IDataConnection MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The IDataConnection type exposes the following members.

Public methodBeginTransaction 
Begins a new transaction.
Public methodBeginTransaction(IsolationLevel)
Begins a new transaction with specified isolation level.
Public methodBulkInsert
Performs a bulk insert of the data into a target database table
Public methodClose
Closes connection to the database.
Public methodCommitTransaction
Commits current transaction.
Public methodOnlineDispose
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from OnlineIDisposable.)
Public methodExecuteNonQuery
Executes the query and returns the number of affected rows.
Public methodExecuteQuery
Returns result of the query.
Public methodExecuteReader
Returns result of the query as a Data reader. Keeps the connection open.
Public methodExecuteScalar
Returns a single value result of the query.
Public methodGetExecutingConnection
Gets the connection that executes the given query
Public methodGetXmlSchema
Returns XML schema for specified table.
Public methodIsOpen
Returns true if connection to the database is open.
Public methodIsTransaction
Indicates if transaction is running.
Public methodNativeConnectionExists
Returns true if the native connection exists.
Public methodNativeDBConnectionExists
Returns true if the native connection exists.
Public methodOpen
Opens connection to the database.
Public methodRollbackTransaction
Rollbacks current transaction.
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Public propertyAdvancedSettings
Advanced connection settings.
Public propertyCommandTimeout
Command timeout.
Public propertyConnectionString
Connection string for specific provider.
Public propertyConnectionStringName
Connection string for specific provider.
Public propertyDisableConnectionDebug
If true, the debug is disabled on this connection
Public propertyDisableQueryDebug
If true, the debug of queries is disabled on this connection
Public propertyKeepOpen
If true, the connection stays open even if close is requested.
Public propertyNativeConnection
Native connection object. It depends on provider type.
Public propertyTransaction
Transaction object.
Public propertyUseScopeConnection
If true, the connection uses the scope connection
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See Also