In addition to the properties from Paging controls - common properties, the following properties of the UniPager control can be set or used in the API:
Property Name |
Description |
Sample Value |
DataSourceItemsCount |
The amount of items in the data source. |
DirectPageControlID |
The ID of the control used for direct page changing. |
DisplayFirstLastAutomatically |
If enabled, the first and last buttons of the pager will be displayed only when there is no other way of accessing the first or last page through the pager. |
DisplayPreviousNextAutomatically |
If enabled, the previous and next buttons of the pager will be displayed only when there is no other way of accessing the previous or next page through the pager. |
EnvelopeTag |
The current envelope tag. |
GroupSize |
The amount of page links displayed in one group. |
HidePagerForSinglePage |
If true, the pager is hidden if only one page is displayed. |
HTMLEnvelopeRenderingMode |
The HTML envelope rendering mode for the current page. |
"Always" "Never" "OnlyForUpdatePanel" |
PageControl |
The ID of the control to be paged. |
PagedControl |
The object of the control to be paged. |
PagerMode |
Determines the type of the used paging parameter. It can either be passed through the URL (QueryString) or through postback (PostBack). |
"PostBack" "QueryString" |
QueryStringKey |
Name of the query string parameter that contains the current page number. This is useful if there are multiple UniPager controls on the same page. |
"pagenumber" |
RelatedData |
Custom data connected to the object. |