Tabs layout

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  Layout settings  
  Number of tabs: Sets the number of tabs that will be displayed in the layout.  
  Tab headers: Specifies the names used for the tab titles. Each tab name must be defined on a new line. Any additional tabs that are not named will use the following format: "Tab <number>"  
  Active tab index: Sets the index of the tab that will be selected by default when the page is loaded. The index of the first tab is 1.  

  Tabs design  
  Tab strip placement: Indicates if the tab strip (menu) should be located above the content of the layout (Top) or below (Bottom).  
  Width: Sets the width of the tab content area. It must be specified as a CSS style value, e.g. 200px or 50%.  
  Height: Sets the height of the tab content area. It must be specified as a CSS style value, e.g. 200px or 50%.  
  Tabs CSS class: Sets the name of the CSS class from the used stylesheet that will be applied to the entire tab layout. This overrides the styles that are applied by default.  
  Scrollbars: Configures the scrollbar settings for the tab content area.  

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