow: Copying documents of container type using workflow was failing.
Workflow: Workflow email wasn't sent after the Publish step.
Workflow: Workflow emails weren't always sent.
Workflow: When the published document was rejected, it was still published on the live site.
Workflow: In some cases, documents couldn't be restored from the recycle bin after the import process.
Workflow: When publishing a document, the message 'Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?' wasn't always shown correctly.
Webparts: Web parts didn't reflect the Show for document types property in Design tab view.
Webparts: Some viewer web parts didn't hide when the inner control was hidden.
Webparts: CMSMenu didn't render correctly when a submenu item had a Menu item image set.
Webparts: CMSListMenu didn't render correctly when submenu indicator property was set.
Webparts: Static text web part didn't resolve inline macros.
Webparts: Related documents didn't work correctly for nonpublished documents.
Webparts: Property Top N didn't work correctly when Check permission property was set.
Webparts: Properties didn't handle values dependent on culture settings correctly.
Webparts: Users couldn't select document type transformation from different site.
Webparts: The Item separator property of the Lightbox web part could not be edited.
Webparts: The MyAccount web part didn't allow hiding of all its tabs.
Webparts: Property Use server time didn't work correctly for DateTime web part.
Webparts: The Search results web part didn't reflect the Query string key property.
Webparts: The Complete search dialog web part didn't keep the filter information for ASPX templates.
Webparts: When the SearchDialog web part was placed after the SearchResults web part on page it didn't work correctly.
Webparts: Setting filter for specific culture sometimes caused hiding the New document link for User contributions list web part.
Webparts: The User contributions list web part displayed New document link for anonymous user in a special case.
Webparts: Web part files weren't created when the web part was cloned.
Webparts: Web part CMSMenu didn't reflect the Render image alt property.
Webparts: Web part SiteMap didn't reflect the Render link title property.
Webparts: The property Generate indentation inside link for TreeMenu web part didn't work correctly.
Webparts: The property Submenu indicator image for web part TreeMenu caused incorrect rendering.
Webparts: The Paged text web part didn't use the Path selector for Path property.
Webparts: The Paged text web part didn't use Site selector for SiteName property.
Webparts: The Paged text web part didn't reflect the 'Pager CSS class' property.
Webparts: In special cases the Calendar web part threw an exception when other month should have been displayed.
Webparts: The Forum tree web part for ad-hoc forums didn't reflect the Expanded tree property.
Webparts: The Forum tree web part didn't reflect the Post path property.
Webparts: The Similar products by sale web part didn't work correctly if property Document types was set.
Webparts: The Document viewer web part didn't reflect the Select top N documents property.
Webparts: The Forum search results web part didn't reflect the On site management property.
Webparts: The ShoppingCartMiniPreview control wasn't rendered correctly in ASPx templates.
Webparts: the Query datalist control didn't reflect the ShowFirstLast property in the ASPX templates.
Webparts: The DateTime web part didn't reflect the Date and Time format property correctly in ASPX templates.
Webparts: The option Top & Bottom was misssing for Pager position property of Document pager web part.
Webparts: In some special cases the Query data grid web part threw exception when Display as link property was used.
Webparts: The Edit contribution web part used only Simple path selector instead of Path selector.
Webparts: For some web part setting both Stylesheet theme and Skin ID properties caused an error.
Webparts: Multiple Tree menu web parts on one single page didn't work correctly.
webparts: The SkinID property wasn't applied correctly for web part Logon form.
Webparts: The Related documents web part didn't have the Order by and Where condition properties.
General: ASPX page templates from older versions didn't have correct page title.
General: Settings Combine files with default culture didn't apply correctly.
General: The page template header tags weren't used in some cases.
General: Users or search engine crawlers could get an error page when the browser didn't set the User-agent property.
General: In some cases, the resource strings weren't properly loaded when the application started.
General: Multiple linked documents could cause errors when Filter out duplicate documents was enabled in viewer controls.
General: GetFile didn't reflect document-level permissions and published from/to properties.
General: In some cases users were logged out when browser didn't keep session information in a new frame or window.
General: Too many WYSIWYG editors on the page could cause the browser to crash or throw a javascript error.
General: Data macros that weren't resolved because of missing data were resolved to their expression instead of an empty string.
General: Permissions for network folders weren't checked properly.
General: Deletion of some objects didn't delete associated meta files.
General: Resolving URL filter damaged AJAX response if the response contained URLs starting with ~/.
General: For extensionless configuration the URL rewriter wasn't able to handle URLs with query strings containing a semicolon.
General: ASPX extension wasn't correctly applied to the page URL in special cases and extensionless configuration.



January 29, 2008 - Version 3.0




Compatibility: Added support for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 (you can use Visual Studio 2005 as well).
Compatibility: Added support for Windows Vista, including IIS 7.0 configuration.
Compatibility: Added support for Mac OS browsers - you can now use both web site and administration interface with Safari 3.0 and Firefox 2.5 on Mac.
New module: The new GeoMapping module allows you to display content on Google maps. You can use it to display your offices, stores, partners, etc.
New module: Event Manager for managing events and their attendees.
BizForms: The notification e-mail may contain uploaded documents as an attachment.
BizForms: The notification e-mail may use a custom layout.
BizForms: The autoresponder now supports macro expressions.
BizForms: You can restrict access to administration of particular forms.
BizForms: You can use an image for the submit button and you can define the position of the submit button in the custom form layout.
Controls and web parts: More settings were added to the pager configuration in Repeater, Datalist and other controls/web parts.
Controls and web parts: The navigation controls now have a new property Word wrap that allows you to specify if word wrapping is allowed.
CMS Desk: You can specify starting path of the user in the content tree in CMS Desk and restrict user from browsing the complete content tree.
CMS Desk: New Design tab interface with drag-and-drop support.
CMS Desk: Context menu support in content tree.
CMS Desk: FCKeditor was updated to version 2.5.
CMS Desk: The documents that point to some URL are now displayed with an arrow in the content tree to show that the document is a redirect.
CMS Desk: New permission Design web site allows local users (without global administration authorization) modify the design of page templates.
CMS Desk: The list view now supports filtering by name.
CMS Desk: You can customize the behavior of the web application and administration interface and make minor changes to the administration interface using the new customization features described in Developer's Guide -> API programming and Kentico CMS internals -> Customizing the administration interface and web application events.
Content staging: You can configure automatic synchronization of all content to the live server in a scheduled interval.
E-commerce: Tracking number field added.
E-commerce: Added support for custom fields in customer profile, order, SKU.
E-commerce: The discount levels can be restricted to particular departments.
E-commerce: Sales reports were added.
E-commerce: The shopping cart optionally displays price calculation (discount and tax summary).
E-commerce: The payment URL now supports data macros in format {%fieldname%} that inserts any value of the shopping cart, current context  or customer.
E-commerce: Added support for customer credit.
E-commerce: New web part Similar products by sale for displaying box with "Customers who bought this product also bought...".
File management: Improved performance of the GetFile.aspx script, added support for redirection to the disk version of the file.
Forums: Added support for on-line editing and deleting of posts by forum administrators.
Form controls: You can now choose which form controls should be available in report parameters designer.
Form controls: The multiple choice and radio buttons controls now support vertical/horizontal alignment.
General: System objects, such as templates, layouts and others may have a teaser image.
General: Reports, form layouts and e-mail templates may contain images uploaded to the give object.
General: Dialogs with Save button now support CTRL+S shortcut for saving the changes.
General: The global event handler now supports OnBeforeInsertNewCultureVersion and OnAfterInsertNewCultureVersion events.
General: The CSS styles can now depend on browser type by specifying styles in format .IE6 .MyCssClass.
General: New macro {&<path>&} allows you to specify path or its parts in the Where condition of web parts.
General: You can define your own custom macros and use them throughout the system.
Import/export: You can easily export and import a single object, such as page template, web part, etc.
Multi-lingual support: The content tree in CMS Desk displays an icon for documents that are not translated to the currently selected language.
Multi-site support: You can configure multiple web sites to run on a single domain, in different subfolders.
Newsletters: You can clone newsletters and newsletter templates.
Newsletters: You can add custom fields to the subscriber profile.
Newsletters: The subscription dialog allows you to subscribe to several newsletters at once.
Newsletters: New My subscriptions web part allows users to manage their subscribed newsletters.
Newsletters: New Newsletter archive web part allows you to publish previous newsletter issues on your web site.
Newsletters: It's now possible to choose if you want to send the confirmation e-mails when the user subscribes/unsubscribes.
Newsletters: The newsletter issue is now sent to subscribers immediately, without waiting for the next scheduler cycle.
Newsletters: You can add attachments to the newsletter and insert in-line images that are sent with e-mail.
Localization: You can add custom resource strings to the custom.resx file and override standard strings.
Performance: Several performance improvements were made to page processing and image displaying.
Relationships: It's now possible to add custom fields and custom (XML) data to the relationships (the feature requires custom-developed user interface).
Reports: You can clone reports.
Security: The page content access can be globally configured so that the permissions are checked for all pages, none of them or only for pages within secured site areas.
Web analytics: New reports "Countries" and "Browser types" were added.
Web analytics: It's possible to choose particular reports and disable others to save space and performance.
Web parts: The documentation is now part of the web part properties
Web parts: The transformation name and culture code properties may contain a macro expression (e.g. {%classname%}.preview).
Web parts: New web part Language selection.
Web parts: A new web part Lightbox allows you to display content in a new layer and browse documents without postbacks.
Web parts: New WMP Video, YouTube, Google Video, Real Media and Quicktime web parts allow you to easily integrate videos into the page
Web parts: New Flash web part allows you to easily integrate Flash animations.
Web parts: New Content slider web part allows you to create a slide show of documents.
Web parts: New Scrolling text web parts allows you to scroll documents, such as latest news.
Web parts: You can easily clone web parts, including their code for further customization or extension.
Web parts: You can create custom web part layouts, which allows you to fully customize the design of web parts.
Workflow: The non-published pages may throw 404 Page not found if the Site Settings -> Web Site -> Page not found for non-published documents option is turned on.




CMS Desk: The Code tab is now only displayed if the CMSShowWebPartCodeTab value in the web.config is set to true.
CMS Desk: The Code tab is now only displayed if the CMSShowWebPartBindingTab value in the web.config is set to true.
CMS Desk: The Custom fields tab is no longer displayed when custom fields are not defined.
CMS Desk: The default installation contains only spell checkers for en-us and en-gb cultures to save space. You need to download additional dictionaries from our site as described in Developer's Guide -> Content Management -> Using the built-in spell-checker.
CMS Desk: The Recent documents dialog now displays only the latest 50 documents sorted in a descending order.
E-commerce: The wishlist is now connected with particular site.
Forums: The e-mail is not automatically pre-filled into the textbox in the new post dialog if the user is signed in.
Polls: The cookie indicating if the user voted in the poll now uses a codename rather then ID.


Bug fixes:


General: Next Run time didn’t change after editing Start time of Scheduled task.
General: Only last item was saved to NodeCustomData document property.
General: Some form controls didn’t work within user contributions.
General: Culture didn’t change when swithing to edit the document from MyDesk.
General: Root document wasn’t shown in Documents waiting for my approval.
General: SpellChecker didn’t recognize some words with specific suffixes.
General: Site deletion wasn’t logged in Event log.
General: EditableItems weren’t able to store CDATA sections in <![CDATA[Content]]> format.
General: Content staging didn’t support linked documents.
General: No attachments were copied when creating new culture version of cms.file document using workflow.
General: E-mail addresses didn’t allow ‘+’ and ‘-‘ characters.
General: Culture of the document was determined from URL path if URL path and Alias path were same.
General: Linked attachment could have point to different culture version than requested in specific situations.
General: UserInfo wasn’t correctly configured to be serializable and caused problems with Out-of-process session storage.
General: Content attribute of meta tags was missing when the value was empty.
General: Non-existing users weren’t authenticated on first page request with Windows authentication.
General: /getdoc/… links were not resolved properly with specific multilingual conditions.
General: Preferred culture code was not validated against the allowed site cultures.
General: License information page was not properly loading styles and images with extension less configuration.
Web parts/controls: UseFlatView property of ForumGroup web part didn’t work properly.
Web parts/controls: It wasn’t possible to set Path, CultureCode and SiteName properties in EditContribution web part.
Web parts/controls: Application path was included in image path of EditableImage web part that caused problems when the site was imported to the root.
Web parts/controls: Image tag was generated even if no image was selected in EditableImage web part.
Web parts/controls: Random document web part didn’t work correctly when caching was on.
Web parts/controls: Sorting wasn’t preserved while changing pages in CMSGrid.
Web parts/controls: Pager of CMSDataList and CMSRepeater caused exception when these controls were nested.
Web parts/controls: ClassNames selector didn’t allow choosing more items if these had nearly same code names.
Web parts/controls: MinLength property of CMSEditableRegion didn’t work.
Web parts/controls: CMSRepeater didn’t preserve ClientID of controls in transformations after post back.
Web parts/controls: Breadcrumbs’ Show current item property always returned true.
Web parts/controls: Breadcrumbs couldn’t display more document types at once.
Web parts/controls: Language selector didn’t work when extension-less URLs were used.
Web parts/controls: Some web parts didn’t support ReloadData method.
Web parts/controls: CMSRepeater and CMSDataList didn’t work correctly when displaying more document types.
Web parts/controls: Registration web part was not generating SHA1 passwords properly.
Web parts/controls: Web part properties editor allowed selecting of the file field which is not supported on the web part properties form.
Web parts/controls: ForumSearchResults web part didn’t use Unicode for searching, problems with Cyrillic alphabet, etc.
Web parts/controls: Random document web part didn’t support multiple document  types.
Web parts/controls: CMSPagePlaceholder rendered additional <div> element in Preview mode.
Web parts/controls: CMSWebPartZone renders additional <div> in preview mode.
Web parts/controls: New item edit mode button was displayed just for Menu item document types.
CMSDesk: MaxTreeNodes of dialogs with content tree contained only 1000 documents per parent node hiding the other documents.
CMSDesk: Frame resizer didn’t work correctly for RTL languages.
Installation: All licenses were deleted when installing to existing DB without creating new objects.
CMSDesk: Relationship to the manually entered document path could not been added.
CMSDesk: CTRL+S shortcut wasn’t working properly with certain E-commerce pages.
CMSDesk: Certain edit mode controls were not using UI culture.
CMSDesk: New link page limited the number of displayed documents in tree to MaxTreeNodes.
CMSDesk: Version history and Workflow tabs used workflow information from incorrect document culture.
CMSDesk: Large files stored in the database too big for the Connection to process could have not been deleted.
CMSDesk: Documents without version history were deleted into the owner’s recycle bin instead of the recycle bin of the person who deleted them.
CMSDesk: Destroying of the latest document version may have caused exception when working with the document further.
CMSDesk: Grid with filtering could hide filter form in certain situations if no results were found.
CMSDesk: Document could not be deleted by its owner after it was submitted to approval.
CMSDesk: File import procedure didn’t properly check if the target document allowed CMS.File as child document.
CMSDesk: Tasks configured just for one execution configured to be deleted may have not been
CMSDesk: Two concurrent validation messages were displayed when both regular expression and length validation were configured in the document form.
CMSDesk: When deleting the document, published version was deleted to the recycle bin instead of the latest version.
CMSSiteManager:  Under specific conditions, global template could have been retrieved instead of the local template.
CMSSiteManager: Code name fields were not validated in certain locations.
CMSSiteManager: Task configuration did not allow tasks running only on weekend days.
CMSSiteManager: Page template tree was not correctly refreshed after deleting the page template.
Newsletters: Unsubscribe link wasn’t translated to different languages.
Newsletters: Sender name wasn’t used in confirmation e-mails.
Newsletters: Absolute links in newsletters weren’t correctly resolved if SSL was used to access CMSDesk.
Newsletters: Localization macros didn’t work in (un)subscription letters.
Newsletters: Subscriber list caused Javascript errors in Newsletter preview.
Newsletters: Update of Sent emails field was not thread-safe, in some cases wrong value could be written.
Content staging: Documents order was changed when new document was synchronized.
Content staging: No content staging task was created when the document was archived.
Forums: When there were more forum groups on a page of ASPX website, then the forum groups didn’t hide after choosing some forum.
Forums: Certain Unicode characters weren’t supported in the forum post subject.
BizForms: Localization macros didn’t work in auto-responder e-mail body.
BizForms: Exception occurred when entered default value was longer than max length in field editor.
Web analytics: Period settings were lost when switching between reports.
Web analytics: Month selection was not disabled when selecting the year statistics.
Web analytics: Stored procedures contained [dbo]. which caused problems on specific configurations.
Content staging: Documents with attachments and workflow may have been synchronized incorrectly with specific configurations.
Polls: Poll web part was creating duplicit items on specific postbacks causing exception.
Polls: Polls controls HTML code wasn’t XHTML valid.
Polls: Only global administrator was able to add new polls.
Import/Export: Import and export wasn’t able to process sites with many attachments stored in the database, ended up with OutOfMemory exception.



October 8, 2007 - Version 2.3a (Service Release)


Bug fixes:


Performance: Improved performance and optimized queries for large number of documents.
In-line controls: The in-line controls didn't work correctly in the ASPX page templates.
Controls: Template data pages displayed an invalid number of pages.
Controls: CMSDocumentValue tag didn't display correct content when publish from/to was used.
Controls: Image selector doesn't work correctly after postback.
Import/export: The import didn't work for web sites that used workflow assigned to all document types in the given scop.
Import/export: The attachments were not imported correctly in some special cases.
E-commerce: The strings were not localizable in the fifth step of the shopping cart.
URL rewriting: The parameters containing a dot (.) were not processed correctly with extension-less URLs.
Search: The search query for custom document types without custom fields was incorrectly generated.



September 17, 2007 - Version 2.3




New module: Blogs
New module: Polls
New module: Reporting
New module: Web analytics
New module: User contributions
Documentation: Enhanced documentation, more API examples.
Linked documents: You can create links to existing documents so that they are displayed in multiple sections/categories.
Installation: Simplified support for medium trust environment.
Installation: It's now possible to deploy the web site to a local folder for later copying to the server over FTP.
BizForms: It's now possible to specify if you want to display colons (:) in field labels.
BizForms: The visitor who submits the form may now receive an automatic personalized e-mail response.
CMS Desk: It's now possible to choose the language of the administration interface in the logon screen.
CMS Desk: New report "Outdated documents" allows users to see document older than specified number of days.
CMS Desk: The document owner property has been added to the documents. The property allows you to assign responsible users to the documents and display their documents in My Desk -> My Documents.
CMS Desk: The newly created document can be optionally added as first, last or at its alphabetical position. You can configure the ordering in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content management -> New document order.
CMS Desk: The Properties tab and its sub-sections can be optionally hidden from chosen roles. It allows you to customize and simplify the look of the editing interface. You need to enable personalization in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content management -> Personalize user interface by permissions. Then, you can customize the user interface by configuring permissions for module CMS User Interface in CMS Desk -> Administration -> Permissions.
CMS Desk: It's possible to specify a different CSS stylesheet for every editable region.
Web parts/controls: The CMSTreeMenu control/Tree menu web part now support mouse-over images.
Web parts/controls: The CMSTreeMenu, CMSTabControl, CMSSiteMap, CMSBreadcrumbs and CMSListMenu controls now allow you to supply custom DataSource. They also allow you to get/set their rendered HTML code.
Data engine: It's now possible to write your own data provider.
E-commerce: Wishlist support has been added.
E-commerce: The payment options are now dependent on shipping options.
E-commerce: The order list now displays the orders in different colors based on their status and the order can be moved to the previous/next status using the action buttons.
E-commerce: The tax may be optionally zero if Tax ID is entered.
E-commerce: It's now possible to edit user departments in the User properties dialog.
E-commerce: Support for discount level has been added - every customer can have a global discount on all products.
E-commerce: Support for volume discounts has been added.
E-commerce: It's now possible to specify taxes based on states, not only on countries.
E-commerce: It's now possible to specify the shopping cart and wishlist URL in the Site Manager -> Site Settings -> E-commerce section.
E-commerce: A document type can be configured so that whenever a new document of that type is created, a new product is also automatically created and the data is copied to the product.
E-commerce: It's now possible to track the number of products in stock that can be ordered and optionally limit orders to number of available items.
Forums: The moderator can approve a post including its replies (sub-posts).
Forums: The user may be required to enter a security (CAPTCHA) code when adding a new post to the forum. This feature helps you avoid spam.
Import/Export: It's not possible to import only new items without overwriting duplicate items.
Site Management: The site deletion is now asynchronous to avoid timeouts when deleting a large web site.
Newsletters: You can now import and export subscribers.
Newsletters: You can specify the CSS styles for every newsletter template, separately from the template body.
Newsletters: Improved user interface of the newsletter issue editor.
Newsletters: More robust e-mail sending. The newsletter has been successfully tested with 1000 subscribers.
Performance: Improved performance of file retrieval and optimization of some queries.
Search: Improved performance
Search: The search page now uses URL parameters instead of postback so that it's possible to use the Back browser button on the linked pages.
Security event handler: Added new method OnFilterDataSetByPermissions.




CMS Desk: When a new document is created, its CSS stylesheet is set to "inherit" by default.
CMS Desk: The CSS stylesheet property has been moved to Properties -> General and it's no longer versioned.
CMS Desk: The destroy document and destroy version history options are no longer offered to users without Destroy permission.
CMS Desk: The delete all culture versions option is no longer offered on single-language web sites.
CMS Desk: The content tree is now displayed in chosen language when using multilingual support.
Controls examples: The CMSControlsExamples folder content is now available as a part of the Corporate Site sample web site, in the Examples section.


Bug fixes:


BizForms: The record ID wasn't available in the OnAfterSave event.
BizForms: The textboxes in the "Send form data to e-mail" section were not validated.
Sites: The page might end with request time out when deleting large web sites.
Newsletters: The editable regions might not be displayed correctly when editing a newsletter issue text.
Newsletters: The sender e-mail format wasn't validated when creating a new newsletter.
Newsletters: The permissions were not tested correctly on the Subscriber properties dialog.
Newsletters: The links in newsletters were not correctly made absolute when using https protocol.
E-commerce: The disabled products could be added to the cart.
E-commerce: The user who created the order was not stored in the order history.
E-commerce: Invalid formatting of the forgotten password dialog.
E-commerce: The e-mail addresses were not validated when editing order properties.
E-commerce: When the product image was removed in the Form dialog, it hasn't been removed in the Product dialog.
E-commerce: Some methods of the custom e-commerce providers were not called.
Web parts/controls: The Select only published property of the Repeater web part didn't work correctly.
Web parts/controls: The Paged text web part didn't work correctly with QueryString paging mode.
Web parts/controls: The Related documents web part didn't work correctly in ASPX page templates.
Web parts/controls: The Tab menu web part didn't display the first item.
Web parts/controls: The search results didn't reflect the "combine with default culture" option.
Web parts/controls: The logon.ascx web part displayed an error in Visual Studio, when an ASPX page template was displayed in Design tab.
Web parts/controls: The Repeater web part set the Check permissions value incorrectly to true when it was added to the page.
Web parts/controls: The container title wasn't localizable.
Web parts/controls: some strings were not localized in the Bindings dialog in the Web part properties.
Web parts/controls: The HTML code and special characters displayed in the alt tag weren't encoded in the menu controls.
Form engine: The labels contained invalid LabelFor ID for user controls.
Import/Export: The sites exported in the previous versions couldn't be imported in the 2.2 web site.
Import/Export: The document permissions were not imported if they were defined by a user that doesn't exist in the new web site.
Search: The search raised an exception if the root document wasn't published.
Forums: The validation didn't work correctly when editing existing forum posts.
Forums: The emoticons were not displayed correctly when editing existing forum posts.
Forums: The WYSIWYG editor didn't work when editing existing forum posts.
Forums: The post statistics included the non-approved items.
Forums: The notification e-mails contained invalid URL when the post was added from the administration interface.
Multilingual web sites: The language selection didn't work correctly for pages that use URL Path.
Multilingual web sites: The default culture was not applied correctly based on the current domain.
CMS Desk: The design tab didn't reflect the chosen UI culture.
CMS Desk: The user e-mail wasn't validated in My Desk -> My profile and in Administration -> Users.
CMS Desk: It was possible to copy/move page into sub-page which caused errors and inconsistencies in the database.
CMS Desk: The content tree displayed the code name of the web site instead of display name.
CMS Desk: Some of the extended characters used in the content were encoded as HTML entities which caused that the strings were not found by the full-text search engine.
URLs: The = character was added to the forbidden characters that are replaced in URL.
URLs: The links created in the WYSIWYG editor didn't work correctly with "combine with default culture" option turned on.
Workflow: The notification e-mail contained workflow step code name instead of display name.
Workflow: The documents might not be visible on the web site if they were archived and the re-published.
Workflow: The documents using workflow didn't work correctly when they were copied to another web site.
Workflow: The documents using workflow didn't work correctly when restored from the recycle bin.
Workflow: The modification of page template caused that the document workflow step was set to Edit.
Workflow: The "New workflow step" dialog contained a non-translated validation error.
Workflow: The notification e-mail didn't point to the correct language version of the document when using multilingual support.
Document types: The icon wasn't renamed when the document type code name was changed.
Document types: The default values with apostrophe caused problems.
Document types: The default value range wasn't validated correctly.
WYSIWYG editor: The image wasn't preserved in FireFox when the <P> elements were removed around the <IMG> element.
New site wizard: The Delete button didn't work.
Site Manager: The e-mails were not validated correctly in the Site Manager -> Administration -> System -> E-mails dialog.
Caching: The Cache minutes property in web parts didn't override the global settings.



June 8, 2007 - Version 2.2




General: Kentico CMS now fully supports Medium Trust environment and compiled web projects. See Developer's Guide -> Installation and deployment -> Additional configuration tasks -> Configuration for Medium trust environment. You need to save all virtual objects to the file system before compilation using CMSSiteManager -> Administration -> System -> Deployment by clicking the button “Save all virtual objects to disk”.
General: Page templates of the portal engine now can have custom content for the HEAD element specified.
General: The CSS stylesheet, page title, description and keywords can now be set for every section of the web site and inherited to underlying documents.
General: The title format is now configurable in Site Manager -> Settings -> Page title format and allows you to use any common document field in the title (e.g. the document name).
General: You can now specify which sections of the web site should be accessible only over the HTTPS protocol. The system then automatically redirects the user to the HTTPS protocol if the user tries to access the page over HTTP. You can configure this in the CMS Desk -> Content -> Properties -> Security. You need to have SSL configured correctly on your web server.
General: Any document type can now behave as page (menu item) - this can be configured in the document type properties.
General: Most of the web parts now work correctly with Enter key.
General: The extended characters in aliases (URLs) are now automatically converted to basic latin characters. This doesn't apply to complex scripts, such as Chinese or Arabic.
General: The users now have two new fields with account creation date and last successful logon.
General: It's now possible to use URLs based on alias path rather than on the GUID. You can configure this in Site Manager -> Settings -> URLs -> Use permanent URLs (false means use alias path).
CMS Desk: Spellchecking support was added.
CMS Desk: You can now upload files in the file selection dialog which simplifies inserting images into the text in the WYSIWYG editor.
CMS Desk: You can now easily create multiple documents of the same type in the same section of the web site using the "Save and another" button.
CMS Desk: The list view mode now allows you to delete/destroy multiple documents at once.
CMS Desk: The editing interface in the Page and Form tab may optionally notify the user when she is trying to leave the page without saving the changes. You can configure this in Site Manager -> Settings -> Content Management -> Confirm content changes.
CMS Desk: The content tree now displays the + sign only for items with sub-items.
CMS Desk: The transformations can now be edited directly from the web part properties.
CMS Site Manager: New diagnosing tools for testing e-mails and file system permissions were added to the Site Manager -> Administration -> System dialog.
Controls: New Paged text web part now allows to display long text on multiple pages.
Controls: The navigation controls and web parts now have the RenderImageAlt/Render image alt property that allows you to specify if alt attribute should be rendered for images used in the menu items.
Controls: The Random document web part now supports the WHERE condition property.
Controls: The Breadcrumbs control/web part now displays the menu items while respecting particular settings of every item (such as show in navigation).
Controls: The Breadcrumbs control/web part now supports RTL languages.
Controls: The image gallery web part now supports moving to the previous, next and chosen image.
Controls: The CMSEditableRegion control used in the ASPX templates now has a property InheritContent that allows you to inherit the content of the editable regions on sub-pages placed under some page (menu item).
Controls: New HEAD HTML Code web part allows you to render code into the HEAD element of the page.
Controls: New web part/control Editable image/CMSEditableImage allows you to specify regions for images similar to editable regions.
Controls: All properties of web parts now support the localization strings in format {$key$} where key is the string key name specified in Site Manager -> Development -> UI Cultures -> Strings.
Controls: All web parts now have a property Display to roles that allows you to specify which roles should see the given web part.
Controls: The CMSTreeMenu control/Tree menu web part now supports mouseover style settings.
BizForms: You can now dynamically specify the values in the From, To, Subject, Display text and Redirect to URL fields using the macro expressions like {%firstname%} where firstname is the name of the field that will be merged with the text.
BizForms: You can now specify the subject of the notification e-mail.
BizForms: The system now automatically renames the BizForm and its database table if you import a BizForm of the same name with another site.
BizForms: The country/province selection dialog now stores the values as code names rather than IDs.
BizForms: It's now possible to export data to Excel 2007.
Forums: The users can now have their picture and signature and edit them using the My Profile web part.
Forums: The users can now specify their nickname in the My Profile web part.
Forums: You can now configure the use of WYSIWYG editor for post editing.
Forums: The users are now informed when they submit a post to a moderated forum.
E-mails: The e-mails can be sent over SSL-secured SMTP server - you can set it up in Site Manager -> Settings -> E-mails -> Use SSL.
Multilingual support: It's now possible to configure automatic use of default language version of the file if it's not translated - this option is now independent on the "Combine with default culture" option that is used for content. It can be configured in Site Manager -> Settings -> Web Site -> Combine files with default culture.
Newsletter: The subscribers can have custom fields defined in Site Manager -> Development -> System tables.
Workflow: It's now possible to configure the workflow scope for all document types.


Bug fixes:


Controls: The CMSTreeMenu and CMSListMenu didn't recognize the selected menu item correctly if the URL path used a different prefix than the alias path.
Controls: The PageManager didn't check the permissions correctly.
CMS Desk: The scheduling dialog didn't work correctly with some cultures.
Workflow: In very specific cases, the user could approve the document without being authorized to do that.
CMS Desk: The virtual objects (layouts, CSS stylesheets) were not updated in the memory when the user modified them using the check-in/check-out function.
CMS Desk: The browse tree permission didn't allow editors to browse content unless they had also the edit permission.
CMS Desk: The WYSIWYG editor didn't work correctly with https URLs.
CMS Desk: The default values of the custom fields were not applied when creating a new user.
CMS Desk: The maximum number of tree nodes didn't work correctly with multilingual web sites.
Controls: The MyProfile web part didn't work correctly on ASPX page templates.
Controls: The Registration form web part didn't allow for empty value in the "Assign to roles" property.
Controls: The related documents settings didn't work correctly in some web parts.
BizForms: The custom query for retrieving drop-down list items couldn't use < and > characters.




Editor: The WYSIWYG editor is now placed in an IFRAME by default. If you experience any issue with design in the editing mode, please make sure you have <add key="CMSUseIFrameForHTMLEditorToolbar" value="true" /> in your web.config, in the appSettings section.
Database: All tables now have the Enforce for replication property set to No.
CMS Desk: The Approve/Publish button now saves the changes made to the text.
E-commerce: When a customer is disabled, her user account is disabled as well.



May 11, 2007 - Version 2.1e - Service Release


Bug fixes:


Allowed extensions for uploaded files were not applied correctly.
The extension of the postback URL was incorrect when using an extension different to .aspx.
Missing scrollbars in several dialogs.
Enter did not work as a default submit button in the search dialog.
The PageInfoProvider didn't work correctly with addresses that were in format
The image gallery web part didn't work correctly in ASPX templates.
The site import wizard didn't check if there's any package to be imported.
The COM_CurrencyExchangeRate table contained duplicated records after export/import.
The hashtables with queries and transformations were not updated when a document type was deleted.
The site map web part/CMSSiteMap control didn't work correctly with URL redirection.
The custom error message of the "user control" field and drop-down list field wasn't used.
The values of the user custom fields were deleted when the user account general properties were updated.
The BizForm property "Send form data to e-mail" couldn't be unchecked.
The drop-down menu/CSS menu didn't work correctly with mouse-over CSS class.
The BizForm web part didn't work correctly with custom code in the Code tab.
The move of the document to another site didn't work correctly.
The tab menu/CMSTabControl didn't work correctly with URL redirection.
The passwords in plain text format were not case sensitive.
The GetFileUrl functions did not resolve the links correctly.
The SMTP server name now supports an explicit port number in format smtpserver:port.
Improved quality of resized images and client caching of images.
Improved and more stable site import process.
The version history of attachments was not exported/imported.
Sorting in CMSDataGrid control/Grid web part didn't work correctly.
The rollback didn't preserve correct links to attached files.
The import process didn't update the workflow step correctly in the imported documents.
The BizForm module didn't display a scrollbar in the Data -> Select fields dialog.
The content staging synchronization didn't work correctly in special cases when the first synchronization task was "Published".
The content staging synchronization didn't work correctly for attachments in multilingual documents.
The information on the current workflow step wasn't updated in some cases.
The Random Document web part didn't work correctly in ASPX templates.
The search results were not correct for the "all words" option.
The paths to CSS files in the Forums and E-commerce modules did not work correctly for extension-less URLs.
The BizForm Data dialog now supports paging.
The controls displaying relationships might fail in some cases due to invalid query.
The custom layouts and master page template were not updated in the cache when modified.
The root document was displayed instead of the default page in some cases, even if the user viewed the live site.
The import process didn't import the ASPX templates, VB.NET inline user controls correctly.
The document name path wasn't updated correctly when copying or moving a document in some cases.
The Shopping Cart content was deleted before the OnFinishOrder method was called.
The Shopping Cart didn't use the custom method GetPaymentURL.
The web part properties dialog didn't work correctly when the page alias path contained extended characters.
The file upload didn't work correctly if the files folder was outside the web site and the web site root didn't have modify permissions assigned.
The workflow didn't work correctly after it was disabled for the documents. Now the documents finish their workflow process and then they start working as a document without workflow.
The non-approved content changes appear on the live web site when the document was being edited.
The ViewState didn't work correctly in ASCX user controls inserted through the "General/User control" web part.
The upload field in BizForms raised an exception when trying to update an existing record.
The pager used in repeater and datalist kept invalid URL parameters used on other page/by other users.
The web part configuration dialog wasn't displayed correctly when the alias path of the page contained extended characters.
The non-aproved images were not displayed when inserted into the page.
The images in version history might not be displayed in some cases due to the loss of user session.




The BizForm e-mails can now be sent to multiple e-mail addresses separated with a semicolon (;).




The transformations can now be configured for different language versions - you only need to define the transformation with name in format transformation_<culturecode>.
The menu controls can now load related table content if you specify a single document type, which allows you to filter the items using the WHERE expression.
The CMSListMenu control/CSS List Menu web part now has a new property RenderLinkTitle/Render link title property that allows you to configure the control so that it displays a title for every link for better accessibility.



March 20, 2007 - Version 2.1d - Service Release


Bug fixes:


The permission "Check-in any document" was not applied.
It was possible to approve a checked-out document.
The unsubscribe link in the newsletter module contained invalid URL in case the web site was running in the site root.
The field name couldn't be renamed.
E-mails sent from the BizForms module did not support localized strings.
The SkinID property of the search dialog could cause errors.
Some of the session variables didn't support out-of-process session storage.
The newsletter web parts didn't support localization of custom captions.
The Add new button was displayed in the Detail view.
The generated search query was invalid for container document types.
The SQL Import displayed confusing messages when the connection string was not set.
The deletion of all items in an order in the E-commerce module caused an exception.
The RoleInfoProvider didn't raise the CustomDataHandler events.
The shipping, billing and currency can now be localized using the localization strings.
The layouts, transformations and web parts might be cached even after they were modified.




The FCKeditor shared toolbar can now be placed in a separate frame to avoid issues with design. You can set up the placement in a separate frame using the following web.config parameter:
<add key="CMSUseFrameForHTMLEditorToolbar" value="true" />
Please note: This value is now intended for testing purposes only, it will be fully supported in the next versions.




The BizForms data view now supports paging.
All menu controls now support the custom menu item settings, such as styles or custom images. The mouseover action is supported only by CMSMenu control/Drop down menu web part.
Added browser configuration for correct behavior of the web site when it's accessed by W3C validator.
The system now logs the restarts of the application and displays the time from the last restart.
It's now possible to send support requests with system information from the Site Manager -> Support section.



March 1, 2007 - Version 2.1c - Service Release


Bug fixes:


The workflow notification e-mail was sent with a confusing subject to the person who was authorized to approve the document.
The subscription in the forum didn't work correctly in the tree view mode - the user was subscribed to the whole forum instead of particular post.
The Design tab was not displayed for the pages with inherited template.
The Calendar web part didn't work correctly when placed on an ASPX page template.
If the page contained multiple forum groups, they were not displayed when the user selected a forum in some forum group.
The code placed in the Code tab of the web part didn't work correctly on sub-pages.
The code placed in the Code tab of the web part didn't work for editable regions.
When the site code name was changed, the system still didn't allow to create a new site using the original code name.
When the site code name was changed, the images were no longer visible.
The copying of file documents didn't copy the file.
Fixed bugs in caching of layouts, transformations and web parts.
The string resources didn't work correctly if stored in database.
It wasn't possible to have two BizForms of the same code name on two different sites.
The postback didn't work with extension-less URLs on Windows Server 2003.



February 22, 2007 - Version 2.1b - Service Release


Bug fixes:


Important security fix: The administration section didn't control the access rights correctly. It's highly recommended that you upgrade your system to 2.1b!
The search dialog didn't work in the ASPX templates.
The Current User web part didn't use the user name label CSS style.
The CSS list menu rendered invalid code for inactive menu items.
The product access permissions were fixed in the Content -> Product dialog.
The image gallery web part didn't work correctly in the ASPX templates.
The CMSTreeMenu control rendered invalid code in case some menu item image was specified.
The page template code name uniqueness wasn't checked.
The check-out function for the page layout didn't work correctly in some cases.
The e-mails sent by the Newsletter module didn't display the line breaks in some e-mail clients correctly.
The filtering in Customers and Orders lists didn't work correctly.
The allowed file extensions that can be uploaded were case sensitive.
The Relationship name property of web parts wasn't saved and applied.
The ASPX page template files were not exported during the Export objects wizard.
The Sign out button wasn't localized.
Several bugs were fixed in the import/export process.


What's new:


Partial translations were added: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Czech.



February 7, 2007 - Version 2.1a - Service Release


Bug fixes:


The file name couldn't be entered for ASPX page templates.
Document check-out could lead to a database dead-lock if the version history length was too small.
Several bug fixes in the import/export procedures.
The left tree menu didn't unfold when some document was opened using an e-mail notification link.
The file upload didn't work correctly if files were configured to be stored in the file system.
The ID of the web part added to a new page template wasn't unique.
Missing scrollbars in the New document type wizard.
The search engine caused an exception if multiple searches were performed at the same time.
The cloned template modifications affected also the original template.
The RSS feeds contained invalid news item URLs if running in the web site root.
The password format was not set correctly when creating a new user.
Paging didn't work correctly in the Image gallery web part.
CMSRepeater and some other controls didn't work with custom ItemTemplate sections and other nested configuration sections.
Portal page template inserted under the ASPX page templates didn't work correctly.
The button Submit to approval might been still displayed after the document was published in some cases.
After editing a page and pressing check-in the content controls were not locked until you navigated away from the page and back again.
Language selector didn't work correctly.
The portal engine-related tabs (dialogs) were not hidden for ASPX page templates.
Several bug fixes in the Content staging module, including synchronization of move/copy operations.
The visual inheritance didn't work correctly if the document inherited only from the root document in some cases.
Added documentation of new database tables.




The CMS system resource strings were moved to the CMSResources/CMS.resx file which speeds up the installation, makes the translation easier and saves database storage space.



January 30, 2007 - Version 2.1


What's new:


Improved performance.
New Forums module.
New E-commerce module.
New Content Staging module.
Added full support for ASPX page templates and documentation.
It's now possible to add custom fields to the user profile through the administration interface (Development -> System tables).
The master page can be edited using a special tab "Master page" that is displayed for the root page. This allows you to edit DOCTYPE, HEAD element content, BODY element attributes and page layout of the master page.
The document types can be marked as document types with "page template selection" so that the page template must be selected when a new document is being created.
The Newsletter module now allows you to choose if you want to send confirmation e-mails to users when you subscribe/unsubscribe them through the administration interface.
The virtual paths, such as "~/images/image1.gif", can be used also for the background attribute.
The logon form now supports sending of forgotten passwords.
The icons in content tree can now be clicked (for better usability).
The Drop down menu (CMSMenu control) now supports separators.
Support for nested repeaters/datalists.
More robust import/export methods.
The SQL Import utility now supports import of images.
The web parts can now be placed directly on the ASPX pages or ASCX controls, outside the portal engine.
New BizForm web part.
New JavaScript web part.
New My Profile web part.
The Registration form web part now supports registration of users whose account needs to be activated by the administrator.
New Web Services web parts (Datalist, Grid, Repeater) allow you to display content provided by a web service.
New Master page tab in the CMS Desk allows you to easily modify the master page, including DOCTYPE, HEAD section and BODY attributes.
New property Skin ID was added to several web parts.
It's now possible to change the default culture of the web site through the user interface at any time.
It's now possible to set content inheritance for every single page.
It's now possible to create page templates with page template-specific HTML layout.
The scheduled tasks can now be automatically deleted after they are completed.
New menu action configuration section has been added to the Properties -> Menu dialog. You can use it to define an inactive menu item.
New CMSDocumentValue control allows you to display the given value of the current document.
The transformations can now use a new method IfEmpty to decide if the value (e.g. image field) is empty and display conditional text.
New example of RSS feed with content from Kentico CMS was added to the Developer's Guide -> Extending modules -> RSS feeds.




The Design tab is not applied only to the current page (page template), not on the whole page.
The PDF documents are now returned with content disposition inline, so that they do not display a download dialog.


Bug fixes:


The localization was not fully supported in the BizForm form.
The CMSEditModeButtonAdd control rendered empty <span> element in the live site mode.
The repeater/datalist/grid controls/web parts didn't work correctly if placed on the page template assigned to a document of other type than "page (menu item)".
Page templates with empty parent category were not displayed in the page template selection dialog.
Several dialogs were not displayed correctly in IE 6.0.
The drop down menu was displayed as vertical when it was approved in the Preview mode.
The date time picker might not work correctly when the content was in other culture than en-us.
The "is custom string" box value in the UI Cultures section was not saved correctly.
The "created by" field of the document was not set when a new document was created.
The full-page caching didn't work correctly with personalized web sites (authenticated users).
Document links couldn't be created correctly in the Static HTML web part properties in IE 7.0.
Extended characters were not displayed correctly in page layouts and transformations.
The List view mode was displaying only published documents.
The file selection dialog did not work correctly for other file types than images.
The output filter did not work correctly in some special cases.
The e-mail form field didn't validate the e-mail addresses written in uppercase correctly.
The BizForm module didn't support localization of all form captions.
The Grid (CMSDataGrid), Datalist (CMSDataList) and Repeater (CMSRepeater) controls didn't work correctly if placed on page template assigned to non-page document type.
The icons of the custom document types were not exported and imported.
Storing passwords in hashed format didn't work correctly.
The BizForm module did not save the uploaded files.
The Design tab of the web parts rendered an incorrect code of the table elements.
The changes made to the web part container code were not updated on the live web site automatically.
The session variables are now serializable, so that they can be used within a web farm with SQL Server session store.
The files placed within a secured area didn't require authentication.



November 29, 2006 - Version 2.0b


What's new:


IE 7.0 and FF 2.0 are now fully tested with Kentico CMS and supported.
It's now possible to get the time when the scheduler was last run and restart it manually if necessary.
New Document page web part that can be used for displaying a list of documents, one document on every page. It's useful for paging of long articles and paging of "Take a tour" wizards.
New Random document web part that enables displaying a random document, such as "featured product".
Improved performance of the tree view in CMS Desk -> Content section.
Improved performance of output filters and portal engine.
New system of caching that enables caching of whole pages which improves the performance around ten-times in comparison to web part-level caching. The caching can be set up in document properties -> General.
The information message about editing/preview mode is no longer displayed if the page is displayed inside the CMS Desk.
Improved support for editing page layouts directly from the Design tab.
TAB key is now supported in several code editors (such as page layout or transformation editor) throughout the user interface.
The CSS list menu web part/CMSListeMenu control now supports ID prefixes for differentiating several list menus on the same page.


Bug fixes:


Fixed design in master page template selection in the New site wizard.
Fixed problems with scheduling engine that appears in some server environments where the server cannot request page from itself (due to firewall or DNS settings). If you experienced problems with crashing ASP.NET process, you need to add the following parameter to the appSettings section of your web.config file: <add key="CMSUseAutomaticScheduler" value="false" />.
Datalist no longer renders a table element in the detail view.
The web site now contains App_Browsers folder with configuration for search engines, such as Google, so that they can access sub-pages using friendly URLs (it workarounds a bug in ASP.NET 2.0 URL rewriting process).
The forbidden characters were replaced with underscore (_) instead of configured replacement character in some cases.
The newsletter module doesn't use the Sender from name when sending a newsletter issue that has been already mailed out.
The newsletter module may display a scheduling dialog after saving the static newsletter configuration.
The newsletter module doesn't resolve the e-mail address in <A> element correctly.
The content tree may display a JavaScript error when the document name contains an apostrophe.
The global administrator can select links or images from any web site even if he/she is not assigned to the web site.
UI culture (string translations in BizForms, date/time format, etc.) is now set correctly on the web site based on the current user's preferences.
More stable import/export module.
String translation in Development -> UI Cultures -> Strings threw an error saying the string already exists.
The page template wasn't editable in Design tab if visual inheritance was broken by the Inherit page levels property.
The documents are now correctly displayed if they are placed directly under the page template with page placeholder that has a default page template specified.
The web parts can now be correctly moved to newly added web part zones.
The Breadcrumbs web part contained an extra <div> element.
The files referred using their URL based on alias path did not reflect the currently selected content culture.
The notification e-mail in BizForms module now contains correctly translated field names.
The document creation through API failed for long names/alias paths.
HTML files uploaded to Kentico CMS are now displayed directly in the browser, without displaying a download/open dialog.
The search didn't work correctly for selected document types.
The roles assigned to workflow steps were not exported/imported.
The newsletter issue preview didn't display correct URLs when the site was running in the root.
The user interface culture and translated strings were not displayed correctly in some cases.
The content culture was set incorrectly when the session expired.
The file selection dialog didn't work correctly and didn't contain the Clear button.



November 7, 2006 - Version 2.0a


What's new:


New design of the sample Corporate Site project.
Improved performance and optimized output filters.
The folder app_code/<sitename> is now automatically exported/imported with web site.


Bug fixes:


If an invalid default alias path is used, the user is redirected to the root.
Fixed bugs in the licensing mechanism.
The connection string is now saved to the web.config file only after the database is successfully created.
Documents with long names might not be saved.
Import/export didn't save settings values correctly.
The registration form raised validation on every postback.
The web site might not be deleted.
The URL path was incorrectly updated when alias path was modified.
The WYSIWYG editor created links with domain, although they were inside the given site, the URL didn't follow the configured extension.
The Save as new template button updated all pages using the original template.
The breadcrumbs control displayed incorrect links.
Several minor bug fixes.



October 26, 2006 - Version 2.0


What's new:


Framework and infrastructure changes:

All code rewritten to C# 2005, VB.NET version is no longer available, but development in VB.NET will be still supported.
Visual Studio 2003/ASP.NET 1.1 is no longer supported.
Improved and enhanced API. All operations are now accessible through the object model.
Custom event handlers throughout the whole system that allow developers to enhance the code with custom actions when e.g. a new document is created, when a user is authenticated, etc.
All possible settings (web.config settings, transformations, etc.) are now stored in the database instead of the file system.
It’s possible to configure the web site so that it doesn’t write into the file system.


New Portal Engine

It’s now possible to create pages using webparts in the web browser, without having to use Visual Studio.
Several webparts are now available: navigation, content, membership etc.


Multi-site Management

It’s now possible to run multiple web sites using a single database and code installation.
The web sites can have different or shared users, content, structure and settings.


Content Management

New database structure for storing content.
Every site is “multilingual” by default, even if it uses only a single language. It means that it’s not necessary to configure multilingual support.
Multilingual web sites may have different structures – it’s no longer necessary to have all documents in the default language.
New, easier-to-use user interface with preview functionality (without staging) and simplified editing.
It’s now possible to sort all content tree items manually using arrows instead of setting Menu item order value.
All documents (not only pages) now can have their menu item caption, page title, keywords, order and page template.
All documents can be restored from the recycle bin after being deleted accidentally even without versioning.
Workflow can be assigned to particular site sections and document types, instead of per-document type basis.
Global search & replace.
Improved link management using the permanent links that keep working after the target document has been moved or renamed.



Added membership provider implementation that enables use of Kentico CMS user management with standard ASP.NET 2.0 membership controls.
Support for custom authentication (user and role information) from an external source.
Support for automatic import of user account and roles from Active Directory/NT domain.
Users can change their profile (e-mail, password, preferred culture) in the My Desk section.
Customizable user profiles
New user attributes "is editor" and "is global administrator".
Local deny permission overrides the global permissions.
Secured areas can be easily defined through the user interface.


Form Engine

It’s possible to specify custom form layout for editing forms and BizForms.
Custom validation (value range, regex) is now supported.
Custom styles for every control.
Support for field groups.



It’s possible to export the whole web site or its parts (e.g. document types) into a single file (on the development machine) and restore it on the target (production) server.
Global search & replace enables easy updating of links.
Kentico CMS now can run without disk write permissions and in the medium trust environment.


File Management

All files are now stored in a special folder and retrieved using a dedicated ASPX page.
It’s possible to store files only in the database.


URL Rewriting

URL Rewriting now supports extension-less URLs without extra “dummy” files on the disk.
Custom actions and URL rewriting rules are now supported.



Optional switching to advanced user interface with more options.
Custom form layout, validation and styles.



Completely new, more robust interface and API.
Support for dynamic newsletters (such as last week's articles, etc.).



Simplified, more flexible configuration.
Forums can be optionally opened only for registered users.
Support for ad-hoc forums.



New scheduling sub-system enabling scheduling of custom tasks.



New provider-based model enabling use of custom search engine.
Customizable search results design.
Search results can be paged.


CMS Controls

DataGrid, Repeater and DataList controls now support selection of only top N rows.
DataGrid, Repeater and DataList controls now support paging.