Query cms.LicenseKey.SelectByDomain not found

Stefan Sturm asked on April 4, 2019 17:33


after upgrading Kentico v. 8.1.17 to 8.2 the manually way, the application is running well on the localhost but on server we got the following error:

[QueryProvider.GetQuery]: Query cms.LicenseKey.SelectByDomain not found!

Stack Trace:

[Exception: [QueryProvider.GetQuery]: Query cms.LicenseKey.SelectByDomain not found!]
CMS.DataEngine.QueryInfoProvider.GetQueryInfo(String name, Boolean throwException) +158
   CMS.DataEngine.DataQueryBase`1.GetQueryParameters(DataQuerySettings settings) +171
   CMS.DataEngine.DataQueryBase`1.GetPreparedQueryParameters() +136
   CMS.DataEngine.DataQueryBase`1.GetDataFromDB() +108
   CMS.DataEngine.DataQueryBase`1.GetData() +126
   CMS.DataEngine.DataQueryBase`1.get_Result() +112
   CMS.DataEngine.ConnectionHelper.ExecuteQuery(String queryName, QueryDataParameters parameters, String where, String orderBy, Int32 topN, String columns, Int32 offset, Int32 maxRecords, Int32& totalRecords) +368
   CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseKeyInfoProvider.GetLicenseKeyInfoFromDB(String domain) +214
   CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseKeyInfoProvider.GetLicenseKeyInfo(String domain, FeatureEnum feature) +232
   CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseKeyInfoProvider.IsFeatureAvailable(String domain, FeatureEnum feature) +270
   CMS.PortalEngine.DeviceContext.get_DevicesAvailable() +87
   CMS.PortalEngine.DeviceContext.get_CurrentDeviceProfileName() +33
   CMS.OutputFilter.OutputHelper.GetContextCacheString(String items, ViewModeOnDemand viewMode, SiteNameOnDemand siteName) +1219
   CMS.OutputFilter.OutputHelper.GetOutputCacheKeyInternal(ViewModeOnDemand viewMode, SiteNameOnDemand siteName) +31
   CMS.OutputFilter.OutputHelper.SendOutputFromCacheInternal(ViewModeOnDemand viewMode, SiteNameOnDemand siteName, CachedOutput& output) +96
   CMS.URLRewritingEngine.URLRewriter.SendOutputFromCache(String relativePath, ExcludedSystemEnum excludedEnum, ViewModeOnDemand viewMode, SiteNameOnDemand siteName) +108
   CMS.URLRewritingEngine.URLRewritingHandlers.SendOutputFromCache(String relativePath, ExcludedSystemEnum excludedEnum) +68
   CMS.URLRewritingEngine.URLRewritingHandlers.AuthorizeRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) +71
   CMS.Base.AbstractHandler.CallEventHandler(EventHandler`1 h, TArgs e) +106
   CMS.Base.AbstractHandler.Raise(String partName, List`1 list, TArgs e, Boolean important) +1022
   CMS.Base.SimpleHandler`2.RaiseExecute(TArgs e) +138
   CMS.Base.SimpleHandler`2.RaiseExecute(TArgs e) +176
   CMS.Base.SimpleHandler`2.StartEvent(TArgs e) +275
   System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +139
   System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStepImpl(IExecutionStep step) +195
   System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +88

Any help appreciated!

Kind regards Stefan

Recent Answers

Development Support answered on April 4, 2019 18:07 (last edited on April 4, 2019 18:07)

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Trevor Fayas answered on April 4, 2019 18:07 (last edited on April 4, 2019 18:07)

My Kentico 8.2 instance does not have this query, so my guess is that the library files aren't updated, because CMS.LicenseProvider.LicenseKeyInfoProvider.GetLicenseKeyInfoFromDB in v8.1 references that query, but in v8.2 it does not reference that.

So at minimum your CMS.LicenseProvider.dll is not up to date, at maximum more of your libraries are not.

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David te Kloese answered on April 4, 2019 21:13

What did you do to upgrade the remote server? If you can I'd compare your local files to the server files. As you might have orphaned files or mismatch DLL versions as Trevor pointed out.

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Stefan Sturm answered on April 10, 2019 15:22


thank you for your time. Of course there are some DLL problems and there is a lot of custom code involved.

We aren't able to fix this atm, so we will go for a another approach to solve it.

Regards Stefan

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David te Kloese answered on April 10, 2019 15:26

Unless you have any content related files on disk (like media files, search index, ...) you should be able to push ALL files on disk to replace whatever is on your target server.

Also make sure you remove files that got removed in the upgrade!

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Trevor Fayas answered on April 10, 2019 15:53

"Of course there are some DLL problems and there is a lot of custom code involved."

This is you're issue then. If you don't upgrade your external class libraries to point to the new DLLs (remove the references and re-add) then when you build them, it will put in the OLD DLLs, and thus replace the proper libraries.

Sorry, but no way around it, you need to rebuild those other class libraries using the updated dlls, otherwise you're going to create more problems than you can diagnose.

Keep in mind if you can't find the source for your custom libraries, JustDecompile is a free tool that you can hopefully salvage your custom library classes and rebuild them. I know i've run into it before where other parties created libraries and didn't give the customer the source.

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