LuceneSearchSyntaxHelper MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The LuceneSearchSyntaxHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodLuceneSearchSyntaxHelper
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Public methodAddSearchCondition
Adds the given search condition to the existing condition
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodCombineSearchCondition
Returns string with combined search index conditions.
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodEscapeKeyWords
Escapes the key words to be searched
(Overrides AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper EscapeKeyWords(String).)
Public methodExpandWithSynonyms
Expands given search expression with synonyms. If the data base of synonyms for given language is not found, searchExpression is returned without any modifications.
(Overrides AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper ExpandWithSynonyms(String, String).)
Protected methodFieldNameEvaluator
Evaluator method, converts lowercase "to" to uppercase.
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodFinalizeSearchCondition
Finalizes the search query to make sure that its syntax is consistent and valid
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodGetClassNameCondition
Gets the search condition for a given list of class names
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodGetCultureCondition
Gets the search condition for the given culture
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetExactPhraseCondition
Gets the exact phrase condition from the given phrase
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodGetExtraConditions
Gets the extra conditions based on the given expression
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetFieldCondition(String, Object, Nullable Boolean )
Gets the search condition for the given field
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetFieldCondition(String, Object, Object, Nullable Boolean )
Gets the field condition for a range of values
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetFilterCondition
Returns condition for search filter row
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetGroup
Groups the expressions
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Protected methodGetKeyWordsCondition
Gets the search condition for the given key words
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetNotCondition
Gets a not (except) condition from the given condition
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetRange
Gets the range expression
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodGetRequiredCondition
Gets a required condition from the given condition
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodIsEmptyCondition
Returns true if the given search condition is empty
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodProcessSearchKeywords
Returns modified keywords string based on searchOptions.
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Protected methodSplitKeyWords
Splits the given list of key words separated by space
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodTransformToFuzzySearch
Adds ~ signs to each term to force fuzzy search.
(Overrides AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper TransformToFuzzySearch(String).)
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAsValue
Converts object to a query value which can be used as a query parameter
(Defined by QueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
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Protected propertyFieldNameSyntaxRegex
Gets the regular expression for field name.
(Inherited from AbstractSearchSyntaxHelper.)
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See Also