FormInfo CombineWithForm Method (FormInfo, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean)Kentico 8.1 API Reference
Combines the form with another form info.

Namespace: CMS.FormEngine
Assembly: CMS.FormEngine (in CMS.FormEngine.dll) Version: (8.1.5347.20411)


Type: CMS.FormEngine FormInfo
Form to include
Type: OnlineSystem Boolean
If true, existing fields from source form are overwritten by new form fields if their names match
excludeColumns (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem String
Columns to exclude from form combining, separated by semicolon (;)
includeCategories (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem Boolean
If true, categories from the new form will be added
preserveCategory (Optional)
Type: OnlineSystem Boolean
If false than even if overwriteExisting is false, field is moved to the current category (but the properties of the field are not overwritten)
See Also