CSSHelper MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The CSSHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEnsureClass
Ensures the given class in the CSS class
Public methodStatic memberGetCssClassAttribute
Returns class attribute or empty string if no class is defined.
Public methodStatic memberGetCSSFileLink(String)
Returns the HTML link element that links to external stylesheet.
Public methodStatic memberGetCSSFileLink(String, String)
Returns the HTML link element that links to external stylesheet.
Public methodStatic memberGetCSSUrl
Returns path to the stylesheet handler
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxHeightExpression
Gets the CSS expression to limit the max Height of the element.
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxWidthExpression
Gets the CSS expression to limit the max width of the element.
Public methodStatic memberGetMaxWidthHeightExpression
Gets the CSS expression to limit the max width of the element.
Public methodStatic memberGetPhysicalCSSUrl(String)
Gets the URL used to retrieve external physical stylesheet.
Public methodStatic memberGetPhysicalCSSUrl(String, String)
Gets the URL for the Theme CSS file. Based in ~/App_Themes/[Theme] or ~/App_Themes/Default.
Public methodStatic memberGetStyle
Encloses a style declaration block in an HTML style element.
Public methodStatic memberGetStylesheetUrl
Returns virtual path to the stylesheet file.
Public methodStatic memberGetThemeCSSUrl(String, String)
Gets the URL for the Theme CSS file. Based in ~/App_Themes/[Theme] or ~/App_Themes/Default.
Public methodStatic memberGetThemeCSSUrl(String, String, Boolean)
Gets the URL for the Theme CSS file. Based in ~/App_Themes/[Theme] or ~/App_Themes/Default.
Public methodStatic memberIsCSSLinkRegistered
Gets if the CSS link is already registered.
Public methodStatic memberJoinClasses
Joins the given list of CSS classes. Omits empty and null strings.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterBootstrap
Registers the bootstrap CSS.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCSSBlock
Adds a style block containing specified CSS rules to the page's header. If registering the same block multiple times then a given block is registered only once.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCSSLink(Page, String)
Adds a link to the external CSS stylesheet to the page header. Supports asynchronous requests.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterCSSLink(Page, String, String)
Adds a link to the custom theme CSS stylesheet to the page header. Supports asynchronous requests.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterDesignMode
Registers the design mode CSS.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWidgetsMode
Registers the widgets mode CSS.
Public methodStatic memberRegisterWireframesMode
Registers the wireframe mode CSS.
Public methodStatic memberSetCSSLinkRegistered
Sets the CSS link as already registered.
Public methodStatic memberTrimCharset
Trims the charset from the CSS style
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Public fieldStatic memberDIVS
CSS class marker to enable conversion of TABLE to DIV
Public fieldStatic memberNO_DIVS
CSS class marker to disable conversion of TABLE to DIV
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Public propertyStatic memberMinifyCurrentRequest
If true, the current request links are minified.
Public propertyStatic memberResolveMacrosInCSS
If true, the macros are resolved within the CSS stylesheets
Public propertyStatic memberStylesheetMinificationEnabled
Gets if stylesheet minification is enabled.
Public propertyStatic memberUseComponentNames
If true, the stylesheet link uses names, otherwise it uses IDs
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See Also