Class | Description | |
ABCachedObjects |
Class providing access to cached AB tests and variants.
| |
ABConversionRateInterval |
Class encapsulating conversion rate interval data.
| |
ABConversionRateIntervalVisualizer |
Class visualizing AB conversion rate interval.
| |
ABTestContext |
Context for AB tests.
| |
ABTestInfo |
ABTestInfo data container class.
| |
ABTestInfoProvider |
Class providing ABTestInfo management.
| |
ABTestMessagesWriter |
Class that writes info messages into the page using a delegate ABTestMessagesWriter ShowMessageHandler.
| |
ABTestStatusEvaluator |
Evaluates status of an AB test based on its start and finish dates and times.
| |
ABTestValidator |
Class that validates given test (checks for valid from, to and if there's another test already running in this period).
| |
ABVariantColorAssigner |
Class assigning (graph) colors to AB variants. Is used to generate custom (and cached) colors to Reporting module (see control ReportGraph), so
colors of AB testing graphs are not different throughout CMS.
| |
ABVariantInfo |
ABVariantInfo data container class.
| |
ABVariantInfoProvider |
Class providing ABVariantInfo management.
| |
ABVariantPerformanceCalculator |
Class calculating conversion rate interval and challengers' chance to beat original using the Normal Distribution Function at 90% significance.
| |
ABVariantPerformanceCalculatorFactory |
Class that provides IABVariantPerformanceCalculator implementation.
| |
ABVariantStatisticsData |
Class that holds AB variant's statistics data.
| |
AccountContactInfo |
AccountContactInfo data container class.
| |
AccountContactInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountContactInfo management.
| |
AccountContactListInfo |
Account-Contact relation class used for listing.
| |
AccountHelper |
Helper class for merging, splitting and deleting accounts.
| |
AccountInfo |
AccountInfo data container class.
| |
AccountInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountInfo management.
| |
AccountListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from contact view.
| |
AccountMembershipListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from account-membership view.
| |
AccountStatusInfo |
AccountStatusInfo data container class.
| |
AccountStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing AccountStatusInfo management.
| |
ActivityContactGlobalListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading activities for particular contact (not merged).
| |
ActivityContactListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading activities for particular contact (not merged).
| |
ActivityContactMergedListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading activities for particular contact (not merged).
| |
ActivityDetail |
Activity detail user control.
| |
ActivityHelper |
Helper for activity manipulation.
| |
ActivityInfo |
ActivityInfo data container class.
| |
ActivityInfoProvider |
Class providing ActivityInfo management.
| |
ActivityListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading activities for particular contact (not merged).
| |
ActivityObjectMapper |
Object used to map activity to its related objects, for example Forum post activity to related forum.
| |
AutomaticContactMerger |
Class for automatic contact merging. Merges similar contacts together - can merge site contacts based on given columns, then global contacts based on given columns, then merge those two together.
| |
CachedRulesManager |
Loads rules that are eligible for recalculation from cache.
| |
CMSAutomationPage |
Base contact management page.
| |
CMSContactManagementAccountsPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Accounts page.
| |
CMSContactManagementAccountStatusPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Configuration page - account status.
| |
CMSContactManagementActivitiesPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Contacts page.
| |
CMSContactManagementConfigurationPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Configuration page.
| |
CMSContactManagementContactGroupsPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Contact groups page.
| |
CMSContactManagementContactRolePage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Configuration page - contact role.
| |
CMSContactManagementContactsPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Contacts page.
| |
CMSContactManagementContactStatusPage |
Base page for CMS ContactManagement - Configuration page - contact status.
| |
CMSContactManagementPage |
Base contact management page.
| |
CMSDataComDialogPage |
Represents a modal dialog web page of module.
| |
CMSDataComPage |
Represents a web page of module.
| |
CMSRulePage |
Base class for score - rule pages.
| |
CMSSalesForceDialogPage |
Represents a modal dialog web page of module.
| |
CMSScorePage |
Base class for scoring pages.
| |
ConfigurationHelper |
Class providing configuration helping methods.
| |
ContactAccountAction |
Class for Change contact account action
| |
ContactAccountListInfo |
Contact-Account relation table.
| |
ContactAutomationAction |
Base class for contact action.
| |
ContactGroupContactListInfo |
Contact group contacts list
| |
ContactGroupEvaluator |
Task for evaluation of dynamic contact group. Runs in separate thread.
Contacts' (site or all for global contact group) membership to a contact group depends on meeting the dynamic condition.
| |
ContactGroupHelper |
Class used for group helper methods.
| |
ContactGroupInfo |
ContactGroupInfo data container class.
| |
ContactGroupInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactGroupInfo management.
| |
ContactGroupMemberInfo |
ContactGroupMembersInfo data container class.
| |
ContactGroupMemberInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactGroupMemberInfo management.
| |
ContactHelper |
Class used for merging, splitting and deleting contacts.
| |
ContactInfo |
ContactInfo data container class.
| |
ContactInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactInfo management.
| |
ContactListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from contact view.
| |
ContactMembershipCustomerListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-customer relation data.
| |
ContactMembershipGlobalCustomerListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-customer relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipGlobalSubscriberListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-subscriber relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipGlobalUserListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-user relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipInfo |
ContactMembershipInfo data container class.
| |
ContactMembershipInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactMembershipInfo management.
| |
ContactMembershipListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading data from contact-membership view.
| |
ContactMembershipMergedCustomerListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-customer relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipMergedSubscriberListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-subscriber relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipMergedUserListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-user relation data (for merged contact).
| |
ContactMembershipSubscriberListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-subscriber relation data.
| |
ContactMembershipUserListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-user relation data.
| |
ContactPropertyAction |
Class for Set attribute value
| |
ContactRoleInfo |
ContactRoleInfo data container class.
| |
ContactRoleInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactRoleInfo management.
| |
ContactScoreListInfo |
Contact-Score relation table.
| |
ContactStatusAction |
Class for Set contact status action.
| |
ContactStatusInfo |
ContactStatusInfo data container class.
| |
ContactStatusInfoProvider |
Class providing ContactStatusInfo management.
| |
ContentPersonalizationVariantInfo |
ContentPersonalizationVariant data container class.
| |
ContentPersonalizationVariantInfoProvider |
Class providing ContentPersonalizationVariant management.
| |
CustomActivityAction |
Class for Log custom activity action
| |
DeleteContactAction |
Class for contact deletion action.
| |
DeleteInactiveContacts |
Scheduled task that deletes old contacts. Contacts to be deleted are specified by task data. Each line in task data section represents one rule for contact filtering.
| |
DynamicConditionEvaluator |
Is able to evaluate Contact group's dynamic condition in asynchronous thread or synchronously.
| |
IPAndUserAgentHelper |
Class for manipulation with contact's User-Agent and IP address.
| |
IPGlobalListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-ip relation data (for merged contacts).
| |
IPInfo |
IPInfo data container class.
| |
IPInfoProvider |
Class providing IPInfo management.
| |
IPListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-user relation data.
| |
IPMergedListInfo |
"Virtual" object for loading contact-ip relation data (for merged contacts).
| |
MVTCombinationInfo |
MVTCombinationInfo data container class.
| |
MVTCombinationInfoProvider |
Class providing MVTCombinationInfo management.
| |
MVTCombinationVariationInfo |
MVTCombinationVariationInfo data container class.
| |
MVTCombinationVariationInfoProvider |
Class providing MVTCombinationVariationInfo management.
| |
MVTContext |
MVT Test context
| |
MVTestInfo |
MVTestInfo data container class.
| |
MVTestInfoProvider |
Class providing MVTestInfo management.
| |
MVTHelper |
Helper class for MVTests
| |
MVTVariantInfo |
MVTVariantInfo data container class.
| |
MVTVariantInfoProvider |
Class providing MVTVariantInfo management.
| |
OnlineMarketingContext |
Contact context method and variables.
| |
OnlineMarketingTransformationFunctions |
Online marketing functions.
| |
PageVisitInfo |
PageVisitInfo data container class.
| |
PageVisitInfoProvider |
Class providing PageVisitInfo management.
| |
Range T |
Class representing range of values.
| |
RecalculateAfterContactActionEventArgs |
Arguments for event fired when score is recalculated for one contact after contact's action (activity, property change, merge or split).
| |
RecalculateAfterContactActionHandler |
Handler for event fired when score is recalculated for one contact after contact's action (activity, property change, merge or split).
| |
RecalculateScoreForAllContactsHandler |
Handler for the event fired when points for all contacts for given score are being recalculated.
| |
RuleCondition |
Ensures management of XML file that represents the rule condition.
| |
RuleHelper |
Class providing rule helper methods.
| |
RuleInfo |
RuleInfo data container class.
| |
RuleInfoProvider |
Class providing RuleInfo management.
| |
ScoreAsyncRecalculator |
Recalculates score for ID given in constructor. Recalculation is performed in another thread.
| |
ScoreContactRuleInfo |
Info object for binding score - contact - rule.
| |
ScoreContactRuleInfoProvider |
Class providing ScoreContactRuleInfo management.
| |
ScoreEvaluator |
Task for score recalculation. For internal purposes only, for manual run please use ScoreAsyncRecalculator instead.
Internally calls ScoreAsyncRecalculator thus recalculation runs in another thread.
| |
ScoreEventArgs |
Event arguments for events where only information about score is needed.
| |
ScoreIDsWithScorePoints |
Container for scores together with amount of points certain contact reached.
| |
ScoreIDWithValue |
Represents number of points contact has in certain score.
| |
ScoreInfo |
ScoreInfo data container class.
| |
ScoreInfoProvider |
Class providing ScoreInfo management.
| |
ScoreStatusFormatter |
Returns formatted text for score status.
| |
ScoringEvents |
Scoring related events.
| |
SearchInfo |
SearchInfo data container class.
| |
SearchInfoProvider |
Class providing SearchInfo management.
| |
UserAgentInfo |
UserAgentInfo data container class.
| |
UserAgentInfoProvider |
Class providing UserAgentInfo management.
| |
VariantTypeFunctions |
Helper functions for webpart/zone/widget variant type enum.
Interface | Description | |
IABVariantPerformanceCalculator |
Interface for calculating performance of AB variants.
Delegate | Description | |
ABTestMessagesWriter ShowMessageHandler |
Shows the specified message, optionally with a tooltip text and description.
Enumeration | Description | |
ABTestStatusEnum |
AB test status enumeration.
| |
ContactGroupMemberTypeEnum |
Types of contact group members used by ContactGroupInfo object.
| |
ContactGroupStatusEnum |
Types of contact group status used by ContactGroupInfo object.
| |
MemberAddedHowEnum |
Possible types of how can be contact added to contact group.
| |
MemberTypeEnum |
Type of membership relation.
| |
MVTestStatusEnum |
MVT test status enumeration.
| |
MVTTargetConversionTypeEnum |
Target conversion type enumeration.
| |
RuleTypeEnum |
Rule type.
| |
ScoreStatusEnum |
Types of score status used by ScoreInfo object.
| |
VariantTypeEnum |
Variant type enumeration.