CMS.StrandsRecommender NamespaceKentico 8.1 API Reference

Public classDefaultStrandsCatalogCategoryMapper
Default implementation of IStrandsCatalogCategoryMapper which returns NodeClassID as category field.
Public classStrandsApiClient
Client for communication with Strands Recommender web services. API ID is always needed to communicate with service.
Public classStrandsCatalogFeed
Loads documents according to the settings and generates XML feed suitable for Strands. If offset and maxcount GET parameters are provided, the feed is paged.
Public classStrandsCatalogPropertiesMapper
Methods in this class map properties of the document to the ones used in the Strands catalog feed.
Public classStrandsException
Represents a general Strands exception.
Public classStrandsProductsProvider
Helper methods for fetching various data needed mainly by Strands Recommendation web part. In general, data are fetched from the contexts (i.e. EcommerceContext) and database.
Public classStrandsPurchasedEventData
Class that stores specified data needed for Strands purchased event.
Public classStrandsScriptGenerator
This class is able to generate JavaScript snippets which are required to be rendered on page in order to enable integration with Strands Recommender.
Public classStrandsScriptRenderer
Class capable of rendering various JavaScripts needed by Strands recommendation engine.
Public classStrandsSettings
Methods for accessing Strands Recommender settings.
Public classStrandsSetupCall
Loads settings related with automatic catalog upload, creates call data object and performs setup call to Strands Recommender.
Public classStrandsSetupCallData
Wraps all necessary data required for setup call performing.
Public classStrandsWebTemplateData
Data type for one web template given from all templates feed.

Public interfaceIStrandsCatalogCategoryMapper
Maps properties of the document to the ones used in the Strands catalog feed and other places.

Public enumerationStrandsSetupCallStatusCodeEnum
Enumeration describes status code returned by Strands portal in API setup calls.
Public enumerationStrandsTemplateCallStatusCodeEnum
Enumeration describes status code returned by Strands portal in API template calls.
Public enumerationStrandsWebTemplateTypeEnum
Enumeration describes type of recommendation widget.