Group forum posts viewer

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  Web part control ID: Serves as an identifier for the web part. This ID must be unique within the context of each page template. The value of this property may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore character ( _ ).  
  Web part title: Title of the web part displayed on the Design tab of CMS Desk. If empty, the value of the Web part control ID property is used for this purpose.  
  Disable view state: Indicates if view state should be disabled for this web part.  
  Disable macros: If checked, macros contained in the values of the web part's properties will no longer be resolved.  

  Visible: Indicates if the web part should be displayed.  
  Hide on subpages: Indicates if the web part should be hidden on sub-pages. If checked, the web part will not be displayed on documents that inherit the web part from a parent document.  
  Show for document types: Contains a list of document types on which the web part should be displayed. If the currently selected document uses the page template containing this web part, but its type is not specified by this property, the web part will be hidden. The document types in the list must be specified by their code names and separated by semicolons (;). If empty, the web part will be displayed on all document types.  
  Display to roles: Contains a list of roles to which the web part should be displayed. This may be used to implement documents with specific functionality for different types of users. The roles in the list must be specified by their code names and separated by semicolons (;). If empty, the web part will be displayed to all users.  

  Group name: Selects the group from which the forum posts will be loaded.  

  Transformation name: Sets the transformation used to format the displayed forum posts. Transformations are specified as <class name>.<transformation name>.  
  AlternatingItem Transformation Name: Sets the transformation used to format forum posts on even positions in the list. Transformations are specified as <class name>.<transformation name>.  
  Separator Transformation Name: Sets the transformation used to separate the displayed items. Transformations are specified in format <class name>.<transformation name>.  
  Header Transformation Name: Sets the transformation placed before the list of displayed items. Transformations are specified in format <class name>.<transformation name>.  
  Footer Transformation Name: Sets the transformation placed at the end of the list of displayed items. Transformations are specified in format <class name>.<transformation name>.  

  Select only approved: Indicates if only approved items should be selected.  
  Order By: Sets the value of the ORDER BY clause in the SELECT statement used to retrieve the content.  
  Top N: Sets the maximum number of forum posts to be selected. If empty, all possible posts will be loaded.  
  Site name: Sets the website (specified by its code name) from which the content should be loaded. If left empty, the current site is used.  
  Where condition: Sets the value of the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement used to retrieve the content.  
  Selected columns: Lists the database columns that should be loaded along with the given objects, separated by commas (,). If empty, all columns will be loaded. Specifying a list without unnecessary columns may significantly improve performance.  
  Filter name: Sets the name of the Filter web part that should be connected.  

  No data behaviour  
  Hide if no record found: Indicates if the web part should be hidden when no items to be displayed are retrieved.  
  No record found text: Text that should be displayed if no records are found. This text will not be visible if the Hide if no record found property of the web part is enabled.  

  Hide pager for single page: Indicates whether the pager should be hidden if the displayed items fit onto a single page.  
  Page size: Determines the maximum number of records displayed per page.  
  Group size: Sets the maximum amount of page number links that will be displayed together. Any additional links that do not fit can be accessed in the next or previous group.  
  Paging mode: Determines which method is used to pass information about the currently selected page - it can be passed either as a parameter in the URL (Query string) or through postback (Postback).  
  Querystring key: Sets the name of the URL parameter used to pass information about the current page number (used if the Paging mode property is set to Query string).  
  Display first & last automatically: If enabled, the "go to first page" and "go to last page" buttons of the pager will be displayed only when there is no other way to access the first or last page through the pager.  
  Display previous & next automatically: If enabled, the "go to previous page" and "go to next page" buttons of the pager will be displayed only when there is no other way of accessing the previous or next page through the pager.  

  Pager design  
  Pages: Sets the transformation used for page links. Use <%# Eval("Page") %> to get the appropriate page number dynamically, <%# Eval("PageURL") %> to get the page URL or <%# Eval("PageLink") %> to get a link to the appropriate page.  
  Current page: Sets the transformation used for the currently selected page. Use <%# Eval("Page") %> to get the current page number, <%# Eval("PageURL") %> to get the page URL or <%# Eval("PageLink") %> to get a link to the current page.  
  Page separator: Sets the transformation used as a separator between page links.  
  First page: Sets the transformation used for the link to the first page. Use <%# Eval("FirstURL") %> to get the URL of the first page.  
  Last page: Sets the transformation used for the link to the last page. Use <%# Eval("LastURL") %> to get the URL of the last page.  
  Previous page: Sets the transformation used for the link to the previous page. Use <%# Eval("PreviousURL") %> to get the URL of the previous page.  
  Next page: Sets the transformation used for the link to the next page. Use <%# Eval("NextURL") %> to get the URL of the next page.  
  Previous group: Sets the transformation used for the link to the previous group of page links. Use <%# Eval("PreviousGroupURL") %> to get the URL of the previous group.  
  Next group: Sets the transformation used for the link to the next group of page links. Use <%# Eval("NextGroupURL") %> to get the URL of the next group.  
  Direct page: Sets the transformation that implements direct page changing. Use a text box or drop-down list control with an ID set to "directPageControl" to register the page change event.  
  Pager layout: Sets the transformation that determines the overall design of the pager.  

  System settings  
  Cache item name: Sets the name of the cache key used for the content of the web part. If not specified, this name is generated automatically based on the site, document path, Web part control ID and current user. A cache key can be shared between multiple web parts with the same content on different pages in order to avoid keeping redundant data in the memory.  
  Cache minutes: Sets the number of minutes for which the content of the web part should remain cached before its latest version is reloaded from the database. If left empty, the value entered into the Site Manager -> Settings -> System -> Performance -> Cache content (minutes) setting will be used instead. If set to 0, caching will be disabled for the web part.  
  Cache dependencies: Contains a list of cache keys on which the partial cache of the web part depends. When the specified cache items change, the partial cache of the web part is deleted. Each line may only contain a single item. If the Use default cache dependencies box is checked, the default dependencies will be used, which include all possible object changes that could affect the specific web part.  

  Web part container  
  Web part container: Specifies the name of the container (box) to be displayed around the web part. Only the containers defined at Site Manager -> Development -> Web part containers can be selected. The selected container can be edited directly by using the Edit button.  
  Web part container title: Sets a title for the container. This title is displayed only if the {%ContainerTitle%} macro is used in the code of the container.  
  Container CSS class: CSS class used for the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCSSClass%} macro is used as the value of the Class attribute in the code of the container.  
  Container custom content: Custom content to be used in the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCustomContent%} macro is used in the code of the container.  
  Hide container on subpages: Indicates if the web part container should be hidden on sub-pages.  

  HTML Envelope  
  Content before: HTML content placed before the web part. Can be used to display a header or add some encapsulating code, such as <div> or <table> elements to achieve the required layout.  
  Content after: HTML content placed after the web part. Can be used to display a footer or close the tags contained in the ContentBefore value, such as </div> or </table> elements.  

  Use update panel: Indicates if an AJAX UpdatePanel container should be used for this web part.  

  Time zones  
  Time zone: Specifies the type of time zone used for the content of the web part.  
  Custom time zone: May be used to assign a custom time zone specifically for the content of this web part. If selected, the time zone will be used regardless of current user or website time zone settings.  

  Partial caching  
  Partial cache minutes: Sets the number of minutes for which the output HTML code of the web part should remain cached. This process is similar to full-page caching, but only for the code of the web part specifically. If left empty or set to 0, partial caching will be not be used for the web part.  
  Partial cache dependencies: Contains a list of cache keys on which the partial cache of the web part depends. When the specified cache items change, the partial cache of the web part is deleted. Each line may only contain a single item. If the Use default cache dependencies box is checked, the default dependencies will be used, which include all possible object changes that could affect the specific web part.  

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