The ChatHelper type exposes the following members.
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Name | Description | |
GetCMSDeskChatUserField(Control, ChatUserInfo) |
Gets string representation which can be used to display chat user in CMS Desk.
If user is not anonymous, returned string is a HTML code which contains anchor to open user's details in new window.
If user is anonymous, returned string will be simply his nickname.
Nickname will be always HTML encoded.
| |
GetCMSDeskChatUserField(Control, Int32, String, Boolean) |
Gets string representation which can be used to display chat user in CMS Desk.
If user is not anonymous, returned string is a HTML code which contains anchor to open user's details in new window.
If user is anonymous, returned string will be simply his nickname.
Nickname will be always HTML encoded.
| |
GetDocumentAbsoluteUrl |
Gets absolute URL from relative document path (if given path is not empty).
| |
GetEnum TEnum, TUnderlayingType |
Gets Enum from its underlying type. If the specified value doesn't have its representation in the enum, defaultValue is returned.
Exception is thrown if TEnum is not Enum.
| |
GetChatRoomWindowURL |
Returns chat room window url from global chat settings
| |
GetRoomIdFromQuery |
Get room ID from query or return original room ID.
| |
GetWebpartLoadingDiv |
Get webpart's loading div which is showed when data are loaded.
| |
GetWebpartTransformation |
Get webpart's transformation
| |
HasCurrentUserPermission |
Checks if current user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
| |
HasUserPermission |
Checks if specified user (CMSUser) has permission to perform specified chat-related action.
| |
CheckNameForBadWords |
Throws ChatBadWordsException if there are some bad words in name.
| |
CheckOperationForFlooding |
Checks if specified operation happened to early after the previous call. If it happened to early (earlier than timespan specified in settings),
it is considered as flooding and operation should be stopped.
| |
IsSupportChatPanelEnabled |
Adds Support box to the passed panel. It should be called in SiteManager's and CMSDesk's Page_Load.
| |
LogChatActivity(ChatActivityTypeEnum) |
Logs activity with type specified by activityType.
Title is empty.
| |
LogChatActivity(ChatActivityTypeEnum, String) |
Logs activity with type specified by activityType.
Title is set to
| |
RegisterChatAJAXProxy |
Registers AJAX proxy which can be used to call ChatService.svc from javascript.
| |
RegisterChatManager |
Registers ChatManager.js and support scripts.
| |
RegisterChatNotificationManager |
Registers Chat sound manager used for playing sound notifications.
| |
RegisterChatSupportAJAXProxy |
Registers AJAX proxy which can be used to call ChatSupportService.svc from javascript.
| |
RegisterChatSupportManager |
Registers ChatSupportManager and support scripts.
| |
RegisterStylesheet(Page) |
Registers CSS stylesheet. If page inherits CMSChatPage, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet.
| |
RegisterStylesheet(Page, Boolean) |
Registers CSS stylesheet. If cmsDeskStyle is true, CMSDesk stylesheet will be used instead of livesite stylesheet.
The CMS desk stylesheet is bootstrap for support dialog, old css otherwise.
Name | Description | |
AreAnonymsAllowedGloballySetting |
Gets true, if anonymous users are allowed in chat.
| |
CreateRoomFloodProtectionIntervalSetting |
Create room flooding protection interval. In seconds.
| |
DaysNeededToDeleteRecordsSetting |
Days needed to delete old chat records.
| |
EnableBBCodeSetting |
Enabled BB Code globally setting.
| |
EnableSmileys |
Enabled smileys globally setting.
| |
EnableSoundLiveChat |
Enabled sound in live chat setting.
| |
EnableSoundSupportChat |
Enabled sound in support chat setting.
| |
FirstLoadMessagesCountSetting |
Count of messages loaded on first load.
| |
ForceAnonymUniqueNicknamesSetting |
If false, anonymou are allowed to have duplicate nicknames. If true, all nicknames must be uniques.
| |
GlobalPingIntervalSetting |
Global ping (method Ping() on service) interval.
| |
GuestPrefixSetting |
Gets prefix of guest user. Value is taken from settings.
| |
ChangeNicknameFloodProtectionIntervalSetting |
Change nickname flooding protection interval. In seconds.
| |
ChatAdministrationPopupWindowUrl |
Gets address of support chat popup window opened from Desk.
| |
IsFloodingProtectionEnabledSetting |
Gets true if flooding protection is enabled.
| |
IsSupportEnabledSetting |
Gets true if support chat is enabled.
| |
IsSupportMailEnabledAndValid |
Gets true if sending support requests to mail is enabled and addresses (from and to) are valid emails.
Only lenght of those addresses are checked because validity is handled by Settings validation regex in Site manager.
| |
JoinRoomFloodProtectionIntervalSetting |
Join room flooding protection interval. In seconds.
| |
KickLastingIntervalSetting |
Kick lasting interval.
| |
MaximumMessageLengthSetting |
Kick lasting interval.
| |
PostMessageFloodProtectionIntervalSetting |
Post message flooding protection interval. In seconds.
| |
RedirectURLJoinSetting |
Gets redirect URL after join room. Value is taken from settings.
| |
RedirectURLLeaveSetting |
Gets redirect URL after leave room. Value is taken from settings.
| |
RedirectURLLoginSetting |
Gets redirect URL after login chat. Value is taken from settings.
| |
RedirectURLLogoutSetting |
Gets redirect URL after logout chat. Value is taken from settings.
| |
ResolveURLEnabled |
Enabled URL resolving in messages setting.
| |
RoomPingIntervalSetting |
Room ping interval.
| |
SupportLogoutTimeoutSetting |
Gets timeout needed to automatically logout user from support chat. Value is taken from settings.
| |
SupportMailDialogURL |
Gets address of offline support form. This is a form which is used to send support requests to mail.
| |
SupportMessageSendToSetting |
Gets the email address where support messages are sent to.
| |
SupportRoomReleaseTimeoutSetting |
Gets number of seconds needed to realease room taken by support engineer. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationErrors |
Gets default errors transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationErrorsDeleteAll |
Gets default errors delete all transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationInitiatedChat |
Gets default initiated chat transformation. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationNotifications |
Gets default notification transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationOnlineUsers |
Gets default online users transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationRoomMessages |
Gets default messages transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationRoomName |
Gets default room name transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationRooms |
Gets default rooms transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationRoomUsers |
Gets default room users transformation name. Value is taken from settings.
| |
TransformationSupportRequest |
Gets default support request transformation. Value is taken from settings.
| |
UserLogoutTimeoutSetting |
Gets timeout needed to automatically logout chat user. Value is taken from settings.
| |
WPGroupPagesBy |
Number of pages in one group default setting.
| |
WPInviteModePagingItems |
Items per page limit for webparts in invite mode.
| |
WPInviteModeSearchMode |
Items per page limit for webparts in invite mode.
| |
WPPagingItems |
Items per page default setting.
| |
WPSearchModeMaxUsers |
Search mode - response max users default limit.
| |
WPShowFilterLimit |
Show filter limit default setting.
See Also