Names of files and previews

When a file is being uploaded to a media library, users can upload the file itself and its preview. The preview will be displayed in the files list in the Media gallery web part. Previews are typically used if you want to upload some non-image file and attach an image which will be displayed as the file's preview in the file list. For image files, the preview can, bud doesn't have to be done as the image itself will be used for this purpose.


When the preview image or the image itself is larger than the required preview image size, its thumbnail will be created with the required size. Both previews and thumbnails are stored in a hidden folder in the root of the media library folder. Name of the hidden folder can be set in Site Manager -> Settings -> Media libraries -> Media library hidden folder.


Format of media library files on the disk


Files: <filename>.<fileextension>
File thumbnails: <hidden folder>/<filename>_<fileextension>_<width>_<height>.<extension>


Previews: <hidden folder>/<filename>_<fileextension><previewsuffix>.<previewextension>
Preview thumbnails: <hidden folder>/<filename>_<fileextension><previewsuffix>_<width>_<height>.<previewextension>




If you upload the following files:


Uploaded file: MyImage.jpg
Uploaded preview: MyPhoto.bmp


with the following settings defined in Site Manager -> Settings -> Media libraries:


Media file hidden folder: __thumbnails
Media file preview suffix: _preview


the uploaded files will be stored in the following locations in the media library folder, with the following names:


File: MyImage.jpg
File thumbnail: __thumbnails/MyImage_jpg_100_200.jpg


Preview: __thumbnails/MyImage_jpg_preview.bmp
Preview thumbnail: __thumbnails/MyImage_jpg_preview_20_30.bmp