Group forum list

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  Web part control ID: Serves as an identifier for the web part. This ID must be unique within the context of each page template. The value of this property may only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore character ( _ ).  
  Web part title: Title of the web part displayed on the Design tab of CMS Desk. If empty, the value of the Web part control ID property is used for this purpose.  
  Disable view state: Indicates if view state should be disabled for this web part.  
  Disable macros: If checked, macros contained in the values of the web part's properties will no longer be resolved.  

  Visible: Indicates if the web part should be displayed.  
  Hide on subpages: Indicates if the web part should be hidden on sub-pages. If checked, the web part will not be displayed on documents that inherit the web part from a parent document.  
  Show for document types: Contains a list of document types on which the web part should be displayed. If the currently selected document uses the page template containing this web part, but its type is not specified by this property, the web part will be hidden. The document types in the list must be specified by their code names and separated by semicolons (;). If empty, the web part will be displayed on all document types.  
  Display to roles: Contains a list of roles to which the web part should be displayed. This may be used to implement documents with specific functionality for different types of users. The roles in the list must be specified by their code names and separated by semicolons (;). If empty, the web part will be displayed to all users.  

  Group name: Selects which group should be used by the web part.  
  Groups separator: Can be used to define HTML code that will be inserted as a separator between forums groups (if the given group contains more than one forum group).  

  Group settings  
  Forum layout: Determines how posts will be displayed in the forums contained within the group. The possible options are: Flat - posts will be divided into threads and displayed beneath each other. Tree - posts will be organized into a tree-like hierarchy.  

  Post options  
  Enable favorites: If enabled, users will be allowed to add forums or individual posts into their list of favorites.  
  Enable signature: Indicates if user signatures should be added below forum posts (if the author has a signature defined).  
  Display attachment image: Determines whether images in forum post attachments should be displayed directly in the post. If not checked, only links to the images will be shown.  
  Attachment image maximal side size: Sets the maximum side size of images displayed in forum post attachments.  
  Redirect to user profile: Indicates whether the usernames of forum post authors should serve as links to the given user's profile page. This requires the Site Manager -> Settings -> Community -> Member profile path setting to be configured properly.  
  Thread view mode: Sets the default mode used to display forum posts under threads. Only applied if the Forum layout property is set to flat.  
  Maximum nesting level: Sets the maximum amount of allowed levels in the forum post hierarchy. For example, setting 1 would only let users reply to the first post of each thread. Entering -1 causes the level to be unlimited.  
  Base URL: Sets a base url that is used for the displayed forums if they do not have one specified.  
  Unsubscription URL: Specifies the URL of the page where users can unsubscribe from the forums. The Forum unsubscription web part should be must be placed on this page in order to process unsubscription requests.  

  Post extended options  
  Enable avatars: Indicates if user avatar images should be displayed in the forums.  
  Avatar max side size: Sets the maximum size of avatar images in pixels.  
  Display badge info: Indicates whether badge information should be displayed for post authors in the forums.  
  Allow private messaging: If enabled, an action that allows private messages to be sent to post authors will be displayed in the forums.  
  Allow friendship request: If enabled, an action that allows friendship requests to be sent to post authors will be displayed in the forums.  
  Enable subscription: Indicates if forum users should be allowed to subscribe to forums or posts. Subscribed users receive automatic notifications when a new post is added.  
  On-Site management: Indicates if on-site management of the forums should be allowed. If disabled, moderation and other types of management will only be possible in the administration interface.  

  Hide forum to unauthorized users: If checked, users will not be able to see forums for which they do not have access permissions in the forum group.  
  Redirect unauthorized users: If checked, users who attempt to access a forum for which they are not authorized will be redirected to the logon page. If disabled, the Access denied page will be displayed.  
  Logon page URL: Sets the URL of the logon page to which unauthorized users are redirected if the "Redirect unauthorized users" property is enabled.  
  Access denied page URL: Sets the URL of the page to which users are redirected when attempting to access a forum for which they are not authorized.  

  Abuse report  
  Who can report abuse: Selects which users are allowed to submit abuse reports in the forums.  

  Enable thread paging: Indicates if the list of threads in a forum should be paged. Paging can only be applied if the selected Forum layout supports paging (Flat).  
  Thread paging page size: Sets the number of threads displayed per page.  
  Enable posts paging: Indicates if the posts in a thread should be paged. Paging can only be applied if the selected Forum layout supports paging (Flat).  
  Posts page size: Sets the number of posts displayed per page.  

  Friendly URLs  
  Use friendly URLs: Indicates whether the forums in the group should generate friendly URLs.  
  Friendly Base URL: Sets the path that will serve as the base of the friendly URLs used by the forums, e.g. /Forums. If empty, the URL of the current document is used.  
  URL Extension: Sets the extension that should be used in the friendly URLs. For extensionless URLs, leave the property blank.  

  Tree forum properties  
  Display mode: Sets the mode used to display forum posts if the Forum layout property is set to Tree. Possible options are: Tree mode - the details of the selected post are displayed above the tree. Detail mode - post details are displayed inside the tree for all expanded nodes. Dynamic detail mode - post details are displayed inside the tree for selected nodes.  
  Expand tree: If enabled, the tree displaying posts will be fully expanded by default when a forum is opened. Only applied if the Tree Forum layout is used.  

  Web part container  
  Web part container: Specifies the name of the container (box) to be displayed around the web part. Only the containers defined at Site Manager -> Development -> Web part containers can be selected. The selected container can be edited directly by using the Edit button.  
  Container title: Sets a title for the container. This title is displayed only if the {%ContainerTitle%} macro is used in the code of the container.  
  Container CSS class: CSS class used for the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCSSClass%} macro is used as the value of the Class attribute in the code of the container.  
  Container custom content: Custom content to be used in the container. Applied only if the {%ContainerCustomContent%} macro is used in the code of the container.  
  Hide container on subpages: Indicates if the web part container should be hidden on sub-pages.  

  HTML Envelope  
  Content before: HTML content placed before the web part. Can be used to display a header or add some encapsulating code, such as <div> or <table> elements to achieve the required layout.  
  Content after: HTML content placed after the web part. Can be used to display a footer or close the tags contained in the ContentBefore value, such as </div> or </table> elements.  

  Use update panel: Indicates if an AJAX UpdatePanel container should be used for this web part.  

  Time zones  
  Time zone: Specifies the type of time zone used for the content of the web part.  
  Custom time zone: May be used to assign a custom time zone specifically for the content of this web part. If selected, the time zone will be used regardless of current user or website time zone settings.  

  Partial caching  
  Partial cache minutes: Sets the number of minutes for which the output HTML code of the web part should remain cached. This process is similar to full-page caching, but only for the code of the web part specifically. If left empty or set to 0, partial caching will be not be used for the web part.  
  Partial cache dependencies: Contains a list of cache keys on which the partial cache of the web part depends. When the specified cache items change, the partial cache of the web part is deleted. Each line may only contain a single item. If the Use default cache dependencies box is checked, the default dependencies will be used, which include all possible object changes that could affect the specific web part.  

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