Kentico CMS 6.0 Developer's Guide

Integration with workflow and versioning

Integration with workflow and versioning

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Integration with workflow and versioning

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WebDAV editing fully integrates with workflow and versioning. The following text explains behavior specifics of the system when editing attachments or files in file fields of documents to which workflow and versioning is applied. The behavior is explained separately for each of the two supported WebDAV modes.


Edit mode


When there is a workflow defined for a document, the same rules apply when editing its file fields or attachments using WebDAV Edit mode as when editing the document's content. When its file fields or attachments are edited using WebDAV Edit mode, a new version of the document is created, check-in/check-out is performed etc., based on settings of the workflow applied to the document.


Browse mode


In Browse mode, documents under workflow or their attachments can only be edited by users that are allowed to edit the document in the current workflow step. Please note that because WebDAV only works with Windows Authentication, the account used to log on to Windows needs to be imported as a user account in Kentico CMS. If you allow editing in a workflow step to roles where the CMS user is member, Browse mode editing for the Windows account will be allowed. If a user tries to open a document in a workflow step that they can't approve, the document is opened as read-only.


When a document under workflow with check-out/check-in enabled is opened in Browse mode, it is checked out automatically. A checked out document can only be edited by the user who checked it out, other users can only open it as read-only. When it is saved and closed, automatic check-in is performed so that the document can be edited by other users again.