Update web site properties

The following example shows you how to modify web site properties in your code:




using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




       // Get current site name (you can use code name of the required site instead)

       string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;


       // Check if the site name is available

       if (siteName != null)




               // Stop the site because we will change the domain of the site



               // Get site info

               SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(siteName);


               if (si != null)


                   si.DisplayName = "New dsiplay name";

                   si.Description = "New description";


                   // Change domain of the site

                   si.DomainName = "mynewdomain.com";


                   // Set new domain alias with default content language set to en-US

                   SiteInfoProvider.AddDomainAlias(siteName, "newdomainalias", "en-US");


                   // Save the changes




               // Run the site



               lblInfo.Text = string.Format("Site '{0}' has been edited.", siteName);


           catch (RunningSiteException ex)


               lblError.Text = "Site cannot be started.<br />Original exception: " + ex.Message;


           catch (Exception ex)


               lblError.Text = "Error when modifying site properties.<br />Original exception: " + ex.Message;

