The IDataQuery type exposes the following members.
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Name | Description | |
ApplyParametersTo |
Applies this where condition to the target object
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.) | |
ApplySettings(AbstractQueryObject) |
Applies the given settings to the query
| |
ApplySettings(Action DataQuerySettings ) |
Applies the given settings to the query
| |
As T |
Changes the type of the query to another type
| |
AsIDQuery |
Creates an ID query from the given query
| |
AsMaterializedList |
Makes a materialized list from the given query
| |
AsNested TResult |
Creates a nested query from the given query
| |
AsSingleColumn |
Creates a single column query from the given query
| |
AsSubQuery |
Modifies the query to be able to be used as a sub-query, e.g. for usage in WHERE A IN ([query]). Ensures single column result, and removes order by from the result.
| |
AsValue |
Gets a query expression representing this object as a value
(Inherited from IQueryObjectWithValue.) | |
CloneObject |
Creates the clone of the object.
(Inherited from IQueryObject.) | |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.) | |
EnsureParameters |
Ensures data parameters for the given query
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.) | |
Execute |
Executes the current query and returns it's results as a DataSet
| |
ExecuteReader |
Executes the current query and returns it's results as a data reader
| |
Expand |
Expands the expression by replacing parameters with their values
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.) | |
ForEachRow |
Executes the given action for each item (DataRow) in the result. Processes the items in batches of the given size.
| |
GetCompleteSettings |
Gets the complete parameters for the query execution
| |
GetExpression |
Gets a string expression representing this object
(Inherited from IQueryObjectWithValue.) | |
GetFullQueryText |
Gets the full query text including resolved parameters
| |
GetListResult T |
Gets the result as a list of values from the first column that the query returns. Excludes null values from the result.
| |
GetScalarResult T |
Gets the scalar
| |
HasCompatibleSource |
Returns true if the given query is an external source
| |
Changed |
Marks the object as changed
(Inherited from IQueryObject.) | |
IncludeDataParameters |
Adds the data parameters to the current query parameters
(Inherited from IQueryObject.) | |
ReturnNoResults |
Sets the query to return no results. This action is irreversible, once the query is set to return no results it cannot be changed.
This method is used by data engine to forbid access to data that are not allowed to be accessed (e.g. license limitations), without notifying the process about the fact.
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.) | |
Select T |
Transforms the current result
| |
ToString |
Returns the string representation of the expression, with possibility of expanding parameters
(Inherited from IQueryParameters.) |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
FakeExecution |
Fakes the execution of a query
(Defined by UnitTestExtensions.) |
Name | Description | |
AllowMaterialization |
If true, the query allows materialization
| |
ClassName |
Class name
| |
ConnectionStringName |
Query connection string name
| |
CustomQueryText |
Custom query text
| |
DataSource |
Data source that provides the query data. If not set, the query queries the database directly
| |
DataSourceName |
Gets the unique query source ID
| |
DefaultOrderByColumns |
Default order by columns used in case if needed, and order by is not specified
| |
DefaultSourceExpression |
Default source of the query in case source is not defined
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
FilterColumns |
List of columns used for extra filtering within the query, e.g. "CMS_C, CMS_RN"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
GroupByColumns |
List of columns to group by, by default doesn't group, e.g. "NodeLevel, NodeOwner"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
HasDataSource |
Returns true if the query has specific data source
| |
HavingCondition |
Where condition for the group by on the data, e.g. "DocumentName = 'ABC'"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
IncludeBinaryData |
If true, the query includes the object binary data. Default is false
| |
IsCombinedQuery |
If true, this query is combined from several queries. When additional parameters are applied to it, it will be wrapped into a nested query.
| |
IsNested |
Indicates that this query is part of multi query
| |
IsSubQuery |
If true, the query is a sub-query used in another query
| |
MaxRecords |
Maximum number of results to return (use for paging together with Offset)
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
Name |
Object name, empty by default
(Inherited from IQueryObject.) | |
Offset |
Index of the first record to return (use for paging together with MaxRecords)
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
OrderByColumns |
List of columns by which the result should be sorted, e.g. "NodeLevel, DocumentName DESC"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
Parameters |
Query data parameters
(Inherited from IQueryObject.) | |
QueryName |
Query name
| |
QueryText |
Query text
| |
Result |
DataSet with the result
| |
ReturnsSingleColumn |
Returns true if the query returns single column
| |
SelectColumns | Obsolete.
List of columns to return, by default returns all columns, e.g. "DocumentName, DocumentID"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
SelectColumnsList |
List of columns to return, by default returns all columns, e.g. "DocumentName, DocumentID"
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
SelectDistinct |
If set to true, returns only distinct (different) values.
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
SourceExpression |
Source of the query
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
SupportsReader |
Returns true if the query supports data reader
| |
Tables |
Collection of the result tables
| |
TopNRecords |
If set, selects only first top N number of records
(Inherited from IDataQuerySettings.) | |
TotalRecords |
Gets the number of total records when paging is used. Gets updated once the query executes
| |
WhereCondition |
Where condition on the data, e.g. "DocumentName = 'ABC'"
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.) | |
WhereIsComplex |
Returns true if the given where condition is a complex where condition
(Inherited from IWhereCondition.) |
See Also