StringExtensions MembersKentico 8.1 API Reference
The StringExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCompareToCSafe(String, Object)
Compares the current string with another string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberCompareToCSafe(String, String)
Compares the current string with another string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberCompareToCSafe(String, Object, Boolean)
Compares the current string with another string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberCompareToCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Compares the current string with another string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEndsWithAny
Returns true if the string ends with any of the given strings
Public methodStatic memberEndsWithCSafe(String, String)
Determines whether the ending of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEndsWithCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether the ending of this string instance matches the specified string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEndsWithCSafe(String, String, StringComparison)
Determines whether the ending of this string instance matches the specified string. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsCSafe(String, Object)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsCSafe(String, String)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsCSafe(String, Object, Boolean)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberEqualsCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value
Public methodStatic memberEqualsCSafe(String, String, StringComparison)
Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, Char)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified char in this instance. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, String)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current String object. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, Char, Int32)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified char in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current String object. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Int32)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, String, StringComparison)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current String object. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Int32, Boolean)
Reports the index of the first occurrence of the specified string in this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, Char)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified char within this instance. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Int32)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String, StringComparison)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, Char, Int32, Int32)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified char within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Int32, Boolean)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberLastIndexOfCSafe(String, String, Int32, Int32)
Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. The search starts at a specified character position. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberStartsWithAny
Returns true if the string starts with any of the given strings
Public methodStatic memberStartsWithCSafe(String, String)
Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberStartsWithCSafe(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberStartsWithCSafe(String, String, StringComparison)
Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberToLowerCSafe
Converts string to lower case. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
Public methodStatic memberToUpperCSafe
Converts string to upper case. This method is culture safe - it fixes some problems with different cultures.
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