DocumentSynchronizationHelper MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The DocumentSynchronizationHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentXML
Gets XML of a given node.
Public methodStatic memberGetTaskTitle
Gets document staging task title.
Public methodStatic memberLogContentChanges
Indicates if logging staging tasks for content is enabled.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(LogDocumentChangeSettings)
Creates the synchronization task for the specified document node and specified server with extra task parameters.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(LogMultipleDocumentChangeSettings)
Creates the synchronization tasks for the specified document tree.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(TreeNode, TaskTypeEnum, TreeProvider)
Creates the synchronization task for the specified document node, creates the tasks for all the enabled servers when task logging is on.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(String, String, TaskTypeEnum, TreeProvider)
Creates the synchronization tasks for the specified document tree.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(TreeNode, TaskTypeEnum, TreeProvider, Int32, TaskParameters, Boolean)
Creates the synchronization task for the specified document node and specified server with extra task parameters.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(String, String, TaskTypeEnum, TreeProvider, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates the synchronization tasks for the specified document tree.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(TreeNode, TaskTypeEnum, Boolean, Boolean, TreeProvider, Int32, TaskParameters, Boolean)
Creates the synchronization task for the specified document node and specified server with extra task parameters.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChange(String, String, TaskTypeEnum, Boolean, Boolean, TreeProvider, Int32, Boolean, TaskParameters, Boolean, String)
Creates the synchronization tasks for the specified document tree.
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChangeOrder(LogMultipleDocumentChangeSettings)
Logs the synchronization after the node order change (logs all document nodes on the save level as the document).
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChangeOrder(String, String, TreeProvider)
Logs the synchronization after the node order change (logs all document nodes on the same level as the document).
Public methodStatic memberLogDocumentChangeOrder(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, TreeProvider, Int32, Boolean)
Logs the synchronization after the node order change (logs all document nodes on the save level as the document).
Public methodStatic memberLogExternalIntegration
Logs the integration task for the given object.
Public methodStatic memberLogIntegration
Logs integration task.
Public methodStatic memberLogInternalIntegration
Logs the integration task for the given object.
Public methodStatic memberProcessSyncTasks
Processes synchronous task subscriptions.
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Public propertyStatic memberSynchronizeSharedTemplatesWithDocuments
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether shared templates should be synchronized with documents.
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See Also