Sending e-mails

The BizForms module allows you to send to types of e-mails when a new record is added:


Notification e-mail to the site owner
Autoresponder - a notification e-mail to the person who submitted the new record in the form


Notification e-mails


You can configure the notification e-mails on the Notification e-mail tab in the form properties.


Check the box Send form data to e-mail and enter the following values:


From e-mail: {%Email%} (this ensures that the e-mail is sent from the person who entered the data and you can easily reply the e-mail)
To e-mail: (use your e-mail here)
Subject: Event registration by {%FirstName%} {%LastName%}
Attach uploaded documents: Yes
Use custom form layout: Yes


Click Generate table layout and then click Save.


When you submit the form now, you will receive a notification with entered data.




You can configure the automatic reply on the Autoresponder tab in the form properties. First, you need to choose the field that contains the e-mail address where the automatic response should be sent (typically the E-mail field where the visitor enters his/her e-mail).


Then, you need to enter the sender e-mail and subject and define the body of the e-mail by inserting text and special macros into the text. For example:


Thank you for your registration. Your registration number is $$value:EventRegistrationID$$ and we will use e-mail address $$value:Email$$ for further communication.


The macro $$value:<fieldname>$$ inserts value of the given field into the text.


You can also add attachments that are sent with message, such as event agenda, white papers, etc.




Inserting dynamic values into e-mail messages


You can make the values of the following fields dynamic:

From e-mail
To e-mail
Display text
Redirect to URL


You only need to use special expressions in format {%fieldname%} into the field value. When the form is submitted, the value is automatically merged with current form data.




If you enter the Display text value like this:


Dear {%FirstName%}, thank you for your message. We will contact you shortly.


It will be displayed like this for First name "Jane":


Dear Jane, thank you for your message. We will contact you shortly.


It's also useful if you need to customize the sender address of the notification e-mail. When the site owner replies to such e-mail, the reply will be sent to the person who submitted the form instead of sending it to some system e-mail address. All you need to do is to set the From e-mail value to e.g. {%Email%}.