RecaptchaControlDesigner MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The RecaptchaControlDesigner type exposes the following members.

Public methodRecaptchaControlDesigner
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Protected methodOnlineCreateErrorDesignTimeHtml(String)
Creates HTML markup to display a specified error message at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineCreateErrorDesignTimeHtml(String, Exception)
Creates the HTML markup to display a specified exception error message at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineCreatePlaceHolderDesignTimeHtml 
Provides a simple rectangular placeholder representation that displays the type and ID of the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineCreatePlaceHolderDesignTimeHtml(String)
Provides a simple rectangular placeholder representation that displays the type and ID of the control, and also additional specified instructions or information.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineCreateViewControl
Returns a copy of the associated control for viewing or rendering on the design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineDispose 
Releases all resources used by the OnlineComponentDesigner.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineDispose(Boolean)
Releases the unmanaged resources that are used by the OnlineHtmlControlDesigner object and optionally releases the managed resources.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineDoDefaultAction
Creates a method signature in the source code file for the default event on the component and navigates the user's cursor to that location.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Attempts to free resources by calling Dispose(false) before the object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineGetBounds
Retrieves the coordinates of the rectangle representing the boundaries for the control as displayed on the design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodGetDesignTimeHtml 
Gets design time HTML code.
(Overrides OnlineControlDesigner GetDesignTimeHtml .)
Public methodOnlineGetDesignTimeHtml(DesignerRegionCollection)
Retrieves the HTML markup to display the control and populates the collection with the current control designer regions.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineGetEditableDesignerRegionContent
Returns the content for an editable region of the design-time view of the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineGetEmptyDesignTimeHtml
Retrieves the HTML markup to represent a Web server control at design time that will have no visual representation at run time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineGetErrorDesignTimeHtml
Retrieves the HTML markup that provides information about the specified exception.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetPersistenceContent
Retrieves the persistable inner HTML markup of the control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineGetPersistInnerHtmlObsolete.
Retrieves the persistable inner HTML markup of the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineGetService
Attempts to retrieve the specified type of service from the design mode site of the designer's component.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineGetViewRendering
Retrieves an object that contains the design-time markup for the content and regions of the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInitialize
Initializes the control designer and loads the specified component.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInitializeExistingComponent
Reinitializes an existing component.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInitializeNewComponent
Initializes a newly created component.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInitializeNonDefaultObsolete.
Initializes the settings for an imported component that is already initialized to settings other than the defaults.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInvalidate 
Invalidates the whole area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineInvalidate(Rectangle)
Invalidates the specified area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineInvokeGetInheritanceAttribute
Gets the OnlineInheritanceAttribute of the specified OnlineComponentDesigner.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineIsPropertyBoundObsolete.
Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified property on the associated control is data-bound.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineLocalize
Uses the provided resource writer to persist the localizable properties of the associated control to a resource in the design host.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineOnAutoFormatApplied
Called when a predefined, automatic formatting scheme has been applied to the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnBehaviorAttachedObsolete.
Called when a behavior is associated with the element.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnBehaviorDetachingObsolete.
Called when a behavior disassociates from the element.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnBindingsCollectionChangedObsolete.
Called when the data-binding collection changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnClick
Called by the design host when the user clicks the associated control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineOnComponentChanged
Called when the associated control changes.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineOnComponentChanging
Represents the method that will handle the OnlineComponentChanging event for the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnControlResizeObsolete.
Called when the associated Web server control has been resized in the design host at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineOnPaint
Called when the control designer draws the associated control on the design surface, if the OnlineCustomPaint value is true.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineOnSetComponentDefaultsObsolete.
Sets the default properties for the component.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineOnSetParent
Provides a way to perform additional processing when the associated control is attached to a parent control.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePostFilterAttributes
Allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of attributes that it exposes through a OnlineTypeDescriptor.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePostFilterEvents
Allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of events that it exposes through a OnlineTypeDescriptor.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePostFilterProperties
Allows a designer to change or remove items from the set of properties that it exposes through a OnlineTypeDescriptor.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePreFilterAttributes
Allows a designer to add to the set of attributes that it exposes through a OnlineTypeDescriptor.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePreFilterEvents
Sets the list of events that are exposed at design-time for the OnlineTypeDescriptor object for the component.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlinePreFilterProperties
Adds properties to or removes properties from the Properties grid in a design host at design time or provides new design-time properties that might correspond to properties on the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineRaiseComponentChanged
Notifies the OnlineIComponentChangeService that this component has been changed.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineRaiseComponentChanging
Notifies the OnlineIComponentChangeService that this component is about to be changed.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineRaiseResizeEventObsolete. (Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineRegisterClone
Registers internal data in a cloned control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineSetEditableDesignerRegionContent
Specifies the content for an editable region of the control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineSetRegionContent
Specifies the content for an editable region in the design-time view of the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected methodOnlineSetViewFlags
Assigns the specified bitwise OnlineViewFlags enumeration to the specified flag value.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodOnlineUpdateDesignTimeHtml
Refreshes the design-time HTML markup for the associated Web server control by calling the OnlineGetDesignTimeHtml  method.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
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Public propertyActionLists
Return a custom ActionList collection
(Overrides OnlineControlDesigner ActionLists.)
Public propertyAllowResize
Allow control resize
(Overrides OnlineControlDesigner AllowResize.)
Public propertyOnlineAssociatedComponents
Gets the collection of components associated with the component managed by the designer.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineAutoFormats
Gets the collection of predefined automatic formatting schemes to display in the Auto Format dialog box for the associated control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineBehaviorObsolete.
Gets or sets the DHTML behavior that is associated with the designer.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineComponent
Gets the component this designer is designing.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineDataBindings
Gets the data bindings collection for the current control.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineDataBindingsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether data binding is supported by the containing region for the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineDesignerState
Gets an object that is used to persist data for the associated control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineDesignTimeElementObsolete.
Gets the design-time object representing the control that is associated with the OnlineHtmlControlDesigner object on the design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineDesignTimeElementViewObsolete.
Gets the view-control object for the control designer.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineDesignTimeHtmlRequiresLoadCompleteObsolete.
Gets a value indicating whether the design host must finish loading before the OnlineGetDesignTimeHtml  method can be called.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineExpressions
Gets the expression bindings for the current control at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineHidePropertiesInTemplateMode
Gets a value indicating whether the properties of the associated control are hidden when the control is in template mode.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineID
Gets or sets the ID string for the control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineInheritanceAttribute
Gets an attribute that indicates the type of inheritance of the associated component.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineInherited
Gets a value indicating whether this component is inherited.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineInTemplateMode
Gets a value indicating whether the control is in either template viewing or editing mode in the design host. The OnlineInTemplateMode property is read-only.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineIsDirtyObsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control has been marked as changed.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineParentComponent
Gets the parent component for this designer.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineReadOnlyObsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the properties of the control are read-only at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineRootDesigner
Gets the control designer for the Web Forms page that contains the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineShadowProperties
Gets a collection of property values that override user settings.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineShouldCodeSerializeObsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create a field declaration for the control in the code-behind file for the current design document during serialization.
(Inherited from OnlineHtmlControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineTag
Gets an object representing the HTML markup element for the associated control.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineTemplateGroups
Gets a collection of template groups, each containing one or more template definitions.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineUsePreviewControl
Gets a value indicating whether the control designer uses a temporary preview control to generate the design-time HTML markup.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineVerbs
Gets the design-time verbs supported by the component that is associated with the designer.
(Inherited from OnlineComponentDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineViewControl
Gets or sets a Web server control that can be used for previewing the design-time HTML markup.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Public propertyOnlineViewControlCreated
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a View control has been created for display on the design surface.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
Protected propertyOnlineVisible
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is visible at design time.
(Inherited from OnlineControlDesigner.)
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See Also