Hierarchical Repeater in K13 .Net Core

Shawn Hart asked on March 25, 2021 15:01

Hi, I'm fairly new to ASP.NET Core and I'm trying to create a site navigation that reflects the traditional Hierarchical Repeater, but don't know where to start with it. I want to keep it really as basic as possible (to choose a maximum of 3 levels deep) and just show the page title, link and option to hide. Does anyone have an example on how to create a hierarchical navigation?

Recent Answers

Eric Dugre answered on March 25, 2021 16:48

Hello Shawn,

This article might help: https://devnet.kentico.com/articles/displaying-the-content-tree-programmatically. It was written for Kentico 12 so it may need some adjustment, but it should work fine!

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Shawn Hart answered on March 27, 2021 19:28

Hey, many thanks ... would that work with the PageRetriever (and not GetDocuments)? I couldn't seem to get it to, kept getting a null value back.

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lawrence whittemore answered on June 16, 2021 16:30

Hey Shawn, Did you have any luck with this?

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