The ModuleCommands type exposes the following members.
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Name | Description | |
CancelNewsletterSending |
Stops current sending.
| |
CommunityGetCurrentGroupID |
Gets the current group's ID. Returns 0 if current group does not exist.
| |
CommunityGetGroupInfo |
Gets the Group info from Community module.
| |
CommunityGetGroupInfoByGuid |
Gets the group by GUID.
| |
CommunityGetGroupInfoByName |
Gets the Group info by group name and site name from Community module.
| |
CommunityGetGroupManagementPath |
Gets group management path.
| |
CommunityGetGroupProfilePath |
Gets group profile path.
| |
CommunityGetMemberManagementPath |
Gets member management path.
| |
CommunityGetMemberProfilePath |
Gets member profile path.
| |
CommunityGetUserFriendshipRelations |
Gets the friends for the given user.
| |
CommunityGetUserGroups(Int32) |
Gets the groups for the given user.
| |
CommunityGetUserGroups(Int32, String) |
Gets the groups for the given user.
| |
CommunityCheckGroupPermission |
Returns true if CurrentUser is authorized for the specified action in the group.
| |
CommunityIsMemberOfGroup |
Indicates whether the specified user is member of the specified group.
| |
CommunitySiteHasGroup |
Returns true if selected site contains at least one group.
| |
EventsGetSiteEvent |
Returns Booking event by ID for specified site.
| |
ForumsAddForumModerator |
Add moderator to forum.
| |
ForumsGetDocumentForumsCount |
Gets the number of forums for current document.
| |
ForumsGetForumInfo |
Returns ForumInfo(BaseInfo) of specified id.
| |
ForumsGetForumPostInfo |
Returns forum post info (BaseInfo) of specified ID.
| |
ForumsGetPostUrl |
Returns URL of the specified forum post.
Forum idPost id pathIndicates if the query string should be encoded | |
ForumsRemoveForumModerator |
Removes moderator to forum.
| |
GetDefaultReportConnectionString |
Item's default connection string
| |
LogOnSiteKeywords |
Logs onsite search keywords.
| |
MediaLibraryDeleteMediaFile |
Deletes media file from file system.
| |
MediaLibraryDeleteMediaFilePreview |
Deletes media file preview from file system.
| |
MediaLibraryGetMediaFileUrl(Guid, String) |
Returns media url according to GUID and file name.
| |
MediaLibraryGetMediaFileUrl(String, String) |
Returns media url according to site settings.
| |
MediaLibraryGetMediaLibraryInfo |
Gets media library info object.
| |
MessageBoardAddModeratorToBoard |
Adds new BoardModeratorInfo object.
| |
MessageBoardAddRoleToBoard |
Adds specified role to the board.
| |
MessageBoardGetBoardMessageInfo |
Gets board message info object specified by its ID.
| |
MessageBoardGetDocumentBoardsCount |
Gets the number of message boards for current document.
| |
MessageBoardGetMessageBoardInfo |
Gets message board info object with dependence on specified board id.
| |
MessageBoardRemoveModeratorFromBoard |
Removes specified user from the board.
| |
MessageBoardRemoveRoleFromBoard |
Removes specified role from the board.
| |
MessagingAddToContactList |
Adds user to contactlist.
| |
MessagingAddToIgnoreList |
Adds user to ingnore list.
| |
MessagingIsInContactList |
Returns true if the user is in the contact list.
| |
MessagingIsInIgnoreList |
Returns true if the user is in the ignore list.
| |
NotificationsRaiseEvent |
Raises notification events according to the specified parameters.
| |
OnlineMarketingAddContactBounce |
Increments number of bounces by one for specified contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingAddContactBounceByEmail |
Increments number of bounces by one for all contacts with specified email address across all sites.
| |
OnlineMarketingClearVariantCombinationHashTables |
Clear MVT variants and combinations hashtables.
| |
OnlineMarketingContactIsMonitored |
Returns TRUE if contact is monitored.
| |
OnlineMarketingCreateNewContact |
Creates new contact and assignes given member.
| |
OnlineMarketingCreateRelation |
Returns current contact ID.
| |
OnlineMarketingEnsureDefaultCombination |
Creates the default combination for a given page template (The default combination contains original versions of the page template webparts).
| |
OnlineMarketingGetABTestPageInfo |
Returns the page info object for specified original pageinfo with dependence on corresponding AB test.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetContactForNewsletters |
Returns dataset with basic data of a contact specified by ID.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetContactGroupMemberIDs |
Gets all (or top N) contact IDs in a given contact group for newsletters.
If bounced e-mail monitoring is enabled, only contacts that have less bounces then bounce limit are returned.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetContactGroupMembers |
Gets all (or top N) contacts in a given contact group for newsletters.
If bounced e-mail monitoring is enabled, only contacts that have less bounces then bounce limit are returned.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetContactGroupName |
Returns display name of the contact group specified by its ID.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetContacts |
Returns dataset with basic data of contacts specified by where condition.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContact |
Returns current contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID |
Returns current contact ID.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetMVTestSiteID |
Returns SiteID of given multivariate test id.
| |
OnlineMarketingGetUserLoginContactID |
Returns contact ID for specified user info.
| |
OnlineMarketingIsContactUnsubscribed |
Returns true if a contact has newsletter unsubscription activity for specified newsletter.
| |
OnlineMarketingLogExternalSearch |
Logs external page as activity.
| |
OnlineMarketingLogLandingPage |
Logs landing page as activity.
| |
OnlineMarketingLogLogin |
Logs login activity.
| |
OnlineMarketingLogPageVisit |
Logs page visit as activity.
| |
OnlineMarketingMoveMVTests |
Moves all MVTests from the document under the oldAlias path to the document under the newAlias path.
| |
OnlineMarketingRemoveCustomer |
Removes customer references from all contact management objects.
| |
OnlineMarketingSelectContactForVisitor |
Returns single contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingSetContactBounces |
Sets the bounced e-mails counter to specified value for a contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalData(Object, Int32) |
Updates contact information from various sources (bizform record, user, customer, subscriber) - this requires fields
of the source object to be mapped to contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalData(Object, Nullable Boolean , Int32) |
Updates contact information from various sources (bizform record, user, customer, subscriber) - this requires fields
of the source object to be mapped to contact.
| |
OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalSource |
Updates specific contact values.
| |
OnlineMarketingUpdateContactInformation |
Updates contact information - IP and User Agent for current user.
| |
PollsAddRoleToPoll |
Assigns the role to poll.
| |
PollsGetPollAnswerInfo |
Returns answer info specified by ID.
| |
PollsGetPollInfo |
Returns poll info object (BaseInfo) specified by ID.
| |
PollsPollBelongsToGroup |
Returns TRUE if poll belongs to specified group.
| |
PollsRemoveRoleFromPoll |
Removes role from poll.
| |
ReportingRefreshCategoryDataCount |
Refresh children count for single category.
| |
ReportingRefreshDataCount |
Refresh child count for all categories.
| |
SendEmail |
Sends the e-mail.
| |
SynchronizationProcessTask |
Processes the given task.
See Also