BaseInfo GeneralizedInfoWrapper MembersKentico 8.0 API Reference
The BaseInfo GeneralizedInfoWrapper type exposes the following members.

Protected methodBaseInfo GeneralizedInfoWrapper
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Public methodAnyItemChanged
Returns true if any of the specified column names has changed.
Public methodClone
Returns the clone
Public methodContainsColumn
Returns true if the object contains specified column.
Public methodDataChanged 
Returns true if the object changed.
Public methodDataChanged(String)
Returns true if the object changed.
Public methodDeleteData
Deletes the object from the database.
Public methodDeleteExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and deletes all the files.
Public methodDeleteObject
Deletes the object using appropriate provider.
Public methodDisconnect
Disconnects the object from database.
Public methodEnsureBinaryData 
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object when StoreToFileSystem is true.
Public methodEnsureBinaryData(Boolean)
Makes sure that the binary data is loaded into binary column of the object.
Public methodEnsureCodeName
Ensures the code name of the object if not set
Public methodEnsureGUID
Ensures the GUID of the object
Public methodEnsureUniqueCodeName
Ensures that the object has a unique code name within it's context
Public methodOnlineEquals
Determines whether the specified OnlineObject is equal to the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodExportDefaultData
Exports the default object installation data
Protected methodOnlineFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetBinaryData
Returns the BinaryData object of the current instance. Has to be overriden by specific classes. Returns null by default.
Public methodGetColumnType
Gets the column type.
Public methodGetCount
Gets count of the objects filtered by given where condition.
Public methodGetData
Returns the data according to the set of input parameters.
Public methodGetDataQuery
Gets the data query for this object type
Public methodGetDefaultDataWhereCondition
Gets where condition for default data according to TypeInfo configuration.
Public methodGetDefaultObject
Returns default object of given object type. Returns null by default. Example is UserInfo which returns user specified in the settings or Global Administrator.
Public methodGetDependenciesNames
Checks the object dependencies. Returns a list of object names which depend on this object. First tries to execute checkdependencies query, if not found, an automatic process is executed.
Public methodGetDependencyCacheKeys
Gets the array of dependency cache keys for current object.
Public methodGetDependencyObjectType
Gets dependency object type
Public methodGetEditingPageURL
Gets the object editing page URL.
Public methodGetExisting
Returns the existing object based on current object data.
Public methodGetExternalColumns
Returns the list of columns registered as the external columns.
Public methodGetExternalFiles
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and returns the list of particular files this object uses.
Public methodGetFullObjectName
Returns the name of the object within its parent hierarchy.
Public methodOnlineGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetChildWhereCondition
Gets the child object where condition.
Public methodGetIconUrl(Page, String)
Gets the object icon URL
Public methodGetIconUrl(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Gets the object icon URL
Public methodGetLastObjectOrder
Returns number which will be the last order within all the other items (according to Parent, Group and Site settings).
Public methodGetLockObject
Gets the global lock object for all the instances of the object (locked on "objectType_objectId").
Public methodGetModifiedFrom
Gets the DataSet of all the objects modified from specified date.
Public methodGetObject(Int32)
Gets the object by its ID.
Public methodGetObject(String)
Gets the object by specified where condition.
Public methodGetObject(IWhereCondition)
Gets the object by specified where condition.
Public methodGetObjectKey
Gets the unique string key for the object.
Public methodGetOriginalValue
Returns the original value of column.
Public methodGetParent
Returns the parent object.
Public methodGetPhysicalFiles
Gets DataSet with physical files for current object.
Public methodGetProperty
Returns property with given name (either object or property value).
Public methodGetPropertyType
Gets the type of the given property
Public methodGetThumbnailUrl
Gets the object thumbnail URL
Public methodOnlineGetType
Gets the OnlineType of the current instance.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodGetUniqueCodeName
Returns the unique code name generated from current object code name.
Public methodGetUniqueDisplayName
Returns the unique display name generated from current object display name.
Public methodGetUniqueName
Returns the unique code name for the specified object, does not check duplicity if duplicity occurs within the currentObjectId.
Public methodGetValue
Returns value of column.
Public methodGetValueForTranslation
Returns value for translation services. Returns unmodified field content by default.
Public methodGetVirtualFileRelativePath
Returns virtual relative path for specific column
Public methodCheckDependencies
Checks the object dependencies. Returns true if there is at least one dependency.
Public methodCheckLicense
Checks the object license. Returns true if the licensing conditions for this object were matched
Public methodCheckUniqueCodeName
Checks if the object has unique code name. Returns true if the object has unique code name.
Public methodCheckUniqueValues
Checks if a record with the same column values already exists in the database. Returns true if the set of values is unique.
Public methodInitObjectsOrder
Inits the proper item order so the order is consistent.
Public methodInsertAsClone(CloneSettings)
Inserts the object as a new object to the DB with inner data and structure (according to given settings) cloned from the original.
Public methodInsertAsClone(CloneSettings, CloneResult)
Inserts the object as a new object to the DB with inner data and structure (according to given settings) cloned from the original.
Public methodInsertData
Inserts the object to the database.
Public methodInvalidate
Invalidates the object in the object table.
Public methodIsAvailableOnSite
Checks whether info object as availabe on given site. Available means that object is global or assigned to given site.
Public methodIsDynamicDependency
Indicates if dependency object type id dynamic
Public methodIsCheckedOutByUser
Returns true if the object is checked out by the specified user.
Public methodIsChildOf
Returns true if the object is child of the given object. If parameter parent is null, returns true only if the object is not a child of any object.
Public methodIsModifiedExternally
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and checkes if the data in DB is the same as in external storage. If all the columns are same returns true, otherwise false.
Public methodIsObjectInvalid
Returns true if the object is invalid.
Public methodItemChanged
Returns true if the item on specified column name changed.
Public methodMakeComplete
Makes the object data complete.
Protected methodOnlineMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current OnlineObject.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodMoveObjectDown
Moves the object down within the object order (if OrderColumn is specified). The move is done within the object's parent and site (if defined).
Public methodMoveObjectUp
Moves the object up within the object order (if OrderColumn is specified). The move is done within the object's parent and site (if defined).
Protected methodNotSupported
Throws the not supported exception
Public methodReconnect
Reconnects the object to database.
Public methodResetChanges
Resets the object changes and keeps the new values as unchanged.
Public methodRestoreSettings
Restores local settings for object instance.
Public methodRevertChanges
Reverts the object changes to the original values.
Public methodSaveExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and ensures them in the external storage.
Public methodSetObject
Updates the object using appropriate provider.
Public methodSetObjectAlphabeticalOrder
Moves the object to the right position according to the custom order.
Public methodSetObjectOrder
Moves the object to the specified order (if OrderColumn is specified). The move is done within the object's parent and site (if defined).
Public methodSetValue
Sets value of column.
Public methodSortAlphabetically
Moves the object to the right position according to the custom order.
Public methodStoreSettings
Stores local settings for object instance.
Public methodSubmitChanges
Submits the changes in the object to the database.
Public methodOnlineToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from OnlineObject.)
Public methodTouchParent
Updates the parent object by saving it (to update the timestamp).
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object )
Returns property with given name (either object or property value).
Public methodTryGetProperty(String, Object , Boolean)
Returns value of property.
Public methodTryGetValue
Returns value of column.
Public methodUpdateData
Updates the object to the database.
Public methodUpdateExternalColumns
Goes through the columns which are stored externally and updates DB versions with the data from external storage.
Public methodUpdateFromDB
Updates the data of the object from DB (updates also ObjectSettings).
Public methodUpdatePathColumn
Updates given path column.
Public methodUpdatePhysicalFiles
Updates physical files in given DataSet for current object.
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Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodCopyTo
Copies the data of specified columns of the source object to the target object.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetAPIString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodGetString
Gets the string by the specified resource key
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCheckRequiredColumns
Returns true if given list of columns do not have null values in the object
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToBoolean
Returns the boolean representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDateTime
Returns the DateTime representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToDouble
Returns the double representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToGuid
Returns the Guid representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToInteger
Returns the integer representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToJSON
Returns JSON representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToString
Returns the string representation of an object or default value if not.
(Defined by CoreExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToXML
Returns XML representation of current instance of IDataContainer.
(Defined by DataExtensions.)
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Public propertyAllowClone
Indicates if the object supports cloning.
Public propertyAllowRestore
Indicates if the object supports deleting to recycle bin.
Public propertyAllowTouchParent
Indicates if parent is allowed to be touched, if exists.
Public propertyBindingObjectTypes
Binding object types.
Public propertyBindings
The collection of the binding objects for the given object.
Public propertyCacheParentData
If true, the parent object data is cached within object.
Public propertyCategoryIDColumn
Category ID column name.
Public propertyCodeNameColumn
Code name column name of the info record.
Public propertyColumnNames
Column names.
Public propertyCustomizedColumns
Gets the list of customized columns in current object
Public propertyDisplayNameColumn
Code name column name of the info record.
Public propertyGUIDColumn
GUID column name.
Public propertyHasData
Returns true if the object has it's data storage initialized already
Public propertyHasChanged
Returns true if the object has changed.
Public propertyCheckUnique
If true, the code name is checked for uniqueness upon saving.
Public propertyChildDependencies
Collection of the child dependencies for the given object.
Public propertyChildDependencyColumns
Child dependency columns.
Public propertyChildObjectTypes
Child object types.
Public propertyChildren
The collection of the child objects for the given object.
Public propertyIDColumn
ID column name.
Public propertyIgnoreExternalColumns
If true, externally stored columns are ignored and are stored normally in DB.
Public propertyInvalidateObject
If true, object is invalidated when the object is changed.
Public propertyIsCachedObject
If true, the object is cached within the system for later use
Public propertyIsClone
Indicates if the object is clone.
Public propertyIsComplete
Returns true if the object is complete (has all columns).
Public propertyIsDisconnected
Returns true if the object is disconnected from the data source
Public propertyIsCheckedOut
Indicates if the object is checked out.
Public propertyIsCheckedOutByUserID
Gets ID of the user who checked the object out.
Public propertyIsObjectValid
Returns true if the object is considered valid.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the value of the column.
Public propertyLogEvents
If true, events are logged on the object update.
Public propertyLogExport
If true, export tasks are logged on the object update.
Public propertyLogIntegration
If true, integration tasks are being logged.
Public propertyLogSynchronization
If true, synchronization tasks are logged on the object update.
Public propertyLogWebFarmTasks
If true, web farm tasks are logged on the object update.
Public propertyMainObject
Main object for this general access object
Public propertyMetaFiles
The collection of the metafiles of the given object.
Public propertyObjectCategory
Object category.
Public propertyObjectClassName
Class name.
Public propertyObjectCodeName
Object code name.
Public propertyObjectDisplayName
Object name.
Public propertyObjectFullName
Object full name if exists
Public propertyObjectGroupID
Object group ID.
Public propertyObjectGUID
Object GUID.
Public propertyObjectIcon
Object icon
Public propertyObjectIconGUID
Object icon GUID.
Public propertyObjectID
Object ID.
Public propertyObjectIsCustom
Indicates if object is custom (created by customer).
Public propertyObjectIsCustomized
Indicates if object is customized.
Public propertyObjectIsNested
Returns true if the object is created within wrapping object and figures as its part (e.g., partial classes for TreeNode class).
Public propertyObjectLastAccessed
Object last access time (uses internally by providers).
Public propertyObjectLastModified
Object last modified time.
Public propertyObjectOrder
Returns the order of the object among the other objects.
Public propertyObjectParent
Object parent
Public propertyObjectParentID
Object parent ID.
Public propertyObjectSiteID
Object site ID.
Public propertyObjectSiteName
Object site name.
Public propertyObjectThumbnail
Object thumbnail
Public propertyObjectThumbnailGUID
Object thumbnail GUID.
Public propertyObjectType
Object type.
Public propertyObjectVersionGUID
Object version GUID.
Public propertyOriginalObjectCodeName
Returns the original object code name
Public propertyOtherBindingObjectTypes
Other binding types (ObjectType constants separated by semicolon) - binding types where this object participate but is not parent object of those binding types.
Public propertyOtherBindings
The collection of the other binding objects for the given object.
Public propertyParentIDColumn
Parent ID column name.
Public propertyParentObjectType
Parent object type.
Public propertyPrioritizedProperties
Gets the list of properties which should be prioritized in the macro controls (IntelliSense, MacroTree).
Public propertyProcesses
The collection of the processes of the given object.
Public propertyProperties
Properties of the object available through GetProperty.
Public propertyReferringObjects
Collection of the objects depending on this object (object which have FK to this object).
Public propertyRelatedData
Custom data connected to the object.
Public propertyRelatedObjects
The collection of the relationships of the given object.
Public propertyScheduledTasks
The collection of the scheduled tasks of the given object.
Public propertySiteIDColumn
Site ID column name.
Public propertySupportsVersioning
Indicates if the object versioning is supported.
Public propertyTimeStampColumn
Time stamp column name.
Public propertyTouchCacheDependencies
If true, cache dependencies are touched when the object is changed.
Public propertyTypeInfo
Type info.
Public propertyUpdateTimeStamp
If true, time stamp is updated on object update.
Public propertyValidateCodeName
If true, the code name is validated upon saving.
Public propertyVersioningEnabled
Indicates if the object versioning is enabled by the settings.
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See Also