Code examples

The following examples show how you can use the CMS.DataEngine library for low-level data manipulation.




Only for illustration


The code is used only for illustration. It's recommended that you use the CMS.SiteProvider.UserInfoProvider class for manipulation of the user data.



Creating a new user




using CMS.DataEngine;



DataClass userObj = new DataClass("cms.user");

userObj.SetValue("username", "johns");

userObj.SetValue("fullname", "John Smith");




Selecting and updating an existing user




using CMS.DataEngine;



DataClass userObj = new DataClass("cms.user", 10);

string userName = (string) userObj.GetValue("username");

userObj.SetValue("fullname", "John Smith Jr.");




Deleting a user




using CMS.DataEngine;


DataClass userObj = new DataClass("cms.user"10);

if (! userObj.IsEmpty())






Running a custom query


You can run a custom query if you first create it either manually in the CMS_Query table or through the administration interface (if it’s supported for the chosen entity).




using CMS.DataEngine;


GeneralConnection cn = ConnectionHelper.GetConnection();

DataSet ds = null;

object[,] parameters = new object[13];


parameters[00] = "@UserName";

parameters[01] = "johns";


ds = cn.ExecuteQuery("cms.user.selectbyname", parameters);