Kentico CMS 7.0 Controls

CMS controls - common properties

CMS controls - common properties

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CMS controls - common properties

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The following properties provide configuration options for selecting Kentico CMS documents to most of the CMS Navigation and Standard listings and viewers controls. Please be aware that certain controls only use some of these properties:


Property Name


Sample Value


Allows you to specify whether check permissions of the current user should be checked. If the value is false (default value) no permissions are checked. Otherwise, only nodes for which the user has read permission are selected.


Specifies which types of documents should be selected. Document types must be identified through their code names. Several values separated by semicolons (;) can be entered.


The * wildcard can be used as a substitute for a random sequence of characters. For example Product.* would include the document types Product.Camera, Product.CellPhone, Product.Computer etc.


If the property is left empty, controls retrieve all document types by default. In the case of menu and navigation controls, page (cms.MenuItem) documents are selected by default.


Please note: If all document types are loaded (empty value), only the common data columns from the View_CMS_Tree_Joined view will be available in the retrieved data. The specific fields of individual document types will not be included. This should be considered in the code of transformations, WHERE conditions, ORDER BY expressions etc.





Indicates whether documents from the default culture version should be used if they are not available in the selected culture. This property is applied only if you do not set the TreeProvider property manually.


Culture code of documents to be selected, such as en-us. If not specified, it's read from the user's session or the default value is used.



Gets or sets a DataSet containing values used to fill the items of the control.


Indicates if duplicated (linked) documents should be filtered out from the data.


Specifies the maximum number of content tree sub-levels from which content should be displayed. This number is relative, i.e. counted from the location of the page that the control is placed on.


Entering -1 causes all child documents to be selected.


Path of the documents to be selected.


See Path specification for details.

See Path specification for examples.


Indicates whether only published documents should be selected.


Tree provider instance used to access data. If no TreeProvider is assigned, a new TreeProvider instance is created automatically.


CMS base - common properties:


The following properties provide basic configuration options to most of the CMS Navigation and Listings and viewers controls. Please be aware that certain controls only use some of these properties:


Property Name


Sample Value


List of the cache keys on which the cached data depends. When the cache item changes, the cache of the control is cleared. Each item (dependency) must be on one line.


If you leave this property empty, default dependencies will be used.


Please refer to the Caching topic to learn more.



Name of the cache item the control will use.


By setting this name dynamically, you can achieve caching based on a URL parameter or some other variable - simply enter the value of the parameter.


If no value is set, the control stores its content in the item named "URL|ControlID".


Please refer to the Caching topic to learn more.

"mycachename" +



Number of minutes the retrieved content is cached for.


Zero indicates that the content will not be cached.


-1 indicates that the site-level settings should be used.


This parameter allows you to set up caching of content so that it doesn't have to be retrieved from the database each time a user requests the page.


Please refer to the Caching topic to learn more.


Overrides the generation of the SPAN tag with a custom tag.


Gets or sets the appropriate filter control used to limit the data read by this control.


Gets or sets the code name of the appropriate filter control used to limit the data read by this control.


Gets or sets the ORDER BY clause of the SQL statement.

"NewsReleaseDate DESC"


Database table columns that should be loaded with documents, separated by commas ( , ). Null or empty indicates that all columns should be selected.


Specifies the code name of the site to be used by the control.


Indicates if processing of the control should be stopped and the control should not retrieve or display any data.


Specifies the maximum amount of rows that should be selected.


Gets or sets the WHERE clause of the SQL statement.

"ProductPrice > 100"