Change text of submit button for a "Custom Table" alternate form layout (NOTE - not a bizform).

Tom Wisneski asked on March 3, 2020 17:27

I know through jQuery I can change the text of a form button. However there is a flash from when it loads. So I am changing the button text to "Calculate." So on the load, for a brief (second) you see 'Submit' before jQuery changes it to 'Calculate'. This is not on a Bizform layout. This is a Custom Table form (alternate form). I realize using a Bizform, you would be able to edit the button text in the "general" area. However in custom tables you are not. I would do it on the custom webpart I am using if I knew what to reference. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!

Correct Answer

Peter Mogilnitski answered on March 4, 2020 05:40

I guess you can clone and customize CustomTableForm web part. it should be something like

customTableForm.SubmitButton.Text = "hello";

custom table form class has submit button property

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Recent Answers

Juraj Ondrus answered on March 4, 2020 09:45

Just to list all the options, there is the "general.submit" resource string in the resx file. So, you can override it by creating custom "translation" by creating new resource string with the same key name. However, as the key name says, it is a general resource, so it will change the text of other submit buttons which are using this resource string key.

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Tom Wisneski answered on March 4, 2020 17:08

Thank you both for the input! :)

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