Kentico CMS 7.0 Developer's Guide

Managing translation submissions

Managing translation submissions

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Managing translation submissions

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Standard services use submission tickets to keep track of translation tasks. The system automatically creates a new submission whenever a user assigns a document (or batch of documents) for translation via a human service. To access a list of all translation submissions created on a specific website, go to CMS Desk -> Tools -> Translations.


You can manage the listed submissions through the following actions:


Edit Edit - allows you to modify the details of the submission. For example, you can update the submission's deadline date and then resubmit it to the service.

Delete Delete - removes the translation submission. When deleting submissions that have the Waiting for translation status, the system also performs the Cancel submission action.

ExportToZip Export all to zip - allows you to download a zip package containing the translation source data for all documents in the submission. The data is stored in .xlf files using the XLIFF format.

Synchronize Process translations - inserts the translated content into the corresponding language versions of the documents included in the submission. Only available for submissions that have a completed translation (i.e. those in the Translation ready status). See more in Importing completed translations.

RebuildIndex Resubmit to translation service - resends the translation assignment to the service according to the current settings of the submission and the latest content of the source documents.

Undo Cancel submission - switches the submission to the canceled status. This also informs the translators that they no longer need to finish the translation. The exact functionality performed when canceling a submission depends on the implementation of the used service.

