Change the number of votes

The following sample code shows how you can increase the number of votes for a given answer using the API. It's useful if you want to create your own voting dialog.




using CMS.Polls;

using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;




       string pollName = "testingpoll"; // Poll code name


       // Get poll info for the specified code name

       PollInfo pollObj = PollInfoProvider.GetPollInfo(pollName);


       if (pollObj != null)


           // Get all answers of the poll

           DataSet ds = PollAnswerInfoProvider.GetAnswers(pollObj.PollID);


           if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))


               // Get first pollanswerinfo object

               PollAnswerInfo pollAnswerObj = new PollAnswerInfo(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);


               if (pollAnswerObj != null)


                   // Increment votes by 1



                   // Save the data



