Managing workflow schema

The following code samples show how to create a new schema Testing workflow with following steps:


Edit -> Article Approval (custom step) -> Publish -> Archive


It also creates a workflow scope that applies this workflow to all articles in the /TestingWorkflow section.


Creating a new workflow schema




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;



           // Prepare the data

           WorkflowInfo wi = new WorkflowInfo();

           wi.WorkflowDisplayName = "Testing workflow";

           wi.WorkflowName = "TestingWorkflow";


           // Insert the workflow



           // Create default steps (required for proper operation)




Creating a workflow step




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




           // Get the workflow

           WorkflowInfo wi = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("TestingWorkflow");

           if (wi != null)


               // Init new step

               WorkflowStepInfo wsi = new WorkflowStepInfo();

               wsi.StepDisplayName = "Article approval";

               wsi.StepName = "ArticleApproval";


               // Get published step info for the proper position

               WorkflowStepInfo psi = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetPublishedStep(wi.WorkflowID);

               if (psi != null)


                   // New step has the previous published step order

                   wsi.StepOrder = psi.StepOrder;


                   // Move the published step down

                   psi.StepOrder += 1;



                   // Move the archived step down

                   WorkflowStepInfo asi = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetArchivedStep(wi.WorkflowID);

                   if (asi != null)


                       asi.StepOrder += 1;





               // Insert the step to the database

               wsi.StepWorkflowID = wi.WorkflowID;





Defining a workflow scope




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;




           // Get the workflow

           WorkflowInfo wi = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("TestingWorkflow");

           if (wi != null)


               // Init new workflow scope

               WorkflowScopeInfo wsi = new WorkflowScopeInfo();

               wsi.ScopeStartingPath = "/TestingWorkflow";


               // Assign the document type article

               DataClassInfo ci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass("CMS.Article");

               if ( ci != null )


                   wsi.ScopeClassID = ci.ClassID;



               wsi.ScopeSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID;

               wsi.ScopeWorkflowID = wi.WorkflowID;


               // Save the scope to the database





Deleting a workflow




using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.CMSHelper;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.TreeEngine;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.WorkflowEngine;



           // Get the workflow

           WorkflowInfo wi = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("TestingWorkflow");


           // Delete the worfklow
