AJAXHelper MembersKentico 8.0 API Reference
The AJAXHelper type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBuildResponse
Builds the response string from given response array.
Public methodStatic memberEnsureURLPrefixes(ArrayList, String, String)
Ensures that all local URLs have given prefix
Public methodStatic memberEnsureURLPrefixes(String, String, String)
Ensures that all local URLs have given prefix
Public methodStatic memberEnsureURLPrefixes(ArrayList, String, String, URLHelper PathModifierHandler)
Ensures that all local URLs have given prefix
Public methodStatic memberEnsureURLPrefixes(String, String, String, URLHelper PathModifierHandler)
Ensures that all local URLs have given prefix
Public methodStatic memberGetNextField
Gets the next field from the AJAX response (all text until next separator).
Public methodStatic memberParseResponse
Parses the AJAX response returning the list of string arrays [length, type, id, content].
Public methodStatic memberResolveURLs(ArrayList, String)
Resolves URLs in the response array content.
Public methodStatic memberResolveURLs(String, String)
Resolves URLs in the response array content.
Public methodStatic memberResolveURLs(ArrayList, String, Boolean)
Resolves URLs in the response array content.
Public methodStatic memberResolveURLs(String, String, Boolean)
Resolves URLs in the response array content.
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Public fieldStatic memberFIELD_CONTENT
Content field index.
Public fieldStatic memberFIELD_ID
ID field index.
Public fieldStatic memberFIELD_LENGTH
Length field index.
Public fieldStatic memberFIELD_TYPE
Type field index.
Public fieldStatic memberSEPARATOR
Field separator.
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Public propertyStatic memberAjaxToolkitVersion
Returns major verion of loaded ajaxtoolkit.
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See Also