Document types:
Determines which document types should be displayed, specified by a list of code names separated by semicolons (;). By default, only CMS.MenuItem documents (pages) are displayed in navigation.
Combine with default culture:
Indicates if the default language version of a document should be used as a replacement if a given document is not translated to the currently selected language. If the Use site settings option is selected, the value is taken from Site Manager -> Settings -> Content -> Combine with default culture.
Culture code:
Sets which culture version of the specified documents should be used.
Maximum nesting level:
Specifies the maximum number of content tree sub-levels from which content should be loaded. This number is relative, i.e. counted from the start of the path specified for the content of the web part. Entering -1 causes all sub-levels to be included.
ORDER BY expression:
Sets the value of the ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement used to retrieve the content. Please be aware that it is necessary for the root of the displayed tree (or sub-tree) to be first in the resulting order, otherwise all documents may not be displayed correctly. This can be ensured by having the value of this property start with the NodeLevel column, such as for example: NodeLevel, NodeOrder
Select only published:
Indicates if only published documents should be loaded.
Site name:
Sets the website (specified by its code name) from which the content should be loaded. If left empty, the current site is used.
WHERE condition:
Sets the value of the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement used to retrieve the content.
Lists database columns that should be loaded in addition to the set used by default; separated by commas (,). Entering an asterisk (*) causes all columns to be loaded. It is recommended to load only those columns that are necessary.
Filter name:
Sets the name of the Filter web part that should be connected.
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Generate unique IDs:
If enabled, a prefix is automatically inserted into the ID of every item in the menu. This prefix is generated according to the ClientID of the web part's internal control.
If this property is enabled, the Item Id prefix property has no effect.
Item ID prefix:
Sets a prefix placed into the ID of every item in the menu. You can use it to keep IDs unique if there are several Tree menu web parts on the same page.
Cell padding:
Sets the cell padding of the table element used by the menu.
Cell spacing:
Sets the cell spacing of the table element used by the menu.
Collapse selected item on click:
Indicates if the selected path in the tree menu can be expanded or collapsed when clicked by a user.
CSS prefix:
Through this property, you can set different CSS styles for individual menu levels. Enter the prefixes of the CSS classes that should be applied, starting from the first menu level and separated by semicolons (;).
Display highlighted item as link:
Indicates if items in the menu that are part of the currently selected path should be displayed as links.
Generate indentation inside link:
Indicates if indentation of levels in the tree menu should be generated inside the menu items. If images are used in the menu, this property does not apply.
Generate only outer link:
Indicates if only one outer link should be generated per each menu item.
Generate all sub-items:
If enabled, all branches in the tree menu will be expanded. Otherwise only the selected path is opened.
Highlight all items in path:
Indicates if all items on the currently selected path should be highlighted (shown as selected).
Sets the number of spaces used in the indentation separating levels of the tree menu.
Item image url:
Contains the path to the image that is displayed next to regular items in the tree menu. For example: ~/App_Themes/Site/Images/menuitem.gif
Open item image url:
Contains the path to the image that is displayed next to expanded items in the tree menu. For example: ~/App_Themes/Site/Images/openitem.gif
OnMouseOut script:
The entered JavaScript will be executed for menu items during the OnMouseOut event. You can use macro expressions here.
OnMouseOver script:
The entered JavaScript will be executed for menu items during the OnMouseOver event. You can use macro expressions here.
Sub-menu indicator image:
Contains the path to the image that is used to indicate that menu items contain further sub-items. For example: ~/App_Themes/Site/Images/submenu.gif
Target frame:
Specifies the name of the target frame in which the navigation links will be opened. For example: _blank
Use alternating styles:
Indicates if odd and even menu items should have different styles.
Use item images for higlighted item:
Indicates if the standard item image should be used for highlighted items if there isn't a specific image defined.
Apply menu design:
Indicates if document settings for menu design should be applied to the navigation items displayed by the web part. These settings can be configured for individual documents in CMS Desk -> Content -> Edit -> Properties -> Menu.
Render image alt:
Indicates if ALT attributes should be rendered for all images used in the menu (for XHTML compatibility).
Render link title:
If enabled, the menu will render document names as Title attributes (tooltips) for all links. This can improve the accessibility of your website.
Render sub items:
Indicates whether the currently selected document should be expanded (if it has sub-items).
Word wrap:
Indicates if long menu item captions should be broken into multiple lines (word wrapped).
Encode menu caption:
Indicates whether HTML encoding should be applied to the navigation items. Useful only in special cases where the names of the displayed documents contain HTML code.
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Check permissions:
Indicates if the permissions of the current user should be checked for the content of the web part. If enabled, only documents for which the user has the "read" permission will be loaded.
Cache item name:
Sets the name of the cache key used for the content of the web part. If not specified, this name is generated automatically based on the site, document path, Web part control ID and current user. A cache key can be shared between multiple web parts with the same content on different pages in order to avoid keeping redundant data in the memory.
Cache minutes:
Sets the number of minutes for which the content of the web part should remain cached before its latest version is reloaded from the database. If left empty, the value entered into the Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> Performance -> Cache content (minutes) setting will be used instead. If set to 0, caching will be disabled for the web part.
Cache dependencies:
Contains a list of cache keys on which the partial cache of the web part depends. When the specified cache items change, the partial cache of the web part is deleted. Each line may only contain a single item. If the Use default cache dependencies box is checked, the default dependencies will be used, which include all possible object changes that could affect the specific web part.
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Web part container:
Specifies the name of the container (box) to be displayed around the web part. Only the containers defined at Site Manager -> Development -> Web part containers can be selected. The selected container can be edited directly by using the Edit button.
Container title:
Sets a title for the container. This title is displayed only if the {%ContainerTitle%} macro is used in the code of the container.
Container CSS class:
CSS class used for the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCSSClass%} macro is used as the value of the Class attribute in the code of the container.
Container custom content:
Custom content to be used in the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCustomContent%} macro is used in the code of the container.
Hide container on subpages:
Indicates if the web part container should be hidden on sub-pages.
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