Custom Table Input Edit

by Brenden Kehren
Custom Table Input Edit preview




Works with:
5.5, 5.5R2, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 10.0

Web site


Custom Table Input Edit web part displays a form that allows you to insert and update records in your custom tables without using the administration interface.


Simply select the custom table you wish to work with and the basic form will be displayed. If you wish to use an alternative form, select it and it will be displayed instead.

You have the option to:

  • display messages after submit,
  • redirect to a URL after submit,
  • perform updates to existing records.

To perform an update set a query string parameter macro in the ItemID field (e.g. {?itemID?}) and create a URL alias with that query string ID.


Daniela Kubikova commented on

Hi Rashed, yes, the web part works also in 9.0.

Rashed commented on

Is it support version 9.0 ?

Laura Frese commented on

Setup was easy, works great. Thanks Brenden!

Brenden Kehren commented on

The webpart has been updated for 8.0 and 8.1

Brenden Kehren commented on

@Rebecca, I've got a start on the conversion for v8 but haven't had time to complete it. Check back here in the next week or two and I'll have it ready to go.


Daniela Kubikova commented on

Hi Rebecca, I am afraid the web part is not compatible with v8. You can try to contact the author, maybe he already has a new version or plans to create it in the future. There is no special licensing for this web part, it is available for free. However, the Kentico licensing still applies. It means that just 1 custom table can be created on Free License and 3 custom tables on Small Business License.

Rebecca commented on

Is this webpart compatible with v8 and what is the licensing for it?

Daniela Kubikova commented on

Hi iweber, just import the web part using the 'Import site or objects' wizard in "Site manager -> Sites". For more info on how to import the web part, please read the Developer's Guide:

iweber commented on

How do I install this web part? This seems like exactly what I need. Thank you for developing.

rweber-weblications commented on

Works Like a charm. Thanks.