upgrade from kentico 8.2 to 9

somen ghosh asked on November 6, 2017 15:16

I have facing a problem.When running the upgrade procedure using KIM then an error is geerated."Hotfix/upgrade setup file is not signed with a trusted certificate or the file has been corrupted" when I skip this and click ok then it also generate the error "the specified executable is not a valid application for this os platform"

please help me to solve the issue.

Correct Answer

Brenden Kehren answered on November 6, 2017 15:36

Pretty common with any .exe you download. Right click on the .exe and go to properties and click unblock the file. Then run the file again a and install the necessary files.

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somen ghosh answered on November 6, 2017 15:46

Thanks Brenden for your reply. But I didn't find any unblock button in properties.

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Brenden Kehren answered on November 6, 2017 20:39

This is the checkbox.

Image Text

You can also check the .dll's in the project and look for that same blocked file issue.

If neither of these resolve it, then I'd suggest clearing all the files out and starting over. There is a cached version of the installer in C:\ProgramData\KIM and look for the Upg8_2_9_0 folder.

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somen ghosh answered on November 7, 2017 08:13

Hi Brenden

I didn't get the unblock option when right click on the Kentico_9-0 and also didn't find the path C:\ProgramData\KIM.

Image Text

Could you mention the steps more specific.


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Ashley Chang answered on June 6, 2018 20:03 (last edited on June 6, 2018 20:06)

We use KIM to run upgrade from Kentico 9.0 to Kentico 10.0 and ran into the same errors somen ghosh had. We did not see block/unblock option either in the executable file. Kentico support suggested us to check if there is any OS policy that is stopping the executable to be run and there is not.

Does anyone encounter the same issue using KIM and know how to resolve this issue?

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Brenden Kehren answered on June 7, 2018 15:16

Have you tried using just the upgrade exe? http://download.kentico.com/CMSUpgrades/Upgrade/Upgrade_9_0_10_0.exe

One other thing I've had is the download was corrupt and doesn't seem to want to clear itself out. In the KIM tool, you can clear the cache in the Settings. If you can't get it to clear out and allow you to download the files again then go into the C:\ProgramData\KIM\Upg9_0_10_0 directory and remove the .exe file and try to download it again.

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