Custom notification gateway class

The following steps need to be taken to create a custom notification gateway class:


1.Create a new library (assembly) as a part of your solution and a new class inside this library.
2.Set your class to inherit from the CMS.Notifications.CMSNotificationGateway abstract class.
3.There are two methods you will need to override to reach the required functionality:
void SendNotification() – sends a single notification; it is automatically called after the specified event is raised
CMSNotificationGatewayForm GetNotificationGatewayForm() – loads and returns notification gateway form for the notification gateway
4.Compile the library.
5.Ensure the library file (*.dll) is included in the /Bin directory.


Example - E-mail notification gateway class


The following code sample shows how a custom e-mail notification gateway class can be implemented:




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Web.UI;


using CMS.EventLog;

using CMS.EmailEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.Notifications;


namespace EmailNotification


   /// <summary>

   /// Base class for e-mail notification gateway.

   /// </summary>

   public class EmailNotificationGateway : CMSNotificationGateway


       /// <summary>

       /// Returns the e-mail gateway form.

       /// </summary>

       public override CMSNotificationGatewayForm GetNotificationGatewayForm()




               Control ctrl = this.NotificationSubscriptionControl.Page.LoadControl("~/CMSModules/Notifications/Controls/NotificationSubscription/EmailNotificationForm.ascx");

               ctrl.ID = ValidationHelper.GetIdentificator("notif" + this.NotificationGatewayObj.GatewayName);


               return (CMSNotificationGatewayForm)ctrl;


           catch (Exception ex)




                   // Log the event

                   EventLogProvider eventLog = new EventLogProvider();

                   eventLog.LogEvent("EmailGateway", "EXCEPTION", ex);




                   // Unable to log the event



           return null;




       /// <summary>

       /// Sends the notification via e-mail.

       /// </summary>

       public override void SendNotification()




               if (this.NotificationSubscriptionObj != null)


                   // Get template text

                   NotificationTemplateTextInfo templateText = NotificationTemplateTextInfoProvider.GetNotificationTemplateTextInfo(this.NotificationGatewayObj.GatewayID, this.NotificationSubscriptionObj.SubscriptionTemplateID);

                   if (templateText != null)


                       // Get the site name

                       string siteName = null;

                       SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(this.NotificationSubscriptionObj.SubscriptionSiteID);

                       if (si != null)


                           siteName = si.SiteName;



                       // Create message object

                       EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage();


                       // Get sender from settings

                       message.From = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(siteName + ".CMSSendEmailNotificationsFrom");


                       // Do not send the e-mail if there is no sender specified

                       if (message.From != "")


                           // Initialize message

                           message.Recipients = this.NotificationSubscriptionObj.SubscriptionTarget;


                           // Body

                           if ((this.NotificationSubscriptionObj.SubscriptionUseHTML) &&

                               (this.NotificationGatewayObj.GatewaySupportsHTMLText) &&

                               (templateText.TemplateHTMLText != ""))


                               // HTML format, set Body property, resolve macros if possible

                               message.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Html;

                               if (this.Resolver != null)


                                   message.Body = this.Resolver.ResolveMacros(templateText.TemplateHTMLText);




                                   message.Body = templateText.TemplateHTMLText;





                               // Plaintext format, set PlainTextBody property, resolve macros if possible

                               message.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.PlainText;

                               if (this.Resolver != null)


                                   message.PlainTextBody = this.Resolver.ResolveMacros(templateText.TemplatePlainText);




                                   message.PlainTextBody = templateText.TemplatePlainText;




                           // Subject, resolve macros if possible

                           if (this.Resolver != null)


                               message.Subject = this.Resolver.ResolveMacros(templateText.TemplateSubject);




                               message.Subject = templateText.TemplateSubject;



                           // Send email via Email engine API

                           EmailSender.SendEmail(siteName, message);





           catch (Exception ex)




                   // Log the event

                   EventLogProvider eventLog = new EventLogProvider();

                   eventLog.LogEvent("EmailGateway", "EXCEPTION", ex);




                   // Unable to log the event




