Search results in transformations

You can use the following default transformations to display search results by the Smart search dialog with results and Smart search results web parts:


CMS.Root. SmartSearchResults
CMS.Root. SmartSearchResultsWithImages


Search results are returned in so-called search dataset. No matter what the field names in the found documents are, the search dataset always contains the following fields that are mapped to the real documents' fields:



Expresses the relevance of the found document in a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1, while higher values indicate higher relevance.


This field is mapped to the field specified by the Title field drop-down list on the Search fields tab of the particular document type.


This field is mapped to the field specified by the Content field drop-down list on the Search fields tab of the particular document type.


This field is mapped to the field specified by the Date field drop-down list on the Search fields tab of the particular document type.


This field is mapped to the field specified by the Image field drop-down list on the Search fields tab of the particular document type.


In transformations, you can get the values from the fake dataset by using the Eval("<field name>") funciton: Eval("score"), Eval("title"), ...


You can also use the following methods in your transformations:


SearchResultUrl(bool absolute) - returns URL to the document; the attribute indicates if the returned URL should be absolute
SearchHighlight(string text,string startTag, string endTag) - wraps the text entered in the first attribute by the tags specified by the other two attribute
GetSearchImageUrl(string noImageUrl, int maxSideSize) - returns URL of the current search result's image; the first attribute specifies URL returned in no image found, the second one specifies the maximal side size to which the image will be resized
GetSearchValue(string columnName) - returns specified column's value for the current search result