Add authorized roles

The following sample code shows how you can add roles authorized for voting.




using CMS.Polls;

using CMS.SettingsProvider;

using CMS.SiteProvider;

using CMS.DataEngine;

using CMS.GlobalHelper;




       string pollName = "testingpoll"; // Poll code name

       string roleName = "cmseditor"; // Role code name

       string siteName = "CMSTestingSite"; // Role's site code name


       // Get poll info for the specified code name

       PollInfo pollObj = PollInfoProvider.GetPollInfo(pollName);


       // Get role info for specified role name and site name

       RoleInfo roleObj = RoleInfoProvider.GetRoleInfo(roleName, siteName);


       if ((pollObj != null) && (roleObj != null))


           // Change poll access to access for specified roles only

           pollObj.PollAccess = PollInfoProvider.ACCESS_ROLES;


           // Save the object



           // Check if the role has already been added

           if (!PollInfoProvider.IsRoleAllowedForPoll(pollObj.PollID, roleName))


               // Add role to the poll

               PollInfoProvider.AddRoleToPoll(roleObj.RoleID, pollObj.PollID);

