Class | Description | |
Activity |
Abstract activity type
| |
ActivityAbuseReport |
Abuse report activity type.
| |
ActivityBizFormSubmit |
Form submit activity type.
| |
ActivityBlogComment |
Blog comment activity.
| |
ActivityContext |
Activity environment variables.
| |
ActivityCustom |
Custom activity.
| |
ActivityCustomerRegistration |
Activity customer registration.
| |
ActivityCustomTableFormSubmit |
Class for custom table form submit activity
| |
ActivityData |
Container for the activity data.
| |
ActivityEventBooking |
Activity event booking.
| |
ActivityEvents |
Activity events.
| |
ActivityExternalSearch |
Activity external search.
| |
ActivityForumPost |
Activity new forum post.
| |
ActivityChatAcceptAutomaticallyInitiatedChat |
Activity for accepting initiated chat request which was issued automatically (using Automatically initiated chat request).
| |
ActivityChatAcceptInitiatedChat |
Activity for accepting initiated chat request.
| |
ActivityChatBase |
Base class for all activity types belonging to the Chat module.
| |
ActivityChatRequestSupport |
Activity for chat support request.
| |
ActivityChatRequestSupportOfflineForm |
Activity for requesting support using offline support form (when there are no online supporters on chat).
| |
ActivityInternalSearch |
Activity internal search.
| |
ActivityJoinGroup |
Activity group join.
| |
ActivityLandingPage |
Activity landing page.
| |
ActivityLeaveGroup |
Activity leave group.
| |
ActivityLoggedEventArgs |
Arguments for the ActivityLoggedHandler event handler.
| |
ActivityLoggedHandler |
Event handler for the event when activity is being logged.
| |
ActivityLogHelper |
Provides functionality for activity logging.
| |
ActivityLogProcessor |
Activity log processor class.
| |
ActivityLogProvider |
Class providing ActivityLog management.
| |
ActivityMessageBoardComment |
Activity message board comment.
| |
ActivityNewsletterClickThrough |
Newsletter email click through activity.
| |
ActivityNewsletterOpen |
Activity open newsletter e-mail.
| |
ActivityNewsletterSubscribing |
Newsletter subscribe activity.
| |
ActivityNewsletterUnsubscribing |
Activity newsletter unsubscribing.
| |
ActivityPageVisit |
Activity page visit.
| |
ActivityPollVoting |
Activity poll voting.
| |
ActivityProductAddedToShoppingCart |
Activity product added to shopping cart.
| |
ActivityProductAddedToWishlist |
Activity product added to wishlist.
| |
ActivityProductRemovedFromShoppingCart |
Activity product removed from shopping cart.
| |
ActivityPurchase |
Activity purchase.
| |
ActivityPurchasedProduct |
Activity purchased product.
| |
ActivityRating |
Activity rating.
| |
ActivityRegistration |
Activity registration
| |
ActivitySettingsHelper |
Provides comfortable access to settings keys for activities.
| |
ActivitySubscriptionBlogPost |
Activity blog post subscription
| |
ActivitySubscriptionForumPost |
Activity subscription forum post.
| |
ActivitySubscriptionMessageBoard |
Activity subscription message board.
| |
ActivityTypeInfo |
ActivityTypeInfo data container class.
| |
ActivityTypeInfoProvider |
Class providing ActivityTypeInfo management.
| |
ActivityUserContributionDelete |
Activity user contribution delete.
| |
ActivityUserContributionInsert |
Activity user contribution insert.
| |
ActivityUserContributionUpdate |
Activity user contribution update.
| |
ActivityUserLogin |
Activity user login.
| |
AnalyticsContext |
Analytics context.
| |
AnalyticsDebug |
Analytics debug methods
| |
AnalyticsHelper |
Analytics helper class.
| |
AnalyticsJSEventArgs |
Arguments for event handlers related to logging analytics via JS.
| |
AnalyticsMethods |
Methods for web analytics requiring the CMS context
| |
CampaignInfo |
CampaignInfo data container class.
| |
CampaignInfoProvider |
Class providing CampaignInfo management.
| |
ConversionCampaignInfo |
ConversionCampaignInfo data container class.
| |
ConversionCampaignInfoProvider |
Class providing ConversionCampaignInfo management.
| |
ConversionInfo |
ConversionInfo data container class.
| |
ConversionInfoProvider |
Class providing ConversionInfo management.
| |
ExitPageInfo |
ExitPageInfo data container class.
| |
ExitPageInfoProvider |
Class providing ExitPageInfo management.
| |
GenerateStatisticsEventArgs |
Arguments for event handlers related to generating sample statistics data.
| |
GenerateStatisticsHandler |
Handler for generating sample web analytics statistics.
| |
GeoIPHelper |
Provides IP address to GEO location conversion.
| |
GeoLocation |
Class representing location of specific IP.
| |
HitLogProcessor |
HitLogProcessor class.
| |
HitLogProvider |
HitLogProvider class.
| |
HitsDayInfo |
HitsDayInfo data container class.
| |
HitsDayInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsDayInfo management.
| |
HitsHourInfo |
HitsHourInfo data container class.
| |
HitsHourInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsHourInfo management.
| |
HitsInfo |
HitsInfo data container class.
| |
HitsInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsInfo management.
| |
HitsIntervalEnumFunctions |
Class to provider safe conversion.
| |
HitsMonthInfo |
HitsMonthInfo data container class.
| |
HitsMonthInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsMonthInfo management.
| |
HitsWeekInfo |
HitsWeekInfo data container class.
| |
HitsWeekInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsWeekInfo management.
| |
HitsYearInfo |
HitsYearInfo data container class.
| |
HitsYearInfoProvider |
Class providing HitsYearInfo management.
| |
InsertAnalyticsJSHandler |
Handler for inserting web analytics javascript snippet to the page.
| |
LogConversionHandler |
Handler for the conversion logging.
| |
LogRecord |
Representation of the one record (one row) from the analytics log file.
| |
MembershipType |
Membership type constants
| |
PredefinedActivityType |
Predefined activity types constants.
| |
ProcessActivityEventArgs |
Arguments for the ProcessActivityHandler event handler.
| |
ProcessActivityHandler |
Handler for processing an activity.
| |
ProcessAnalyticsServiceHandler |
Handler for the inserting javascript logging snippet to the page.
| |
ProcessLogRecordHandler |
Handler for the log processing.
| |
RemoveAnalyticsData |
RemoveAnalyticsData class.
| |
SampleDataGenerator |
Generates sample data in Web Analytics. Uses analytics.statistics.generatesampledata query.
| |
SearchEngineInfo |
SearchEngineInfo data container class.
| |
SearchEngineInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchEngineInfo management.
| |
StatisticsInfo |
StatisticsInfo data container class.
| |
StatisticsInfoProvider |
Class providing StatisticsInfo management.
| |
UserPage |
Class providing information about last visited page.
| |
VisitorMethods |
Visitor methods - wrapping methods for macro resolver.
| |
VisitorNamespace |
Wrapper class to provide Visitor namespace in the MacroEngine.
| |
VisitorStatusCode |
Visitor status code.
| |
WebAnalyticsEvents |
Web analytics events.
| |
WebAnalyticsFunctions |
Web analytics marketing functions.
| |
WebAnalyticsHandlers |
Web analytics events handlers
| |
WebAnalyticsModule |
Represents the Web Analytics module.
| |
WebAnalyticsModuleMetadata |
Represents the Web Analytics module metadata.
| |
WebAnalyticsResolvers |
Resolvers used in e-mail templates and other macro visual components.
| |
WebAnalyticsService |
Web analytics can be tracked in 2 ways. The first is to track web analytics right on each request, the second is to log web analytics with a WebService
that is called by AJAX call from a client. The latter method makes web analytics more precise, because it doesn't log web crawlers, RSS readers and other
non-human traffic that can't execute JavaScript code. That's why this method is default.
The JavaScript call is added to a page on PreRender event, see WebAnalyticsHandlers for more.
Delegate | Description | |
Activity LoggingActivityEnabled |
Method for customization of security check.
Enumeration | Description | |
HitsIntervalEnum |
Hits interval type enumeration.
| |
LogExcludingFlags |
Log excluding flags. Indicates which check actions should be skipped
| |
VisitorStatusEnum |
Visitor status.