Calculates product price after all its catalog discounts are applied.
Namespace: CMS.EcommerceAssembly: CMS.Ecommerce (in CMS.Ecommerce.dll) Version: (8.0.5239.26125)
- sku
- Type: CMS.Ecommerce SKUInfo
SKU data
- cart
- Type: CMS.Ecommerce ShoppingCartInfo
Shopping cart data
- forCart
- Type:
System Boolean
True - This method is called within the shopping cart calculations, False - This method is called within the displaying price on the live site.
- column
- Type:
System String
Name of the column from which the product price should be retrieved. If empty, SKUPrice column is used.
- parentSku (Optional)
- Type: CMS.Ecommerce SKUInfo
The parent SKU for option(SKU) price calculation. Parent SKU discounts will be used.
- customPrice (Optional)
- Type:
System Double
If set, sku price is not taken from SKUInfo object.
Return Value
See Also