Add new field to existent documents type (page type)?

Faisal Alsugair asked on October 12, 2014 18:50


I looking to add extra field on existent page type nut it is not appear in the page.

For example: I created new field to (Smartphone) page type and when I go to the pages that used this type I can see the new field under Form of (Custom properties) the issue this field not appear on the live page?!! please advise..

Recent Answers

Brenden Kehren answered on October 13, 2014 13:41

You have to go to Transformations within the Page Type and ensure the transformation you are using has that data being rendered within that particular transformation.

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Faisal Alsugair answered on October 13, 2014 14:03

Do you mean I need to write the cide in transformation manually?.

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Brenden Kehren answered on October 13, 2014 18:03 (last edited on October 13, 2014 18:03)

Yes, the new fields don't automatically flow to the UI for good reasons.

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Faisal Alsugair answered on October 14, 2014 23:11


I have another issue for SKU:

The issue: when I add new page of product and after save I show the error message of SKU: This page is configured to be a product, however, it is not connected with any SKU yet. Use the action below to bind an SKU to the page.

I click on the (Create new or assign exiting SKU) but after save the system return to the (Form) without change any thing!!

Please advise.

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Josef Dvorak answered on December 1, 2014 09:05 (last edited on December 1, 2014 11:54)

Hello Faisal,

The SKU should be created upon successful save of the page. Could you please check in the Event log for any errors indicating why the Page does not save? Is there anything else special about this Page type? Does it have any Field mapping setup? Does the same issue happen if you create a new Page type and try to add SKU to it, or does it happen only for the current Page type?

I have also noticed your other question with additional details, but lets keep resolving it in this thread, as it contains more information.

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Faisal Alsugair answered on June 14, 2015 13:39

Answers after long time sorry:

  • This issue happen when I create new page and select new page type like Product or Smartphone or any type except the type page menu item..
  • In Event log I see the error after create new page with error of SKU:

EventID: 44272

EventType: E

EventTime: 6/14/2015 3:38:03 AM

Source: MacroResolver


UserID: 53

UserName: admin


EventDescription: Error while evaluating expression: GetBundleSelectorWhereCondition(EditedObject);

Exception occured while evaluation of the expression ' GetBundleSelectorWhereCondition(EditedObject); ': Method 'GetBundleSelectorWhereCondition' for object of type 'CMS.Ecommerce.SKUTreeNode' not found, please check the macro or the method declaration.

at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.ThrowMethodNotFound(Object callingObject) at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateMethodCall(Boolean& match, Boolean& securityPassed) at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateInternal(Boolean& match, Boolean& securityPassed) at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateCompoundExpression(Boolean& match, Boolean& securityPassed) at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.EvaluateInternal(Boolean& match, Boolean& securityPassed) at CMS.MacroEngine.ExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate() at CMS.MacroEngine.MacroResolver.ResolveMacroExpression(ResolveExpressionSettings settings)

EventUrl: /CMSModules/Ecommerce/Pages/Content/Product/Product_Edit_General.aspx?nodeid=745&action=bindsku

EventMachineName: SPIRAEA

EventUserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124 Safari/537.36


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Josef Dvorak answered on August 6, 2015 12:46

Hello Faisal,

The macro GetBundleSelectorWhereCondition that could not be found is part of the CMS.Ecommerce namespace, so it seems like it is of wrong version. Could you please check in the bin folder of your site that Properties -> Details -> Product version of CMS.Ecommerce.dll matches the last hotfix you have applied?

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