Kentico CMS 6.0 Developer's Guide

Database tables

Database tables

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Database tables

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The following database tables are used to store information about users:


CMS_User - contains records representing users.

CMS_UserSite - stores relationships between users and sites. Each entry indicates that a specific user account is available on a given site.

CMS_UserRole - stores relationships between users and roles. Each entry indicates that a specific role is assigned to a given user. This table is also used to store the expiration date for roles that are assigned for a limited time period.

CMS_UserCulture - stores relationships between users and content cultures. Each entry indicates that a user may edit the content of documents belonging to a specified culture/language (if the given user is an editor).

CMS_UserSettings - stores the advanced settings of users.




The following tables store information about roles and permissions:


CMS_Role - contains records representing roles.

CMS_Permission - stores permissions.

CMS_RolePermission - stores relationships between roles and permissions. Each entry indicates that a permission is granted to a given role.

CMS_RoleUIElement - stores relationships between roles and UI elements. Each entry indicates that a specified UI element will be displayed to members of a given role.

